Where to find the Ivory Coin's Brooch in Assassin's Creed Mirage
If you want an audience with the Treasurer, you’ll need the Ivory Coin’s Brooch first.
Basim will have just attended The Bazaar’s Grand Auction in Assassin’s Creed Mirage, and for a small fee, will have gotten his hands on a highly sought-after hairpin. This hairpin is key to us meeting with and finally unveiling who the Treasurer is, but we’ll need to gain a meeting with her first.
To gain an audience with the Treasurer, it’ll soon become apparent that you need the Ivory Coin Brooch to actually be able to speak with her directly, and this item requires a little bit of investigation to come by. For those who need a push in the right direction, here’s where to find the Ivory Coin’s Brooch in Assassin’s Creed Mirage.
Where to find the Ivory Coin's Brooch in Assassin's Creed Mirage
To find the Ivory Coin's Brooch, you'll need to loot it from the Ivory Coin Guild in the Bazaar. Here's how.
After attending the Great Auction and securing the hairpin in Assassin’s Creed Mirage, Basim can go on his merry way and attempt to meet with the Treasurer directly.
Once you reach her chamber, however, you’ll find a merchant and guard arguing. Once you try to speak with the guard for yourself, he’ll tell you the same thing he told the prior merchant; you need an Ivory Coin Brooch to gain an audience with the Treasurer. No brooch? No entry.

Turn around and look at the merchant who was just arguing with the guard. Slowly follow him to another merchant that sells spices; he’ll be begging her for information, too. Speak with her for yourself, where you’ll be able to bribe further intel from her about how to get an Ivory Coin’s Brooch. This will set you back a Merchant Token or 150 Dirham.
She will explain that the Ivory Coin is an elite group of merchants. Next, follow your quest marker to their guild in the Bazaar, and assassinate the guard by the entrance.
Continue into the following room, where two guards are guarding an Ivory Coin Brooch. You know the drill. Assassinate them both (which is easily done with the skill that allows you to assassinate a second enemy after a successful assassination).
With the guards quelled, steal the Ivory Coin Brooch from the desk, and return to the guard in front of the Treasurer’s chamber with it. You’ll then be led into the chamber by the guard and told to wait for the Treasurer to appear.

Sure enough, you’ll soon be let into her main room to speak with her. Enjoy what comes next!
For more on Assassin’s Creed Mirage, take a look at where to find the hidden oasis Nehal talks about, and where to find all outfits across 9th Century Baghdad.