How to become an Astronaut in Bitlife
If you fancy stepping foot on Mars or trying to find aliens, here’s how to become an astronaut in Bitlife.
Bitlife allows players to fulfil every ambition imaginable as a Bitizen in the adult life simulation game. Whether you wish to be a supermodel, a business tycoon, or wish to be a space-faring astronaut, it’s all possible. That said, some careers are much harder to get than others — becoming an astronaut especially — as they require hard-work and, well, real-life cash to access.
The astronaut career is available after purchasing the Astronaut Job Pack or Boss Mode Expansion Pack in Bitlife, and you unfortunately won’t be able to go ahead and land on the Moon or explore Mars without it. If you do have the required expansion, however, here’s how to become an astronaut in Bitlife.
How to become an Astronaut in Bitlife
First things first, to become an astronaut in Bitlife, you want to have a high Smarts attribute from the get go.
This is easily done using the God Mode Expansion Pack, but if you don’t have that, you’ll need to ensure you’re studying hard at school, reading books, and going to the library. Having good Health and Happiness attributes will also benefit your character overall.
It’s also worth noting that you will need the Boss Mode Expansion Pack or Astronaut Job Pack to have access to this career.
Advance through your childhood and education, making sure to study hard at school and participate in extracurricular activities. You can also attend Space Camp via the ‘Activities’ tab from the age of 13 to help you out with your future career.
If you have capacity to do so, it’s also worth completing some freelance work or getting a part-time job as we’re soon going to need money to take flight lessons and take part in activities that keep our Smarts and Health high.
Once you turn 18 and are prompted to apply to university, go and study a degree relevant to space-faring. These include Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics.
While studying, it’s worth starting Flight Lessons if you have the money to do so. Under the ‘Activities’ tab, select ‘Licenses’, and select ‘Flight School’. You then need to take fourty hours of lessons overall to be able to get your Pilot’s License, which you’ll need as an astronaut.

You don’t need to necessarily get the Pilot’s License while at university and can still continue to study for it while later in the Space Academy, so don’t worry if you fail your test initially.
Once you have your degree, open up the ‘Occupations’ tab and under ‘Special Careers’, select Astronaut and join the Space Academy.

Having joined the Space Academy successfully, you then want to complete the Fitness, Flight, and Technical training until your Space Academy progress is in the green. If you do not train and age up, you will end up dropping out of the Academy, which is no good if you want to become an astronaut soon!
When your training is done, apply to NASA — or your character’s equivalent in their country — to become an astronaut, though some countries do not have space programs. If this is the case for you, you will need to emigrate to a country that has a space program, such as the United States or United Kingdom, to get started.

As an astronaut, if you wish to work your way up the ranks and actually visit outer space, you’ll need to keep your reputation high among your colleagues and complete various activities; start out with scanning for cosmic anomalies and submitting your findings, engage in fitness training, and take part in flight simulators.
As you are promoted, begin going on regular missions alongside your training to continue climbing the ranks. Aside from that, have fun exploring — and communicating with — outer space!
For more on Bitlife, take a look at how to make enemies, how to become a brain surgeon, and how to have twins or triplets.