How to become a Dentist in Bitlife
It’s not quite the tooth fairy, but here’s how to become a dentist in Bitlife.
Bitlife, as an adult life simulation game, lets your wildest — and worst — dreams come true. It’s up to you to play God over your character’s lives and determine whether they’re successful or shunned by society for whatever reason. If the former sounds appealing to you, becoming a dentist is a well-paying career that isn’t too hard to get if you’ve been paying attention at school.
A requirement for the Finding Nemo Challenge in Bitlife, being a dentist isn’t the most riveting career path to go down, but it is stable and guarantees you a wad of cash each year. Without further ado, here’s how to become a dentist in Bitlife.
How to become a Dentist in Bitlife
To become a dentist in Bitlife, you first want to ensure that you have a high enough Smarts attribute to get you through school and university. Players who have purchased the God Mode Expansion Pack will be able to do this during character creation. Otherwise, you will need to study hard at school, read books, and go to the library to increase your Smarts.
Put your character through school, and when you are eventually prompted to apply for university, choose a medical or scientific degree subject such as Biology or Nursing.

Continue to study hard until you have completed your degree. With the new qualification under your belt, open up the ‘Occupations’ tab, select ‘Education’, and apply for Dental School.
Now, all you need to do is age up until you have completed Dental School. Then, open up the ‘Occupations’ tab again and browse the available full-time job listings, which is where the Dentist job will appear.
You can apply to be a Dentist outright without any prior work experience provided you have completed Dental School successfully. If the job does not appear in the full-time job listings, you can age up or fully close and reopen the app to be presented with a new list of jobs to browse.

That’s all you need to do to become a dentist in Bitlife; be careful to not spend all of your £120k+ salary at once though!
For more on Bitlife, take a look at your chances of winning the lottery, how to have twins or triplets, how to get famous, and how to make enemies.