The Sims 4 Werewolves cheats
Become the leader of the pack, manage your temperament, and more using these TS4 Werewolves cheats!
The Sims 4 Werewolves rounds out the trilogy of occult-themed game packs, giving your Sims the ability to transform into a beastly, barely-humanoid ball of rage and strangely adorable fur.
Like their vampire and spellcaster counterparts, werewolves in TS4 have a unique perk tree that emphasises their possibilities post-transformation – but they also face some very particular challenges related to their tendency to fly into random animalistic rages.
Whether you're looking to tame the beast within or rile it up even further, read on for a full list of cheats in The Sims 4 Werewolves.
On this page:
- How to become a werewolf using cheats in The Sims 4
- The Sims 4 Werewolves rank cheats
- The Sims 4 Werewolves temperaments cheats
- The Sims 4 Werewolves trait cheats

How to become a werewolf using cheats in The Sims 4
To use most of the cheats on this page – and in The Sims 4 in general – you'll need to begin by enabling cheats in the command console.
Open the command console by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete on PC/Mac, or by pressing all four shoulder buttons at once on PlayStation/Xbox.
Once the console is open, type in the following cheat to get things started:
testingcheats true
You can reverse the process, replacing "true" with "false", whenever you want to turn cheats back off again. However, players on console should be aware that using cheats permanently disables achievements/trophies for that save, even if you turn testingcheats back off when you're done.
Next, in order to become a werewolf using cheats, you'll need to have The Sims 4 Werewolves game pack installed. You can then enter the following cheat into the command console to instantly turn the active Sim into a werewolf:
traits.equip_trait trait_occultwerewolf
Or, if you're tired of the lupine life and want to reverse the curse, you can use traits.remove_trait trait_occultwerewolf instead.
The Sims 4 Werewolves rank cheats
Werewolves in The Sims 4 are surprisingly complex creatures, with a strong sense not only of their place in the pack hierarchy but also of their individual ability to hold their own as an experienced and competent werewolf.
To this end, there are five ranks that werewolves can ascend through as they gain a greater knowledge and mastery of their lupine condition. These levels aren't actually dependent on the ranks of any other werewolves your Sim happens to know, but instead are gained through individual learning and experience.
Or you could just cheat your way to the top – and all its associated benefits, including the option to pick out your werewolf abilities/perks – by entering the following into the command console:
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Werewolf_Progression [X]
Replace [X] with the numerical amount of Werewolf XP you want your Sim to possess. For reference, the following XP numbers are required for each new rank:
- Pup: 0XP (default starting rank)
- Runt: 200XP
- Prime: 700XP
- Veteran: 1600XP
- Apex: 3000XP
The Sims 4 Werewolves temperament cheats
If you're familiar with infant and toddler quirks from The Sims 4 Growing Together, you basically already know the score with werewolf temperaments too (insert weary joke about kids being monsters here). Each werewolf Sim can have up to four temperaments, uncovered randomly as they experience new aspects of life in their transformed state.
There are 18 temperaments that can be discovered this way, plus another four that a werewolf with the Lunar Howl ability can choose to apply to themselves. Or you could just cheat them using the following:
Temperament | Description / Notes | Apply with… | Remove with… |
Anti-Capitalist Canine | Werewolf gains fury faster while at work | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_AntiCapitalistCanine | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_AntiCapitalistCanine |
Big Bad Wolf | Werewolf gains fury faster while feeling angry, but can reduce it by fighting other Sims | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_BigBadWolf | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_BigBadWolf |
Carnivore | Werewolf gains fury faster when eating food other than fresh meat | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Carnivore | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Carnivore |
Easily Excitable | Werewolf gains fury faster while feeling playful or from performing fun activities | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_EasyExcitable | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_EasyExcitable |
Feels Outcasted | Werewolf gains fury faster when social need is low | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_FeelsOutcasted | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_FeelsOutcasted |
Frisky | Werewolf gains fury faster while feeling flirty | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Frisky | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Frisky |
Grumpy Wolf | Werewolf gains fury faster when energy need is low | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_GrumpyWolf | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_GrumpyWolf |
Hates Being Wet | Werewolf gains fury faster when bathing, showering, swimming, or from being outdoors in the rain | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_HatesBeingWet | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_HatesBeingWet |
Hungry Like The Wolf | Werewolf gains fury faster when hunger need is low | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_HungryLikeTheWolf | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_HungryLikeTheWolf |
Must Be Clean | Werewolf gains fury faster when hygiene need is low | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_MustBeClean | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_MustBeClean |
Night Wolf | Werewolf gains fury faster from being awake during the day | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_NightWolf | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_NightWolf |
Prideful | Werewolf gains fury faster while feeling uncomfortable or embarrassed, and can enter those emotional states more easily | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Prideful | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Prideful |
Restless Animal | Werewolf gains fury faster from being indoors, and from going too long without engaging in any fun activities | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_RestlessAnimal | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_RestlessAnimal |
Sensitive Hearing | Werewolf gains fury faster from being exposed to noises including TVs, stereos, and musical instruments | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_SensitiveHearing | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_SensitiveHearing |
Survival Instincts | Werewolf gains fury faster while feeling tense or scared | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_SurvivalInstincts | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_SurvivalInstincts |
Territorial | Werewolf gains fury from being in territory another werewolf has marked, but can reduce it by marking their own territory | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Territorial | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Territorial |
Wolf Brain | Werewolf gains fury from trying to engage in logic skill building or other intellectual pursuits | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_WolfBrain | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_WolfBrain |
Wracked With Guilt | Werewolf gains fury faster while feeling sad, and also becomes sad more easily | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_WrackedWithGuilt | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_WrackedWithGuilt |
Mark of the Forest | Gained via Lunar Howl perk. Fury increase and fun need decay is reduced. | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Lunar_ForestMark | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Lunar_ForestMark |
Mark of the Hunt | Gained via Lunar Howl perk. Fury increase and hunger need decay is reduced. | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Lunar_HuntMark | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Lunar_HuntMark |
Mark of the Night | Gained via Lunar Howl perk. Fury increase and energy need decay is reduced. | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Lunar_NightMark | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Lunar_NightMark |
Mark of the Wolf | Gained via Lunar Howl perk. Fury increase and social need decay is reduced. | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Lunar_WolfMark | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Lunar_WolfMark |

The Sims 4 Werewolves trait cheats
Werewolves have a lot going on, but they're not completely divorced from ordinary society, and they do have a fair bit in common with regular Sim humans. This includes the fact that traits are the building blocks of their personalities.
To this end, the Werewolves game pack introduces five new aspiration reward traits, as well as a new bonus trait for choosing to pursue any werewolf aspiration; plus five traits that can be gained as rewards for certain gameplay feats.
Or, if you want to do things the quick and easy way, you can apply these traits to any Sim immediately using the cheats below:
Trait | Description / Notes | Type | Apply with… | Remove with… |
Lunar Confidant | Sim gets a relationship boost when introduced to a werewolf | Bonus Trait - Werewolf Aspiration | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_InitiationBonusTrait | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_InitiationBonusTrait |
Fanged Friend | Sim benefits from having completed the Werewolf Initiate aspiration (this aspiration must be completed to unlock further werewolf aspirations) | Reward Trait - Werewolf Aspiration | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FriendlyWolf | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FriendlyWolf |
Chomp Champion | Sim benefits from having completed the Wildfang Renegade aspiration | Reward Trait - Werewolf Aspiration | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterTurning | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterTurning |
Lunar Link | Sim benefits from having completed the Cure Seeker aspiration | Reward Trait - Werewolf Aspiration | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FormerLycan | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FormerLycan |
Refined Lupine | Sim benefits from having completed the Emissary of the Collective aspiration | Reward Trait - Werewolf Aspiration | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterFuryControl | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterFuryControl |
Threatening Presence | Sim benefits from having completed the Lone Wolf aspiration | Reward Trait - Werewolf Aspiration | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_MoreFear | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_MoreFear |
Dormant Wolf | Possible for the offspring of two werewolves, or one werewolf and one ordinary (non-occult) Sim, to inherit this trait. Sim is not usually born a werewolf, but has a unique path to becoming one. | Reward Trait - Gameplay Feat | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_DormantWolf | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_DormantWolf |
Greater Wolf Blood | Possible for the offspring of two werewolves to inherit this trait (parents with the Dormant Wolf trait also count). Sim gains werewolf rank faster, and is usually but not always born a werewolf. | Reward Trait - Gameplay Feat | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_GreaterWolfBlood | traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_GreaterWolfBlood |
Friend of the Moonwood Collective | Sim has been accepted as a friend by the leader of the Moonwood Collective werewolf pack | Reward Trait - Gameplay Feat | traits.equip_trait trait_WerewolfPack_FriendA | traits.remove_trait trait_WerewolfPack_FriendA |
Friend of the Wildfangs | Sim has been accepted as a friend by the leader of the Wildfangs werewolf pack | Reward Trait - Gameplay Feat | traits.equip_trait trait_WerewolfPack_FriendB | traits.remove_trait trait_WerewolfPack_FriendB |
Werewolf Ally | A non-werewolf Sim who has accepted the diplomacy of a known werewolf, and/or is a former werewolf themselves | Reward Trait - Gameplay Feat | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FormerLycan | traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FormerLycan |
Note: The "FormerLycan" trait cheat will add both the Lunar Link and Werewolf Ally traits to the active Sim. It is currently unknown how to apply or remove these two traits individually.
If you prefer your Simming experience to be a little bit more grounded in reality – for a given value of "reality" that still includes active hauntings and plenty of other wacky shenanigans, at least – check out our main The Sims 4 cheats page, which covers the base game and its updates!