Dragon's Dogma 2 A Case of Sculptor's Block guide
How to get Klark's griffin sculpture and petrify a griffin
The Dragon’s Dogma 2 Case of Sculptor’s Block quest seems straightforward, until you speak to the artist in question and hear his rather unusual request. The process of petrifying a griffin is pretty arduous and time consuming, though once you know where to look, the battle’s more than half over already.
Our Dragon’s Dogma 2 Case of Sculptor’s Block guide outlines how to start Klark’s quest, where to find Fulvio, and how to find and petrify a griffin.
Dragon's Dogma 2 A Case of Sculptor's Block
How to start A Case of Sculptor’s Block
If you’re looking for more quests to tackle and haven’t managed to start A Case of Sculptor’s Block, you’re in luck. It’s one of the more straightforward quests you can tackle early in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
Head to Vernworth, Vermund’s capital city, and make your way to the southwestern corner and the entrance to the noble quarters. If you follow the main street, you should have Klark approach you with his sculpture problem without you having to do anything to make it happen. Ideally. I went through the noble quarter a few times and never even saw Klark. Then, one random night after I looted his house, Klark approached me and asked for help.

The short version of that is, if you don’t find Klark, try resting at an inn or waiting for time to pass, then visit the noble quarter again.
Klark asks you to get his sculpture from an artist in Battahl named Fulvio, so off you trot to the southern kingdom to help him out – whenever you’re ready. A Case of Sculptor’s Block isn’t a time-sensitive quest, so you’re free to shelve this one until you’re in Battahl on other business.
Visit Fulvio in Battahl
Assuming you can enter Battahl without incident, this step is the most straightforward in the quest. Follow Battahl’s roads south and east until you reach the capital city of Bakbattahl. Visit the residential ward and find Fulvio. He has one request for you: Keep a griffin busy so he can sketch it. Bonus points if you petrify it, and by bonus points, we mean a happy Fulvio, an effusive Klark, and more money for you.
How to petrify the griffin
There’s only one way we know of to petrify a griffin, or anything for that matter, and it involves using a Medusa head in battle. The Medusa’s lair is southwest of Bakbattahl, in the area circled on the map below.

Defeating the Medusa will reward you with its head, and then you’ll want to head to the griffin nest as soon as possible to keep the item from decaying. Some players have said you need the perfectly preserved Medusa head for the quest to work properly, which requires a, frankly, stupid amount of effort to obtain. We finished the quest without issue using the standard head that drops when you defeat Medusa, so it doesn’t seem like a strict requirement.
Griffin nest location
The griffin nest is comparatively easy to find, and you might’ve already seen it when you first entered Battahl. It’s north of Bakbattahl, east of the road you traveled upon first traversing the region. Inside is a griffin, as you’d expect, and it’s your usual, bog-standard bird with multiple health bars and a selection of powerful attacks.

Assuming you have the Medusa head, equip it, and use it as soon as the battle starts. The griffin turns to stone, and Fulvio takes as long as he needs to sketch it. If you don’t have the head, you’ll need to drag the battle out as long as possible, until Fulvio says he’s finished.
After that, wait a few days, visit Fulvio again, and go back to Vernworth to speak with Klark to get your reward.
If you're after more Dragon's Dogma 2 help, check out our Sphinx riddles guide for answers to every riddle and Saint of the Slums guide for how to get the quest's proper ending.