Pokemon TCG Pocket Secret Missions guide
Pokemon TCG Pocket has some Secret Missions for keen collectors to complete across all three expansions: Genetic Apex, Mythical Island, and Space-Time Smackdown. Here they are!
UPDATE 30/01/2025: We have updated this page to add new Secret Missions that have been added to the game as part of the new Space-Time Smackdown expansion packs.
Pokemon TCG Pocket has an abundance of themed collections for players to complete as they slowly collect cards each day, but it turns out that there are actually a few Secret Missions hidden away for the most keen of collectors to discover.
These involve those stunning full-art cards you might have had the luck of opening, and reap some relatively good rewards if you’re able to complete them. Though, each of these Secret Missions has some particularly hard-to-meet requirements, so brace yourself. Here are all Secret Missions in Pokemon TCG Pocket.
Pokemon TCG Pocket Secret Missions guide
Secret Missions in Pokemon TCG Pocket are only revealed after you have completed them, and come as quite a nice surprise during your time opening booster packs and battling.
As someone who is striving to complete such missions and hasn’t been lucky enough to complete more than one of them just yet, the below list of Secret Mission conditions is provided by the folk over at Pokemon Zone.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Genetic Apex Secret Missions
The below Secret Missions are tied to the Genetic Apex booster packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket.
The Legendary Flight Continues
The Legendary Flight Continues Secret Mission in Pokemon TCG Pocket requires you to collect one of each Legendary Bird Pokemon: Articuno ex, Zapdos ex, and Moltres ex. Though, you will specifically need the two star versions of these cards.
You will be rewarded with 48 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and the Legendary Birds Emblem.
Genetic Apex Museum 1
The Genetic Apex Museum 1 Secret Mission in Pokemon TCG Pocket requires you to collect multiple full-art cards from the Genetic Apex Charizard booster pack. You will need the following cards to complete this mission:
- Gloom (1 star)
- Pinsir (1 star)
- Charmander (1 star)
- Meowth (1 star)
- Alakazam (1 star)
- Lapras (1 star)
- Rapidash (1 star)
- Slowpoke (1 star)
After collecting all of the Pokemon cards, you will be rewarded with 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
Genetic Apex Museum 2
The Genetic Apex Museum 2 Secret Mission in Pokemon TCG Pocket requires you to collect multiple full-art cards from the Genetic Apex Mewtwo booster pack. You will need the following cards to complete this mission:
- Bulbasaur (1 star)
- Cubone (1 star)
- Golbat (1 star)
- Weezing (1 star)
- Dragonite (1 star)
- Pidgeot (1 star)
- Ditto (1 star)
- Porygon (1 star)
After collecting all of the Pokemon cards, you will be rewarded with 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
Genetic Apex Museum 3
The Genetic Apex Museum 3 Secret Mission in Pokemon TCG Pocket requires you to collect multiple full-art cards from the Genetic Apex Pikachu booster pack. You will need the following cards to complete this mission:
- Squirtle (1 star)
- Electrode (1 star)
- Gyarados (1 star)
- Diglett (1 star)
- Nidoqueen (1 star)
- Nidoking (1 star)
- Snorlax (1 star)
- Eevee (1 star)
After collecting all of the Pokemon cards, you will be rewarded with 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
The Gym Leaders of the Kanto Region 2
To complete the The Gym Leader of the Kanto Region 2 Secret Mission in Pokemon TCG Pocket, you need the full-art versions of various Supporters available in the Genetic Apex set. The cards you require are as follows:
- Giovanni (2 star)
- Erika (2 star)
- Brock (2 star)
- Misty (2 star)
- Lt. Surge (2 star)
- Sabrina (2 star)
- Blaine (2 star)
- Koga (2 star)
After collecting all of the Pokemon cards, you will be rewarded with 48 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
Complete the Kanto Pokedex
The Complete the Kanto Pokedex Secret Mission is exactly what it says on the tin in Pokemon TCG Pocket. You must collect all 150 Kanto Pokemon to finish off this mission, and the reward is a secret, immersive Mew card.
I’m desperately trying to get my hands on this secret Mew card, and have found this spreadsheet — courtesy of u/Maxwell1755 on Reddit — very useful for tracking my cards, and identifying which booster pack is best to open if I wish to complete this collection.
The Immersive 4
The Immersive 4 requires you to collect the four immersive cards available in Pokemon TCG Pocket at the time of writing. One of these is the secret Mew card mentioned above, which is awarded for collecting all Pokemon in the Kanto Pokedex. The other three cards you require are as follows:
- Charizard ex (3 star)
- Pikachu ex (3 star)
- Mewtwo ex (3 star)
- Mew (awarded after completing Kanto Pokedex)
Once you complete a Secret Mission, it’ll appear under the ‘Themed Collections’ tab in the lower right-hand corner of your Missions menu.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Mythical Island Secret Missions
The below Secret Missions are tied to the Mythical Island booster pack in Pokemon TCG Pocket.
Mythical Island Museum #1
Mythical Island Museum #1 requires you to collect all six of the one-star cards that are available in the set. These are as follows:
- Full Art Exeggutor
- Full Art Marshadow
- Full Art Serperior
- Full Art Salandit
- Full Art Dedenne
- Full Art Vaporeon
Once you collect all six of these cards, you'll be rewarded with 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
Mythical Island Museum #2
Mythical Island Museum #2 requires you to get your hands on the two-star cards from the set, and fortunately, there are only two to collect. You can identify these using their rainbow borders. These are as follows:
- Full Alternate Art Mew ex
- Full Alternate Art Aerodactyl ex
Once you collect both of these cards, you will be rewarded with 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
Mew ex Museum
Mew ex Museum has an unsurprising requirement, and tasks you with collecting all four Mew ex cards available in the Mythical Island set. These are:
- Mew ex
- Full Art Mew ex
- Alternate Full Art Mew ex
- Golden Rare Mew ex
Collect all four of the above cards and you will be rewarded with 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
Mythical Island Tale of Adventure
The last of the Mythical Island Secret Missions is the Mythical Island Tale of Adventure, and this requires that you collect four specific cards. These are:
- Alternate Full Art Mew ex
- Immersive Rare Celebi ex
- Budding Expeditioner
- Mythical Slab
Collect these to be rewarded with a Celebi emblem!

Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown Secret Missions
The below Secret Missions are part of the Space-Time Smackdown booster pack in Pokemon TCG Pocket.
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 1
To complete the Space-Time Smackdown Museum 1 Secret Mission in Pokemon TCG Pocket, you'll need to get your hands on twelve different one-star (alternate artwork) cards. These are as follows:
- Bidoof (one star)
- Combee (one star)
- Croagunk (one star)
- Drifloon (one star)
- Heatran (one star)
- Lucario (one star)
- Mesprit (one star)
- Mamoswine (one star)
- Tangrowth (one star)
- Regigigas (one star)
- Shaymin (one star)
- Shinx (one star)
Collect all of the above cards and you will be rewarded with 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 2
To complete the Space-Time Smackdown Museum 2 Secret Mission in Pokemon TCG Pocket, you'll need to get your hands on another twelve different one-star (alternate artwork) cards. These are as follows:
- Carnivine (one star)
- Cresselia (one star)
- Garchomp (one star)
- Glameow (one star)
- Giratina (one star)
- Gastrodon (one star)
- Hippopotas (one star)
- Manaphy (one star)
- Rhyperior (one star)
- Rotom (one star)
- Staraptor (one star)
- Spiritomb (one star)
Collect all of the above cards and you will be rewarded with 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 3
To complete the Space-Time Smackdown Museum 3 Secret Mission in Pokemon TCG Pocket, you have your work cut out for you. This time, you'll need to get your hands on four rainbow-bordered cards, which are exceedingly rare. These are as follows:
- Darkrai ex (rainbow border)
- Gallade ex (rainbow border)
- Pachirisu ex (rainbow border)
- Yanmega ex (rainbow border)
Collect all of the above cards and you will be rewarded with 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 4
To complete the Space-Time Smackdown Museum 4 Secret Mission in Pokemon TCG Pocket, you've some more grinding to do, as you'll need to pull another four rainbow-bordered cards. These are:
- Infernape ex (rainbow border)
- Lickilicky ex (rainbow border)
- Mismagius ex (rainbow border)
- Weavile ex (rainbow border)
Collect all of the above cards and you will be rewarded with 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
Champion of the Sinnoh Region
Champion of the Sinnoh Region is Cynthia in Pokemon, so it comes as no surpise that to complete this Secret Mission in Pokemon TCG Pocket, you need to acquire one-star (alternate artwork) cards of Cynthia and her crew of 'mons. These are:
- Cynthia (two star)
- Gastrodon (one star)
- Garchomp (one star)
- Lucario (one star)
- Spiritomb (one star)
If you manage to collect the rare art cards for Trainer, Cynthia, and her team of Pokemon, you will be rewarded with the Garchomp emblem to show off when battling.
And that’s all of Pokemon TCG Pocket’s available Secret Missions for now! For more on the casual card-collecting game, take a look at the best decks you can build, how to add Flair to your cards, and how to craft cards.