Cyberpunk 2077 modder steps in to stop you accidentally running into your romantic interest's weird mute clone if you visit the wrong sofa snogging address
They'll now leave a nice note instead, which doesn't say 'Why are you in my house, you fool, I'm supposed to be doing a thing with you elsewhere!'
Good news, people who make plans and then explicably do something different - a new Cyberpunk 2077 mod looks like it'll be right up your alley. Basically, it stops V from muffing things up by making plans to do something with their partner, and then running into a weird placeholder version of them left hanging out at home.
This handy immersion tweak has been put together by prolific Cyberpunk modder Deceptious, who made their own whole new intro to the game late last year, and has previously added-in new quests and improved CD Projekt's romance hangouts.
Their latest work - 'Gone Away - Better Partner Suspended Behaviour' - draws its name from a song by The Offspring, which earns it as least 50 extra cool points.
Basically, what it does is replace a weird, mute version of romantic partners like Judy, Panam, and River that can be found hanging out in those characters' homes if you pay a visit when they're registered by the game as being "busy/suspended" - usually meaning they're supposed to be meeting you somewhere else in the game world for a romantic hangout or modded quest.
Instead of running into them in their house, as you can do when they've got nothing going on and get a character who's behaving normally, the mod makes it so that when they're supposed to be somewhere like your apartment, you just find a note or two in their home telling V they've headed out. It doesn't ask you why you're possibly breaking in when they're not around, but hey, they're loving and forgiving people.
Once they've finished with whatever they were busy with, you'll then find them chilling in their digs as normal once more, probably wondering who's been in and forgotten to flush their loo. It's just a little tweak, but a handy one that could save you from a very surreal encounter that could permanently colour your immersive simulation of being able send someone in a dystopian future messages ending in xD.
If you're after more Cyberpunk 2077 community stuff, one fan released their own hour-long Cyberpunk film made in-game earlier this month.