Best jobs in Bitlife
The best jobs in Bitlife pay well and offer unique activities to take part in.
The best jobs in Bitlife tend to be ones that have plenty of different activities for you to take part in, rake in loads of cash, and in some instances, grant your character plenty of fame (or infamy) too. While most jobs are simply a way of making some money and friends as you do other things during your time as a Bitizen, there are some career paths that are well worth experiencing at least once.
Take the astronaut career, for example, which gives players the opportunity to explore space and make contact with aliens. There’s also life as a royal, which guarantees you’ll never run out of money or fame, and for those boasting good looks, you could try working as a model or adult film star. There’s loads of possibilities, but here’s what the best jobs in Bitlife are.
Best jobs in Bitlife

Special Careers - Model, Actor, etc.
All of the Special Careers in Bitlife, which are accessible using the Boss Mode Expansion Pack, are good fun to experience and often come with a pretty high salary if you are successful. These jobs are as follows:
- Actor
- Musician
- Supermodel
- Professional Athlete
- Astronaut
- Politician
- Street Hustler
- Mafia
The Astronaut career is particularly fun given than with enough training, you can go and explore space or have a chance of making contact with aliens. Similarly, as an Actor or Musician, you’re able to choose what type of music or movies you make/take part in if you’re successful at the job. It also helps that all of these job roles pay well, while also offering unique activities to complete during your character’s life.

Brain Surgeon
Being a Brain Surgeon is one of the highest-paying jobs in Bitlife that isn’t locked behind a microtransaction. All you need for the job is high Smarts and a relevant degree in science, then it will become available under full-time job listings.
Here’s our guide on how to become a Brain Surgeon.
While not as high-paying as the Brain Surgeon role, those who take up the Writer job in Bitlife have a chance at becoming acclaimed authors. For this job, all you need is a relevant degree in English or Journalism and high Smarts, then it’ll become available under full-time job listings.
Being a CEO or the President of a business is not the most riveting stuff in the world, and it also takes a lot of work experience and education to get there. Most players might not even reach the CEO role in their lifetimes, and if they do, they may then find that their character is rather old.
That said, if you go ahead and get a degree in Business or a relevant subject and begin climbing the corporate ladder, you will find yourself raking in the cash. With this cash, players with the Boss Mode Expansion Pack can look at starting or acquiring their own business under the Special Careers section of Bitlife.

Running your own company means deciding on and adjusting campaigns and products to make you more money, while also looking after your staff.
Here’s our guide on how to become a CEO for more information.
Adult Film Star
The Adult Film Star is another high-paying, somewhat entertaining job role that you can land without the need for high Smarts or a degree.
Instead, you will need high Looks and Health to perform well in this career, which can appear as a full-time job listing. You may need to start life in the adult film industry as a camera-man or writer before being able to get in front of the camera, though.
Music Composer
If you don’t have Special Careers available and still fancy trying your hand in the music industry, you can apply to be a Music Composer or Disc Jockey. With some luck and plenty of hard work, both job roles can earn a significant amount of money and even attract fame.
Both job roles can be found in the full-time job listings under the ‘Occupations’ tab in Bitlife, though you’ll want a music degree first if you wish to become a composer, and good Looks if you wish to be a DJ. The Music Composer role is accompanied by a keyboard emoji, while the Disc Jockey role has a music note emoji beside it.

Being part of a royal family in Bitlife is a career path in and of itself, given that you’re not allowed any other job while being expected to perform royal duties. The job comes with excessive amounts of money, lots of fame, and the ability to do whatever you want because, well, you’re royalty!
To be a royal, you will need the God Mode Expansion Pack or to hope that you are born as one. Take a look at our guide on how to become the Queen for more.
For more on Bitlife, take a look at how to rob a bank, how to escape jail, how to make enemies, and how to have twins or triplets.