FATALITY Mortal Kombat 1 review: A brave new world with some of the same old problems
A new start for the legendary series. But has it left something precious in the past?
Conan the Barbarian is there too, I guess.
BLOODY MURDER All Mortal Kombat 1 fatalities and how to do them
Here are all the fatalities you can use in MK1.
BONE TO PICK How to unlock Havik in Mortal Kombat 1
Everyone's favourite fighter from Chaos Realm. Here's how to unlock Havik in Mortal Kombat 1.

BLOODY MONEY | "It often discriminates against people" Mortal Kombat 1 champion SonicFox speaks on Esports World Cup woes
Tech-throw | Mortal Kombat 1 player wins $565 at tournament, smashes $3,000 light

MOD OFF | Warner Bros. is allegedly "threatening to destroy" a popular YouTube modding channel over, er, some silly Mortal Kombat 1 videos

SWITCHING PORTS | Nintendo acquires the latest studio to depart Embracer's lovely, hunky-dory friendship group
BRUTAL BARS | This Mortal Kombat 1 mod will let you settle Kendrick Lamar and Drake's beef in extra-fatal Def Jam style

GET OVER HERE | Datality! Mortal Kombat 2 to hit theatres in late 2025

FINALITY | 5 years on from Mortal Kombat 11's series high-point, the games industry seems intent on making it the last MK I'll ever love

FIGHT! | Mortal Kombat 1 players on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S can enjoy crossplay with next week's patch

TASTE IT | Peacemaker wants to get naughty with Mileena in his debut Mortal Kombat 1 trailer

YOU'RE SQUIDDING ME | Mortal Kombat 1's Quan Chi uses too many tentacles for my liking in first gameplay trailer

FREE IS BETTER | Warner offers two free fatalities in response to Mortal Kombat 1 Halloween backlash

PAY-TALITY | Mortal Kombat 1 continues to illustrate that gross microtransactions work

BLOODY MURDER | All Mortal Kombat 1 fatalities and how to do them

VIOLENCE IS GOLDEN | The Best Ultraviolent Spectacle in Gaming

RAISED VOICES | As the WGA writers' strike looks set to end, a massive video game strike could be just around the corner
YOU'RE OUT OF TOUCH | People are already finding Mortal Kombat 1's ‘touch of death’ combos

KOME ON | Mortal Kombat 1 on Switch is so laughably bad, fans are demanding refunds

NOT A FOOT THING | Mortal Kombat 1 pays homage to Quentin Tarantino with this brilliant fatality

Gore-o | Watch all the base Mortal Kombat 1 fatalities here, if you have the stomach for it

BONE TO PICK | How to unlock Havik in Mortal Kombat 1

FATALITY | Mortal Kombat 1 review: A brave new world with some of the same old problems

ALMOST TIME | Mortal Kombat 1 to release without cross-play; accessibility options detailed
RESIZABLE BAR | Nvidia GPU owners finally get Starfield drivers (and Mortal Kombat 1, too)

JEAN-CLAUDE!!!! | This Mortal Kombat 1 trailer shows off Jean-Claude Van Damme as Johnny Cage

VAMPIRE DIE-RIES | Megan Fox is in Mortal Kombat 1, which makes perfect sense

TIMESWEEPER | Mortal Kombat 1 launch trailer recreates the classic 90's ad with MCU star

TOP-DOWN KRYPT | Mortal Kombat 1's Invasion mode is a board game take on The Krypt

HAIR TODAY,GONE TMRW | Sindel, Shao Kahn, Motaro, and Shujinko announced for Mortal Kombat 1

MORE TIME TO PLAY | Mortal Kombat 1 pre-order beta extended a few hours giving you more time to play Johnny Cage

FINISH HIM | Reptile, Havic, and Ashrah announced for Mortal Kombat 1 in super violent new trailer

SNUBBED | Mortal Kombat 1 beta date set, still not on PC

HOMELANDER! | Mortal Kombat 1 adds new guest characters Homelander, Peacemaker, and some familiar faces

ICE AND FIRE | Mortal Kombat 1 brought the smoke with an excellent Lin Kuei trailer

BRUTALITY | No Mortal Kombat 1 stress test or beta access will be available on PC

RAIDEN AND WEEP | Mortal Kombat 1 draws a surprising amount from the series’ PS2 era – and it’s brilliant

FINISH HIM | Mortal Kombat 1 gameplay reveal delivers the goods

PARTY LIKE IT'S 1992 | Mortal Kombat 1's exuberant ultra-violence shouldn't need defending, but here we are

New Boot Goofin' | Ed Boon wants you to know Mortal Kombat 1 is a reboot, not a remake

IT'S IN YOUR BLOOD | Mortal Kombat 1 unveils a resurgent universe forged by fire god Liu Kang

TICK TOCK | It’s “almost time” for a Mortal Kombat reboot, teaser and leaks suggest

WHAT? | Mortal Kombat 12 announced for 2023 during - of all things - a call to investors
