Best Elden Ring Incantations for early and late game
'Cause I gotta have faith, faith, faith.
Update: With Shadow of the Erdtree now out in the wild, we have updated this page with some of the best Incantations in the DLC and where to find them. These are at the bottom of the page so you can avoid spoilers.
Only the most pious Tarnished can call upon the raw power of the best Incantations in Elden Ring and DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree.
Whether it's calling down devastating bolts of crackling lightning or buffing your character with holy power, faithful characters have more than a few unique tricks up the sleeves of their robes. The best Incantations in Elden Ring are a bit trickier to figure out compared to their sorcerous counterparts.
Incantations are difficult to use effectively thanks to long casting times, high FP requirements, and often limited damage. Many of the best ones are locked behind late-game content, but even with those, you’ll want high Dexterity and the Radagon’s Icon Talisman to shorten your casting time.
In addition, if you're going for the Legendary Sorceries and Incantations achievement, you'll want our guide on where to find all legendary spells in Elden Ring
Best Elden Ring Incantations for the early game
There are plenty of Incantations to pick from in Elden Ring, but here are the ones you'll find yourself using most during the early-game.
Catch Flame
You should get your hands on Catch Flame as soon as possible, unless you’re a Prophet, in which case you start with it. Everyone else can buy it from Brother Corhyn in Roundtable Hold for a mere 600 Runes, or later in Altus Plateau if you’ve progressed his quest without buying the Incantation.
Catch Flame’s in-game description is a bit vague and undersells the spell. It sparks a flame in your hand and shoots it forward in a small cone. Low FP cost and fast casting time make it invaluable early on, especially since Flame Sling takes so long to cast, and only requires 8 Faith, which every class except the Astrologer and Vagabond starts with anyway.
Flame, Cleanse Me
Of all the Incantations to choose from, Flame, Cleanse Me, is perhaps the most unimpressive. This is mainly because it isn't actually used for dealing damage or any other flashy effects; it simply cleanses you of Scarlet Rot and poison build-up. Now, this might not seem vital if you're at the beginning of your game, but believe us, it is.
When venturing through Caelid or down into the Lake of Rot, you'll find this Incantation is incredibly useful for navigating tough environments packed with Scarlet Rot. It can also be used to cleanse yourself during a fight against an enemy using Scarlet Rot, like Malenia, and only requires a measly 12 Faith to use.
You won't need this Incantation all of the time, but when you do, you really need it. You can grab it from the Fire Monk camp south of the Church of Vows, where Miriel resides.
Bestial Sling
Bestial Sling is one of the first Beast Incantations you’ll get from Gurranq after giving him Deathroot, and it’s incredibly versatile. It fires a spray of stones in a short arc in front of you, and while it may not sound like much, there’s almost no casting time. It also has incredibly low FP cost of 7 and only requires 10 Faith. It might not do the damage of Rock Sling, but it’s much more versatile.
The Flame of Frenzy
In Callu Baptismal Church on the Weeping Peninsula lies a corpse, and on that corpse is the Flame of Frenzy Incantation. With a Faith requirement of just 16, it’s one most Faith builds can use right away, and it’ll see you through the rest of the game as well.

After a brief casting time, you’ll shoot beams of flame from your eyes that damage all enemies in front of you in a fairly wide range. There are a couple of downsides, though. It doesn’t stagger enemies, meaning they’ll still keep moving toward you during the spell, and it builds up your madness meter. Use it too often, and you’ll succumb to madness.
Flame of the Fell God
One impressive, Legendary Incantation that you can get your hands on relatively early is the Flame of the Fell God. This Incantation is one that you'll see in action during your fight with the Fire Giant, but you can get it for yourself by defeating Adan, Thief of Fire at the Malefactor's Evergaol in Liurnia of the Lakes.
It requires a whopping 41 Faith to wield, so it might be a short while before you can use it, but it will see you summoning a large ball of flame that tracks an enemy before exploding on them. It's definitely situational, but it's worth seeing if you can make it work for you.
Frenzied Burst
The Frenzied Burst Incantation requires just 22 Faith and releases a flame from your eyes that enemies will struggle to dodge. Even in fights with NPC Invaders, you'll find enemies struggle to dodge this time and time again. It also inflicts madness, as well as being highly difficult to avoid, making it good fun to use in PvP too.
This particular Incantation can be found in Liurnia of the Lakes, near the Church of Inhibition. It is dropped by a Teardrop Scarab, so you don't have to do anything too tricky to get your hands on it.
Honed Bolt
Honed Bolt is one you can pick up in the early portions of the mid-game, and it’ll serve you well through the rest of the game and even in PvP matches. It generates a lightning strike on your target and, unlike Lightning Strike and Lightning Spear, it’s much more difficult for enemies to dodge.
Corhyn and Miriel sell this one after you give them the Dragon Cult Prayer Book, which you’ll get from the Leyndell Knight near Liurnia’s Artist Shack. It also only needs 24 Faith to use.
Stone of Gurranq

After you give the Bestial Clergyman six Deathroot, he’ll hand over the Stone of Gurranq Incantation. This powerful spell lobs a massive boulder at enemies and deals heavy damage, all for the measly price of 15 FP. You only need 13 Faith to use it as well, so even though it’s a bit tricky to control, the payoff is worth it.
Ekzykes’ Decay
You can swap this with Rotten Breath if you don’t feel like defeating Ekzykes, though it’s not quite as effective. Either way, the point is the same. The Incantation summons a dragon head that spews rot breath in a broad area in front of you and in such quantities that it’s almost guaranteed the target(s) will end up with Scarlet Rot.
Most bosses, Malenia aside, are susceptible to Scarlet Rot, so this is a handy one to pull out during big fights. Just be aware the casting time is incredibly slow, similar to other Dragon Incantations.
Ekzykes’ Decay is available at the Cathedral of Dragon Communion after you defeat the dragon itself, and you can purchase Rotten Breath there without having to defeat Ekzykes. Ekzykes’ Decay requires 23 Faith and 15 Arcane, while Rotten Breath is a bit more accessible with 15 Faith and 12 Arcane.
Swarm of Flies
We wouldn't necessarily class Swarm of Flies as an early-game Incantation considering that its found in a late-game area, but it just so happens to be a late-game area that is easy to access from the beginning of the game and a popular Rune-farming spot: Mohgwyn Palace.
This Incantation is found on a corpse that is north of the Palace Approach Ledge-Road Site of Grace, so once you do the legwork require to get to the area, it's very easy to grab it. It also only requires 11 Faith and 16 Arcane to use, so it's easy to take advantage of from the get-go.
The clue is in the name with how this Incantation works; it'll release a swarm of bloodflies in front of you that then overwhelm and attack enemies, causing Bleed build-up. It's great for a Bleed build, and just in general for devastating enemies with Blood-loss amidst a fight.
Best Elden Ring Incantations for the mid-late game
Magma Breath
You can purchase Magma Breath from the Cathedral of Dragon Communion after defeating the Magma Wyrm near Fort Laiedd, and it’s absolutely worth the effort. It summons a wyrm head that spews magma in front of you, and the magma lingers, damaging any enemy standing in it. It only requires 14 Faith and 10 Arcane, so even non-Faith builds could put this one to good use.
Scouring Black Flame
Scouring Black Flame comes from the Dragonskin Apostle in Windmill VIllage and requires 28 Faith to use. This one shoots an arc of black flame in front of you. It’s basic, but effective and has a fairly short casting time.
Golden Vow
Golden Vow is good for PvE but really shines in PvP. It’s hidden in the Corpse-Stench Shack, which you’ll eventually reach if you follow the road west of Windmill Village. There’s an NPC invasion here and some deadly dogs, so be aware of that before you start leisurely exploring.

Golden Vow costs 47 FP and requires 25 Faith, and it buffs your and your allies’ defense and attack. It’s pretty situational, since you can use the Flask of Wondrous Physik for your own buffs, but it’s also handy in a pinch.
Giantsflame Take Thee
Giantsflame Take Thee is one you won’t find until much later in the game, but it’s an excellent choice for any fire user. You’ll need to get the Giant’s Prayer Book from Guardian Arghanthy near Guardians’ Garrison in Mountaintops of the Giants, southwest of the Whiteridge Road Site of Grace.
The Incantation costs 13,000 Runes and requires 30 Faith. It hurls a huge fireball forward that explodes on contact, dealing heavy damage. It can be charged and, better yet, it’s faster even than Flame Sling, so you can use it in most situations.
Burn, O Flame
Burn, O Flame is one of the choices you get for giving Enia the Remembrance of the Fire Giant in Roundtable Hold. It has an even lower Faith requirement than the Giantsflame Incantation, only needing 27 Faith, and shoots flames out from the ground in all directions around you. The locations are a bit random, and it takes a while to cast, but the damage output against larger enemies makes it a great pick for Faith builds anyway.
Crucible Breath
All the Crucible Incantations are worth using, including the Tail, but we recommend Aspect of the Crucible: Breath above all. It lets you breathe golden fire in a wide arc and can be charged to last longer, and unlike the Dragon breath spells, this one has a much shorter casting time too.
You’ll need to defeat Rykard - whether you complete the Volcano Manor quest doesn't matter - and then travel back to the boss arena and kill Tanith. This triggers a fight with her Knight, and he drops the Aspect after you win. It requires 27 Faith to use.
Wrath of Gold
Tucked away in Altus Plateau’s forest of Wormfaces is the Woodfolk ruins, directly east of the Minor Erdtree. Hit the floor in the middle to reveal a staircase that takes you to a chamber where you’ll find the Wrath of Gold Incantation.
It’s a powerful spell, but one with caveats. Like most Erdtree Incantations, it has a high FP cost (40) and a high Faith requirement (32). After a short casting time, Wrath of Gold sends out a golden shockwave that pushes enemies and deals damage in a wide radius, so it’s a fair tradeoff assuming your FP can withstand the hit.
Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike
You won’t get this one until Crumbling Farum Azula, where you can find the Ancient Dragon Prayer Book near the Crumbling Beast Grave Site of Grace. Give it to Miriel or Corhyn, and you can purchase the Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike Incantation.
If you’ve fought Fortissax, you’ll have a general idea what this one does. After a brief casting time, you’ll fire red lightning in a circle around you. It’s chargeable and has a low Faith requirement of 26, making it a solid choice as you head into the endgame.
Best Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Incantations
Knight's Lightning Spear
The Knight's Lightning Spear Incantation is easily missed, given that it is found inside the maze that is Scorpion River Catacombs in Ancient Ruins of Rauh. It's an impressive Dragon Cult Incantation that hurls a lightning spear at a target, before hurling more, smaller spears at them, and is a must-have for those who love using lightning to sear through bosses.
You'll need 36 Faith to use this one, and while in Scorpion River Catacombs, look out for large, bulging eyes that dish out Deathblight. You'll find the Incant in a room guarded by them.
Multilayered Ring of Light
The Multilayered Ring of Light Incantation is one that you might've seen Inquisitor enemies using. It sends out a multilayered disc at opponents that continuously deals damage, and can stun some foes in place.
To get your hands on this one, you'll need to venture into the Stone Coffin Fissure and progress through the area until you come to a Spectral Misbegotten and some skeletons. Kill the Misbegotten (or fall off the edge and wait for him to eagerly follow suit as I accidentally did), and the Incantation is all yours. You'll need 36 Faith to use it though!
Pest-Thread Spears
Pest-Thread Spears is a new personal favourite Incantation, and it wasn't a hard feat considering I also love Pest Threads from the base game. This Servant of Rot Incantation, which costs just 26 Faith to use, will turn pest threads into two spears that are hurled at the target.
I'm yet to see how this one fares against Elden Beast compared to its counterpart, but I'm looking forward to it. With exceptional range and tracking, and even more damage, these Pest Thread Spears might just be the best new bit of magic added to the game, alongside the Impenetrable Thorns Sorcery.
You can easily grab this one after having paid a visit to the Church of the Bud, Entrance Site of Grace. From the Grace, go back on yourself and down the stairs. Then, go behind the stairs. You'll find the Pest-Thread Spears here, guarded by multiple Pests.
Fire Serpent
A Messmer Fire Incantation, the Fire Serpent launches a swift flame - with great tracking - at an enemy. It can be fired off in quick succession too, while only using 11 FP at a time. You'll need just 16 Faith to use it, but bear in mind that it has pretty poor range compared to other flaming orb spells.
To get your hands on the Fire Serpent Incantation, you'll want to travel up the ladder that is in front of the Storehouse, Back Section Site of Grace. At the top, head right until you come to the balcony with a sorcerer's corpse on it. You'll find the Incantation on his body.
Ghostflame Breath
We all love a bit of Ghostflame (inflicting it, anyway), so Ghostflame Breath - a Dragon Communion Incantation - is a welcome treat. Costing 23 Faith and 15 Arcane to use, this Incantation conjures a dragon above the caster's head that'll spew Ghostflame at opponents.
To get your hands on the Incantation, all you need to do is pay a visit to the Grand Altar of Dragon Communion, which is south of where you exit Dragon's Pit. Here, interact with the altar, where you'll be able to trade three Dragon Hearts for Ghostflame Breath.
Golden Arcs
Golden Arcs is another Incantation you'll be familiar with if you've had any run-ins with Inquisitor enemies. Requiring just 22 Faith to use, these will swiftly cast multiple spectral arcs at enemies, damaging and staggering them.
You'll also find it relatively early on in Moorth Ruins. Head southeast of the Grace and keep your eyes peeled for openings in the ruins that lead below. The first one you will likely run into is where the Shattered Stone Talisman is. Rather than jump down here (where you'll likely die from fall damage), take a short walk northeast to find another entrance leading down below.
Immediately take a right, and you'll come to the area beneath the Talisman that we were just staring down into. Kill the Inquisitors and Golden Arcs is found in the chest here.
Midra's Flame of Frenzy
Midra's Flame of Frenzy allows you to summon the Lord of Frenzied Flame's bulbous head and spew Frenzyflame from it at opponents. Frenzyflame will be spewed for as long as you choose to cast it (or until your FP runs out), and you can use it while moving. Nice.
Costing you 41 Faith to use, it's perhaps not the best Incantation to go for unless you're leveling Faith already for other things, but it is good fun if you don't mind trading a little bit of your sanity to use it. It's best for AoE and mobs, and can be really good for large bosses you can get beneath, but it won't be great for other tough foes.
To get Midra's Flame of Frenzy, you must defeat Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame and trade his Remembrance at Roundtable Hold.
If you're looking for more help in The Lands Between, check out our comprehensive set of Elden Ring guides.