All Companions in Fallout: London, and how to get them
Looking for some company in Fallout: London? Here are all the companions you can choose from.
In your irradiated adventure across Fallout: London you meet an array of wacky characters and, as you’d be right to expect from any massive RPG, you can recruit a few of them to become your companions. After all, being a lone wanderer can be hard work, so having some company isn’t a bad idea.
All companions come with their own pros and cons, too, and if you spend enough time developing relationships with them, you might even find yourself unlocking some unique — and very useful — Perks. So without further ado, here’s all companions in Fallout: London and how to get them.
All Companions in Fallout: London, and how to get them
There are a handful of companions for you to meet in Fallout: London, and all of them have their own unique personalities and benefits. The characters you can recruit so far are as follows:
Churchill can be recruited from the very beginning of Fallout: London. He’s found just outside of Prilladog Food Factory, which you’ll likely run past if you choose to go to Thameshaven at the start of the game.

To recruit him, you’ll need to fend off the Stray Dogs attacking him and then speak with the Factory Guard shouting at you. He’ll ask if you want to adopt Churchill.
See our guide on how to recruit Churchill if you’re having any trouble finding him. There are also some known issues with Churchill as a companion right now that see him getting stuck and not following you, so bear those in mind!

Archie is a young boy who can also be recruited at the beginning of Fallout: London, though, you will need to complete some of the main storyline first. More specifically, the Lands of the Seraph quest is the one which will see you finally able to recruit Archie.
After helping out the Thamesfolk and their Ferryman, you will be able to cross the Thames and meet with Archie. After a few more quest steps, you will be able to invite him to journey alongside you.
See our guide on how to recruit Archie if you’re having trouble finding him.

Keira is a keen treasure hunter found trapped in the Bank of England’s Vault. Like Archie, you will need to progress with the main story to run into this adventurer. More specifically, this is during the first half of the Heavenslayer quest, which has you clearing the Bank of hooligans.
If you need any help navigating the Bank of England, here’s our guide to finding the Bank of England Keys, and how to recruit Keira.
Arthur Mountbatten
Arthur Mountbatten is a well-dressed ghoul who wields a revolver. He holds himself in quite high regards, but he’s honestly pretty fun to run around with. This companion isn’t tied to any story or quest progression, and you can meet him as soon as you’re able to visit Hackney.

Hackney is found in the north-east corner of the Fallout: London map, and you’ll have to pass through Hackney Checkpoint (marked on the above screenshot) to get there.
That said, Arthur Mountbatten can be found hanging from a tree just in front of the Hackney Checkpoint. Speak to him and cut him down, then he’ll be more than happy to offer you his services (and give you a history lesson, while he’s at it).
Mad Jack
Similarly to Arthur Mountbatten, recruiting Mad Jack as a companion is not tied to any story progression. You will, however, have to complete a brief side quest near Trafalgar Square to earn his respects.

Northwest of Trafalgar, Mad Jack is found in the basement of a pub known as The Pilgrim. Down here, you can speak to the manager to engage in the lucrative fight club they have going on, which sees you face Mad Jack.
Whatever you do, do not attack Mad Jack until the manager, Jack Nesbitt, is done introducing you both to the ring. Once he's done, wail away at Mad Jack until the 60 second timer is up. After doing so, Mad Jack will happily become your companion.
John Smith and Pendragon
When it comes to the two companions, John Smith and Pendragon, it appears that which one you wind up with will depend on the faction you decide you’d rather hang out with.
Side with Camelot, and you’ll later be able to recruit Pendragon. Side with the 5th Column, however, and you will later be able to recruit John Smith.
That’s it for Fallout: London’s recruitable companions so far, but we’ll make sure to update this guide as and when we find any more adventurers to accompany you.
For more on Fallout: London, take a look at some easy Settlement locations, all the Factions you will be encountering, and all of the Perks you can unlock.