What does Karma do in Bitlife
Here’s exactly what the Karma attribute does in Bitlife, and how to improve or reduce it.
Those playing Bitlife regularly will no doubt be tempted by the God Mode Expansion Pack, which allows players a lot more customisation options when it comes to living their next life as Bitizen. If you’ve taken the plunge and purchased the expansion, you’ll find that you can customise your Bitizens to your heart's content before beginning their life.
More specifically, you can edit a character’s attributes, which consist of Looks, Smarts, Fertility, Discipline, Health, and more. A lot of these stats are self-explanatory, but one of them — Karma — has a few players stumped as to what the attribute actually provides your Bitizen with. With that in mind, here’s exactly what Karma does in Bitlife.
What does Karma do in Bitlife
Karma in Bitlife determines whether good or bad things happen to you as a result of your actions in Bitlife. For example, those with a low Karma attribute are much more likely to run into bad luck; this could mean getting caught when trying to commit crimes, getting sick often, being unlucky in love, and so forth.

Those with the God Mode Expansion Pack can choose their characters Karma attribute before starting a new life, and actions then taken throughout that life will impact the Karma value. Those without God Mode will start with a random amount of Karma that can then change depending on their actions.
How to improve Karma in Bitlife
Ultimately, doing positive, nice things as a Bitizen will improve your Karma, and as a result, more nice and positive things will happen to your character too.
Whenever you are presented with a decision to make in Bitlife, the friendlier, more polite options will grant you more Karma. For example, how you act as a child when going for on vacation — whether you’re grateful or not — can impact your Karma.
Your Karma can also be increased by the following activities and actions:
- Apologising to friends and family rather than arguing
- Meditation
- Giving money and possessions away, or donating them to charity
- Helping people in need - i.e. when you see a crime, contact the police
- Compliment your friends and family, giving them good advice when they need it
How to reduce Karma in Bitlife
To reduce Karma in Bitlife, you want to be a real piece of work. Whenever you are presented with the opportunity to be mean, rude, or violent, take it. This means giving bad advice to friends, attacking people where possible, insulting classmates and teachers at school etc.
The more bad, negative actions you complete, the more negativity you can expect to affect you and your Bitizens life.
Your Karma can also be decreased by the following activities and actions:
- Arguing with and insulting friends and family
- Engaging in any criminal activity
- Going to prison
- Cheating on romantic partners
- Taking drugs
- Not using protection when having sex and spreading STI’s
- Not attending friends and family members’ funerals
- Trying to avoid the law - fleeing police, escaping prison etc.
For more on Bitlife, take a look at how to rob a bank, how to get famous, how to become an Astronaut, and how to make enemies.