God of War III "coming soon", says ad
Ikaruga imminent for XBLA?
Viking trailer looks properly awesome
New Age of Conan trailer shows On Chamber
Major League Eating is WiiWare launch title
NETQUAKE: Sagat and Balrog in SFIV
Screens from the MGS4 Online Starter Pack
Major League Eating "is really a fighting game"
Moore admits FIFA is EA Sports' "one truly global franchise"
Initial D confirmed for PS3
Sabotage renamed Velvet Assassin
Lego Indiana Jones: new shots and details
CoD4 patch goes live on 360
"Dynamic" X-Blades for Q4 2008
"Crazy Woody" advised on Army of Two, is mad
Project Gamerz designed to stop "teh kids" going mental in London
Iron Man of Gaming dated for "non-stop gaming radness"
First Battlefield Heroes movie shows plenty fun
New Mirror's Edge shots released
Dress up like a pansy and get in the Guinness games book
Connect attendees to receive free LotRO cloak
First Resident Evil Zero shots break for Wii
Video Games Live to play Games Convention 2008
StarCraft II is best Blizzard work ever, says Metzen
Mass Effect for May 15 in Australia
Super Turrican and Psychosis go to VC
Phil Harrison: "You shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet"
Battlefield Heroes: No ads in-game, just on website
Mirror's Edge: "Gaming might never be the same again"
MGS4 will only have one VO per territory
MGS4 gets June 12 date for Europe
SCi to cut 25 percent of jobs, bins 14 games
Devs need to capitalise on PC penetration, says Flagship boss
Battlestations: Pacific coming to 360 and PC
Three more Soul Calibur IV characters revealed
Iwata canned GoldenEye XBLA, says UK mag
MGS1 won't be ported to PS2 for Essential Collection
Okami does have true widescreen
GTA IV is 100 hours long and there'll be no demo
Gears of War 2 is "cool as s**t", says Bender
Wii still leading Japan hardware sales
MGS4 dated as June 12 for America
GDC: Battlefield: Bad Company shots and impressions released
PC gaming is about to not be in disarray, says Bleszinski
Other companies are interested in Take-Two, says company
GDC: Record attendance for GDC 2008
Euro PS3 bundles not going to America
New UK GTA IV hands-ons published
Sega Superstars Tennis moved forward for Europe
Freeloader set for Wii release
CoD4 patch almost ready to go
GDC: Crysis Wins GDC 2008 Best Technology Award
Murderer acted out killing as if in videogame, says defence
Titan Quest developer Iron Lore closes down
Silent Hill V to be released in "Q4" 2008
Borders to start selling games
"Women are out there in significant numbers," says G.I.R.L. boss
SCEE to confirm GT5 Prologue release date "next week"
Supposed next-gen Team Ico shot leaked
One beellion dollars needed to fight WoW, says Kotick
Resident Evil Zero is Japan-only, says Capcom
Koei has "no idea" if Disgaea 3 will release in Europe
Amazing confusion over new 1UP letter-based scoring system
GT5 Prologue and Movie Pack PS3 bundles for Europe
DE boss backs away from Dark Sector PS3 debacle
Alone in the Dark date announcement likely "in the next month"
Gladius 2 rumoured from LucasArts
Rainbow Six Vegas added to Japanese PS3 budget titles
Japanese Wii outsells PS3 4-1 in February
The 1995 Sega Schools Marketing Project revisted in video
Warhawk and Resistance join Uncharted for Home add-ons
New SpongeBob game for DS
Microsoft makes mention of Lost Odyssey "series"
Get your level in Bionic Commando: Rearmed
New Alone in the Dark movie: OMFG
WoW would just make terrorists fat, says expert
Uncharted offers 2D side-scroller in Home
Mario Kart Wii supports eight-player Battle Mode, wheel is rubbish
Dealtree.com running BestBuy trade-in program
Dofus TV show in the works
Pray your way onto the Age of Conan beta
More Eight Days details, secret Sony game is Tears of Blood
GDC "looking at moving to an invite model for press access", says CMP
Disgaea 3 heading to US PS3
Dead Space for PC on Hallowe'en
MGS will be PS2 port for Essential Collection
Sam & Max 204: Chariots of the Dogs Announced
Fallout 3 OXM shipping to subs now
Big Home movie hits YouTube
Dengeki Playstation MGS4 scans hit web
EA bid for Take-Two could rise to $2.3 billion
Disney announces Ultimate Band for Wii and DS
GTA IV given an 18 rating in Germany
Three MGS4 packs planned for Japan
THQ confirms 50-player matches for Frontlines
HMV pulls Play TV pre-orders
Monster SingStore update for March 7
"The E3 2005 trailer was NOT false," says Killzone 2 dev
GI.biz Career Fair dated for October
Microsoft explains 300's disappearance from Live, licensing for Video Store
Home open beta rumoured for March 24 launch in Japan
Wii to launch in Taiwan
Turning Point faces slight delay in Europe
Go!Messenger launches for PSP
Details and new screen of Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack
Wii Fit priced in the UK and Europe
Resident Evil Zero for Wii
PEGI site reveals massive PSN games list
"Monster-as-hero convention" sets Dark Sector against Prototype, says Digital Extremes
Puzzle Quest: Galactrix site goes live
PEGI better than BBFC, says Microsoft
Samurai Warriors 2 XL offered as Live download
The sketchiest rumour ever: ZOE 3 in the works
Killzone 2 budget balloons, says rumour
Sony dates MGS4 bundle as "late Q2 2008"
Haze for May in Europe
SCEE clams on Euro DualShock 3 price and date
"No plans" for MGS4 or GoW bundles in Europe
PS Store revamp for April 15 in US
God of War: Chains of Olympus is five hours long
Japanese erotic games industry suffering from Blueprint-syndrome
2007 was awesome for sales, say UK retailers
Dark Sector PS3 was nearly scrapped, says developer
Deadliest Catch game out in April
New FarCry 2 movies show "tree regeneration"
Two new Pokémon games announced for DS
New LittleBigPlanet shots
Ubisoft to focus on licenses, not acquisitions
360 failure rate is probably higher than 16%, says warrantee firm
SFIV roster likely to be expanded for home versions
Secret Sony game "should be thought of as an action movie"
Some backwards compatability for MGS4 PS3 bundle
Epic asking for input on Gears of War 2
ZelnickMedia payout draws Wall Street's attention
First UEFA Euro 2008 trailer released
"Deep Red" PSP bundle for US in June
US gamers get MGS Online beta access with MGS4 pre-order
SCEA announces MGS4 80Gb PS3 bundle
NFL Head Coach to return for 2009
Pachter: Why EA will win
Haze for May in the US
DualShock 3 dated for US
Leipzig plans Games Convention for 2009
Two Worlds to expand twice
Activision sued over Blizzard merger
June 12 for MGS4?
First Dead Space trailer oils our cogs
Romero sues Capcom over Dead Rising
Mass Effect PC for May 6
D3 publishing Bangai-O Spirits in the US
Guild Wars hits 5 million
Sims closed down, replaced with... EA-land?
Dead Space dated for Hallowe'en
Lego Universe MMO: first images and new details
WipEout HD soundtrack announced, Kraftwerk included
One Life Left moved over to EG
EndWar for DS and PSP, says rumour
GDC: EA Blueprint seeking "way to make games with smaller teams"
GDC: "The web is kicking the console industry's ass", says Koster
GDC: Mark Rein meets his match - it's Tom Bramwell
New StarCraft II gameplay movie show perfectly why we're s**t at RTS
Requiem: Bloodymare beta set to begin
MMORTS Saga beta opens today
WiiWare Europe date remains off limits
Sony "opens up PS3" to in-game ads
Everyone's Pokemon Ranch detailed a bit
SCEA upgrades three execs
Mario & Sonic still lead UK charts
Will Wright video interview
Pepertual Entertainment not so aptly named, says rumour
Puzzle Quest: Galactrix for PC, DS and 360 this year
Brawl for autumn in Europe date "not quite accurate"
Defend Your Castle WiiWare will cost 500 WPs
Bangai-O Spirits has full level editor, sound-transmitted levels
Mr Driller rated by ERSB for XBLA
Xbox World 360 details GoldenEye piece
LittleBigPlanet is SCEE's "biggest" game, will be full price
PlayTV show recordings can be taken off PS3s
Free MS points with UK Lost Odyssey pre-order
Overlord for PS3
Valve looking at music and video for Steam
Euro Patapon to cost three times more than US version
Harrison retrospective details 15 years of history
PS3 Bionic Commando: Rearmed will play wirelessly on PSP
EA releases Take-Two conference call script
Valkyria Chronicles releasing in the west on PS3
Epic not working on digital download titles, says Rein
TAKE-TWO-AGGEDON: Everything in one place
Take-Two stock rises 50% in pre-trading
Hellgate didn't meet expectations, says Roper
Rein laughs off CliffyB comments about PC gaming's "disarray"
Motorstorm 2 goes from desert to "lush island", has four-way split-screen
EA bid for Take-Two timed not to "screw with GTA", slip unlikely
EA: "Our focus is on Take-Two, it's not focused anywhere else"
Riccitiello: GTA IV dev is "essentially complete"
Riccitiello: Rockstar is "the asset" in Take-Two buy out
GDC: amBX chief talks consoles, GDC and why PC gaming is "the testbed"
Official Halo 3 tournament for Europe detailed
EA launches website specific to Take-Two takeover bid
Violence is "not about lopping off limbs", says Ninja Gaiden II creator
Amazing Street Fighter IV vid - the only one you need
GoldenEye for XBLA is bollocks, says Microsoft
Riccitiello: "We don't anticipate closing the deal before GTA ships"
Sony without Harrison: analysis starts here
Harrison rumoured to be joining Atari
Confirmed: Games Convention moved to Cologne, renamed GAMESCom
Phil Harrison quits Sony
TAKE-TWO-AGGEDON: A list of everything EA's bought in the last 20 years
Pachter "baffled" at Take-Two rebuttal stance on EA merger
EA's bid "provides insufficient value", says Take-Two boss
That was the news – Week 8, 2008: Unconvincing GDC governed by two main themes: flux and fear
Eye of Judgement expansion gets March release in the US
Pachter on EA-Take-Two buyout: "This deal is happening"
SCAG slows down Australian 18+ games rating
GDC: Smash Bros. Brawl not released until Autumn in Europe
EA offers to buy Take-Two for $2 billion
GDC: The Sims Carnival detailed
No GT5 in the UK this year, says GAME
American government looks for real-life bad guys in MMOs
Xbox 360 HD-DVD player discontinued
Jackson collab Halo Chronicles will be a "different experience", says Kim
New Pure movie shows big CG
Bond movies hit US Live movie store
GDC: Orange Box sells well in excess of 3 million
GDC: Square Enix White Engine renamed Crystal Tools
GDC: Nintendo announces "Pay to Play" for Wii games
GDC: Boom Blox details and hands-on
GDC: More "close-quarters fighting" for CoD4 DLC
Nine Inch Nails pack next for Rock Band
Wii still leading Japanese hardware sales
Chainsaw battles included in Gears 2
Analysts analysed by someone who clearly has too much time on their hands
Amazing WipEout HD shots released
GDC: Dates announced for GDC 2009
GDC: Dan Boutros is crowned SFIV champion of North America
GDC: Ninja Gaiden II demo... isn't
GDC: GTA IV DLC is massive, says Microsoft
GDC: BomberMan Live wins best XBLA game
Tales of Vesperia confirmed for 360
GDC: Jaffe pulls out of session!
Minter's Gridrunner now free on Facebook
Gamespot edits Lost Odyssey review but leaves score alone
GDC: David Jaffe session live at 6.30pm
GDC: 18 million 360s sold worldwide, says Schappert
Home boss "amazed" at Second Life's popularity
Games Convention press conference 10am Monday, confusion over new name
Moore: "Activision Blizzard really can’t compete with us"
No More Heroes gets slight delay in Europe
GDC: Bionic Commando: Rearmed scaled back on Live limit
GDC: Indiana Jones game "in production"
GDC: Gears 2 narrative "even more interesting", says Bleszinski
GDC: Prototype to offer "more than better experiences"
GDC: Realtime Worlds shows APB, its "MMO Crackdown"
GDC: "Downloadable content has come of age", says Microsoft's John Schappert
GDC: Dave Perry's Luminary Lunch - full report
GDC: Microsoft blogger breakfast audio available now
No voice chat for Smash Bros. Brawl
GDC: Valve confirms Portal 2
GDC: Lego Batman guy video interview
Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt making game
GDC: Boom Blox to include head tracking
Fox News edits story headline - Kotaku knows how to screengrab
Sony sees easing of PS3 price pressure
GDC: Valve confirms Left 4 Dead left off PS3, moots Source for Wii
GDC: Zombie developing Saw
GDC: Giant update to Home beta next week, says Sony
GDC: Wii will pass 360 in the US by June, says Reggie
GDC: Premium DLC planned for XBLA Peggle
GDC: Kurzweil "looking forward to Spore"
GDC: "Evil EA" isn't so evil after all, says Pandemic boss
GDC: Aliens: Colonial Marines confirmed and detailed
Warhammer Online on course for Q2, says Mythic
Wii Fit and Science Museum try to stop you being fat
GDC: Street Fighter IV is "only 50-60% complete"
GDC: Bionic Commando Rearmed simultaneous on PSN, XBLA and PC in May
GDC: New Bionic Commando owes a lot to Japanese input, says Capcom
GDC: It's "really important" to back low-priced consoles, says Molyneux
Telltale working on WiiWare game
GDC: Commodore 64 games heading to VC
GDC: Video interview with Epic heads
Videogames developers hit Telegraph rich list
GDC: Starbreeze at work on classic EA franchise
GDC: Micro-transactions don't give level playing field, says WoW man
GDC: Microsoft keynote round-up - all the news in one place
Indiana Jones doesn't include four-way multiplayer, someone make big booboo
Man sells every Dreamcast game ever made in eBay auction
GDC: 100 WiiWare launch games will be drip-released
GDC: Penny Arcade game releasing this summer
GDC: Itagaki thinks Molyneux is "well-rounded"
GDC: Dragon Age is back to the "core BioWare experience", says Zeschuk
Smash Bros. still top in Japan
GDC: Portal wins GOTY at Choice Awards
Q1 release for Star Trek Conquest
GoldenEye XBLA rumours refuse to die
GDC: Spector's new project is "off limits"
GDC: Bionic Commando will have PS3 "Trophies"
GDC: World of Darkness will be "as real as it can be", says EVE Online creator
"No release date" for Warhammer Online
First Aliens: Colonial Marines shots
Quake Live beta sign-ups now open
GDC: Hands-on with Zune games
GDC: Meier reckons on "golden age" of gaming
New EVE Online financial data released
GDC: Brash not looking to acquire yet
GDC: Bionic Commando gameplay movies
GDC: Crayon Physics Deluxe wins IGF award
GDC: Echochrome for summer in the US
GDC: XNA stuff revealed behind the sheet
GDC: No progress on Live mods for UT3
GDC: No demos for WiiWare
GDC: WiFi PSP Store promised
Microsoft cuts 360 price in Canada
First two shots of new Banjo?
GDC: Bungie goes recruit-crazy in SF
GDC: New WipEout HD trailer
GDC: Microsoft releases XNA Creators Club Game Launcher
GDC: Microsoft keynote audio online now
GDC: Gears of War 2 shows red artwork
GDC: First Gears of War 2 trailer released
GDC: Gears of War 2 announced at Microsoft keynote
GDC: Co-op and XBLA game Keystone confirmed for Fable 2
GDC: Ninja Gaiden II set for June release
GDC: GTAIV DLC available from autumn 2008 for 360
GDC: Community games for Xbox Live this year
GDC: Rock Band downloads hit 3 million in US
GDC: Over 1 billion Achievements unlocked on Live, says Microsoft
GDC: Microsoft's keynote is done and dusted
GDC: Champions Online "is all about total customization"
Wii Fit "under $100" in US, says Fils-Aime
Turbine and Tolkien Enterprises sign deal up to 2014
GDC: XNA given to students for free
GDC: LostWinds is "WiiWare launch title", says Braben
GDC: WiiWare-exclusive LostWinds revealed by Frontier
Universe at War takes a slight slip on 360
WiiWare launching on May 12 in US
European Wii Fit price to be announced in the "coming weeks"
Wii Fit for Europe on April 25
Red Faction: Guerilla is third-person and open-world, says THQ
Mario Kart Wii dated for Europe
Wii Fit gets US release date
Okami Wii - see it in action
The Sims and World of Warcraft "sucking air out" of PC gaming, says Molyneux
Gerstmann and Davis launch new podcast
GDC: New Echochrome trailer to dribble over
GDC: "Very high likelihood" of Demigod on consoles, says Taylor
DMC4 sells 2 million worldwide, says Capcom
GDC: PC Gaming Alliance announced
GDC: SOE announces G.I.R.L. game dev scholarships
GDC: Age Of Conan "ideal for 360", on console 12 months after PC
New concept art and no details on new Ninja Theory game
Worldwide HD TV sales overtake CRT
GDC: Too Human demoed in California - videos
Xbox 360 was needed to "do justice" to Rez, says Mizuguchi
GDC: Postal 3 shown on Xbox 360 dev kit
GDC: Open MMO environments "overwhelming", says LotRO man
GDC: Second Life headed to mobile
GDC: IGF Mobile Awards winners detailed
GDC: Cross-platform gaming likely to appear in Microsoft keynote, says Early
GDC: Piracy forcing PC games onto console, says Supreme Commander man
MGS4 intro movie took a year to produce
CoD4 tops Live play yet again
Xbox 360 warranty costs "tripled" in first nine months of 2007
LittleBigPlanet to include voice chat lip synching
3D Realms refutes Earth No More lawsuit
Games Convention Asia 2008 set for September 18-20
Telltale hires original Sam & Max designer
CSI creator to keynote MI6
Saw writer "very excited" about horror game
UK Live movies "skewing towards HD"
GDC: The Sims about to hit 100 million units, says EA
Sony shares rise on HD-DVD death
GDC: CryENGINE2 MMO Blue Mars announced
GDC: Mario Kart Wii playtests hit web
GDC: First Grimm movie released by American McGee
Gizmondo relaunch already delayed
Release date for Clear Sky in a "few weeks"
GDC: IGN launches Direct2Game
GDC: First shots of Quake Live released
First Pure footage shows monster jumping action
GDC: Introversion admits publisher aspirations, talks Subversion
HD-DVD demise will cause PS3 sales boost, say analysts
GDC: Free-to-play Quake Live announced, IGA gets ad deal
Tabula Rasa "financial disaster", says Korean Times
Unreal Tournament 3 has sold 1.2 million units, says Epic
GRID dev lead reveals Codemasters' Ego engine, confirms summer 2008 release for all SKUs
"GAME time" theme announced for TGS 2008
Rein on Epic sale: "We would prefer if they started at $2 billion"
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood for "2008"
Lost Planet demo for Euro PSN this week
GDC: PixelJunk Eden announced - trailer
Mario & Sonic leads UK top 10
First Red Faction: Guerilla shot emerges
New Prototype video released
Toshiba announces discontinuation of HD-DVD businesses
GDC: Red ring of death blights Microsoft's stand, Waters swoops
GDC: Casual games will make the hardcore "niche", says Welch
Magic: The Gathering coming to XBLA
GDC: Mysterious XNA sheet causes great excitement
US immigration shown off in free game
First footage of Samba de Amigo on Wii released
PS2 hits $100 mark in US sale
3D Realms sued for copyright infringement
PS3 hits 10.5 million global sales mark
GDC: Conan still pegged for Xbox 360
Left 4 Dead Xbox 360 console exclusive?
GDC: Molyneux "close to announcing" revolutionary AI
HD-DVD press conference at 8am GMT today
Ex-Microprose people form Thriller Publishing
Street Fighter IV to hit Japanese arcades in "late July"
CD Projekt acquires Metropolis
GDC: Make games memorable as opposed to long, says flOw dev
Toshiba to announce HD-DVD death tomorrow: Nikkei
US PS3 sales accelerate on news of HD-DVD demise
Spore expected to sell 3-5 million in 2008
GDC: Splash Damage says new action IP will be "deeper than Enemy Territory"
Microsoft on HD-DVD collapse: "Games sell consoles"
N+ hitting UK Live on Wednesday
Witcher re-release to address "major criticisms" of topline RPG
BBFC: "We don’t know what Dr Byron is going to recommend"
Bethesda "has begun direct publishing operations in Europe"
Thompson threatens NIU with lawsuit
Violent games make you fick, says German study
US doctor says Wii trains kids to kill
Epic and the $1 billion Microsoft deal: it's GamePro again
Ninja Gaiden III, Phantasy Star II added to US VC
Lego Indiana Jones has four-player co-op, releases on June 3
Frontlines: Fuel of War to support 50-player games on Xbox 360
PEGI people warn over planned changes to UK classification
Infogrames share split dated for March 4
Motorstorm to "dominate reaction racing", says Evolution
Fallout 3 versions "should all be the same date", says Bethesda
"Major" LotRO announcement planned for Connect 2008
Toshiba blanks HD-DVD death reports as shares surge on the news
Paramount signs to Xbox LIVE Marketplace Video Store in the UK
The Sims aims "to convert players into game designers", launches TheSimsCarnival.com
Don't "overdo it" with Wii, says Nintendo
Heavy price-cutting on US Blu-ray movies as news of HD-DVD back-out spreads
Toshiba HD-DVD decision expected on Tuesday
That was the news – Week 7, 2008: Death of HD-DVD leaves way open for explosive PS3 sales in late 2008
Toshiba expected to formally announce HD-DVD drop imminently
CoD4 DLC confirmed for spring
Microsoft seeking to build "totally new LIVE experience"
Halifax blocks payments to Blizzard, blames fraud
Extra instrument peripherals for Guitar Hero: Aerosmith?
Blu-ray rumours kick off: Xbox 360 player within three months, Blu-ray successor in development
Mass Effect wins at Canada's Elan awards
Thompson's "murder simulator" tag is "laughably incorrect", says expert
Aerosmith: "There are some battles you can't fight"
Amazon planning downloadable games service
Bungie to deliver nine Halo 3 dev sessions at GDC
God of War III at GDC, says Gamespot
Thompson writes to NIU president on "mass murder simulation game, Counter-Strike"
That's all, folks: Toshiba drops HD-DVD
Team17 debuts new Leisure Suit Larry
Lost Planet PS3 requires 5Gb install
Activision applies for DJ Hero trademark
Uber-cool Alone in the Dark movie released
Blu-ray Association gloats over Wal-Mart HD-DVD decision
No space combat in Halo Wars, says Ensemble
New Silent Hill V screens and videos - yuk
Thomspon connects US shooting to games - video
16% Xbox 360 failure rate is "suspect", says Microsoft
Blizzard and Activision staffers back Republican campaigns with donations
Talent without focus on business "really dangerous", says Epic president
Stone Temple Pilots and Garbage for Rock Band next week
Hands-on Okami videos raise eyebrows
Get a job with Bioware at GDC
GameStop raises guidance on strong NPDs
Unannounced Rare game confirmed alongside Banjo details
Thompson blames Illinois shooting on games
Atari US "has lost plenty of money": Gardner
Wal-Mart drops HD-DVD
Gazza is Wii addict, says Sun
Okami Wii to have 16:9, progressive scan, 480p support
First King of Fighters XII trailer
Undated Guitar Hero: Aerosmith confirmed for PS3, PS2, Wii and Xbox 360
Harley Quinn confirmed for Lego Batman
Read part of a Halo novel on the internet
New WoW Wrath of the Lich King trailer
70 million user MMO can happen, says "Acclaim 2.0" boss Dave Perry
NLGD Festival of Games dated for June in Utrecht
Next Xbox 360 motherboards codenamed "Opus and Valhalla", says rumour
Former Naughty Dog staffer launches Big Red Button
Death Jr. coming to Wii this summer
Overlord DLC launches today on Live
WoW cash tournaments announced, instant level 70s promised
Gamespot could change Lost Odyssey score
Fallout 3 world "50% to 80% of the size of Oblivion"
Virtua Fighter 5 R announced, no one knows what it is
Trailer for Far Cry movie is supposedly rubbish
Street Fighter IV: "I'm here to smash you up"
Banjo not "traditional platformer", will have multiplayer
Wii stays on top in Japan hardware figures
Wright doing Spore presentation at GDC
Rein on Gears 2: "When’s the sequel out? We’re still working on the first one guys!"
Spore includes YouTube integration
Nintendo files 301 in US over piracy
Street Fighter IV played then written about
Vigilante 8 coming to XBLA
Tomb Raider Anniversary Mac demo released
US PSN downloads near 8 million in January
Wii and Cod4 top in US, shows NPD data
No Metal Gear for GDC
Witcher moves 600k in three months
Farrell ditches THQ stock
Xbox Live to broadcast GDC events
Abel is new character in SF IV
Manchester Cathedral visits up after Resistance nonsense
Console WiC moves to end of 2008
Red Alert 3 officially announced
Future games mag sales up 23%, shows ABC
Gamespot claims 3.5 million users per month in the UK
NCSoft Europe CEO: New City of Heroes titles planned, Aion for Q4 2008 release
Sports Interactive releases January transfer patch for FM08
Ex-EA man to head up Kuju London
Trackmania for DS - movie
No Kurgan in Highlander, confirms Widescreen
Take-Two sales expected to show big drop for January
Earth Eternal dev secures $4.25 million in VC
Z-Axis renamed to Underground Development
Deadly Creatures heading to Wii for THQ
Disney Brighton announces Pure racer
Mythos video shows... fighting
Perry "stunned" by Marvel MMO canning
Smash Bros. stays top in Japan
"More than 50 new hairstyles" for LotRO Book 12: The Ashen Wastes
GTA IV's defining moment, by Dan Houser
Play TV working on PS3 - video
Patapon demo hits US PSN
Million PlayStation party for UK
Cryptic confirms Champions Online for consoles and PC
Dead Rising-Romero legal spat escalates in US
GT5: Yamauchi promises "global community"
Dark Sector banned in Australia
Xbox 360 failure rate at 16%, says report
Bleszinski: PC is in disarray
Dallas Business Journal posts audio file of 3D Realms interview
nVidia reports record revenues and profits for FY07
Sonic Chronicles this year
Spore Creature Creator shipping before game
Rock Band DLC pack reveals massive list of possible tracks
TF2 update today
Lineage II character transfer service goes live
Red Faction: Guerilla and Aliens game named, acording to GI cover
Major Nelson clarifies Mattrick GTA comments
New Microsoft console in 2010, says analyst
Driller for XBLA?
Spector: "I'm tech's badboy"
EA Sports planning five new franchises in the next three years
Sega Bass Fishing Wii for March 28 for Europe
Red Mile Q4 up over 1,000% YoY
R-Type Command for May 6
StarCraft Ghost may come back from the dead
StarCraft II "this year", says Korean organ
NCSoft shows steady growth as Tabula Rasa takes over $5 million
Top-down GTAs and Street Fighter Alpha for PSN soon, says mag
Computec claims 1.39 million users per month
Metaboli grabs Frontlines, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., CoH and Soulstorm for download service
Hello Kitty MMO goes beta and really weird
Cross-platform play unlikely for The Agency, says SOE
WiiWare session confirmed for GDC
Senior German source "99 percent sure" Games Convention move is true
CoD4 humiliates Halo 3 at top of Live
NCSoft promises to show PS3 title this year
Jamie Bell to voice Jumper
New Resistance 2 scans from OPM UK
New Atari games confirmed with financials
Europe is "priority" for Spore
PS3 sells 1 million in the UK, SCEE confirms
Heavy rumour links Games Convention with Cologne move for 2009
Both GTA IV versions will have online multiplayer: Rockstar
Spore for Wii at "design stage"
"Online videogames increase exposure to predators"
Lair developer wants to "push" Wii with new game
Spore: what it's like to play
New Saints Row 2 shots
Bioware rumoured for new KOTOR
Mattrick: GTA IV online multiplayer "unique to 360"
Mattrick admits American "shortages" for Xbox 360 hardware
Pandemic working on new Lord of the Rings game
Sony: backwards compatability is "important to us"
EA edgy on Spore for Wii
New OneLifeLeft available now
New Sims projects overload as EA steps up a gear
Atari losses continue in third quarter
Silicon Knights creating "psychological thriller" for 2010
PC giants plan gaming alliance announcement for GDC
C&C Red Alert 3 confirmed
Prototype for GDC, new trailer released
EA targets $6 billion sales by 2011
Spore movie released
Sacred 2 playable at GDC
No multiplayer for Just Cause 2
Madden's 20th anniversary won't be a "ordinary year", says Moore
Spore date announced, Wright interview hits web
NovaLogic teases on new Delta Force game
Criterion: No more Black "any time soon"
Ubisoft smacks Bratz company for $13 million
2K licenses Unreal Engine 3 for "unannounced games"
Sims co-creator joins Red Mile
EA ties up NFL license until 2013
Mass Effect for PC in May, "brand new titles in the future"
Smash Bros. goes over 1 million copies in Japan
GT5 Prologue gets new date for Europe
Street Fighter IV and both Bionic Commando titles for GDC
Win ?1,000 for getting your friends arrested in 1989
Get loaded, meet women at GDC
City of Heroes dev plans MMO blitz for GDC
Katashima takes head role at Koei outside Japan
UK Army of Two content embargo lifts
Resident Evil 5 will make people "flip out", says Capcom
Halo, Battlefield men form Tyrant Studios
Moore's sports mission "important" to overall EA growth
DMC4 knocks Paradise off top of UK all-formats
EA: ignore the "is-it-art" debate
Ubisoft to open Singapore studio
XBL DMC4 demo hits 1 million
Burnout Paradise better than sex: official
Commanders: Attack of the Genos for US XBLA tomorrow
Hasbro is "embarrassment of riches", says EA
Championship Gaming Series shows four titles for 2008 season
Crazed US foreign policy to extend to games piracy
Audio Surf hits Steam on Friday
Peter Moore launches EA Sports blog
Call of Duty 4 quote used in US Rambo marketing
GTA IV Xbox 360 "episodes" are experiment, says Rockstar
Army of Two achievements leaked
Punk stuff for Rock Band in the US
Miyamoto explains thinking behind Wii Fit
Halo 3 and Burning Crusade win visual effects awards
Nintendo UK boss: "We aim to be disruptive"
Pathetic Telegraph launches assault at Byron Report
E for All dated for October
Circuit City to start selling used games
Dave Chapelle, not Chuck D, was first choice for NBA Ballers: Chosen One
Five minutes of Army of Two co-op, UK content tomorrow
Flat US sales expected for January
Kudo Tsunoda will oversee "MGS/Epic publishing relationship", says Rein
FlatOut PSP demo for February 22
Harvest Moon and Lords of Thunder hit US Wii Shop Channel
NPD to publish quarterly MMO reports
Banjo for "this holiday", says Kim
Playable StarCraft II at first European Blizzard Entertainment Worldwide Invitational
Lost Odyssey man steered clear of "risk"
EA confirms Monopoly and Scrabble
China dev cost "half" that of India
Sega Bass Fishing trailer shows inlets and "average size" fish
Jumpgate: Evolution for "second half of 2008"
Far Cry man's "worry" over PS3 dev turned to "positive surprise"
Tsunoda confirmed as new Gears of War boss
Eurogamer hits 1.8 million users per month, hires MMO editor
Forza developer now hiring for "next big thing"
Beta for tennis MMO Smash Online goes live
Penumbra demo up now
Frontlines: Fuel of War multiplayer demo on Live now
King of Fighters XII for Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2009
Luke Goss to play Steve Fox in Tekken movie
That was the news – Week 6, 2008: Are Brown and Byron really charting a collision course with the UK games industry?
Listen to OneLifeLeft with Ellie and Tom
EA Blueprint to support social games developers
New Echochrome movie released
Five new GTA IV videos hit web
Professor Layton sequel confirmed for US
EA Oz confirms lack of MoH2 multiplayer, offers refund
Dead Head Fred wins Writer's Guild award
Okami for Wii is "complete"
Marine's disappearance linked to CoD4
Apple applies for trademark protection on gaming devices
Activision Blizzard could earn "$1.38 billion in 2009"
Mental new Ninja Gaiden 2 screens
Silent Hill V to be franchise's "most disturbing drama"
Bioware boss to speak on MMOs at GDC
PS3 Echochrome is half the price of PSP version: here's why
New Square Enix MMO confirmed for GDC
The Club demo out for PC
Ace Combat 6 rumoured for PS3 in 2008
Prime Minister beaten by child at Wii Sports
New Mortal Kombat movie in the works
Dragon Quest Swords dated in the US
First Facebreaker trailer released
GameStop to carry AIAS award badges
Major League Eating franchise licensed for games
PS2 ownership lead in Japan shocks no one
Wii attach rate is increasing, says Nintendo UK
Lost Planet demo pulled from US PSN
No confirmation of Tales of Symphonia for Europe, says Nintendo
Riccitiello: "I blew it"
New Steam client available
New Wrath of the Lich King shots
Puzzle Quest 2 confirmed
Take-Two "bombarded" with Bioshock movie requests
Crysis movie "definitely planned"
Destructoid pulls rumoured GTA IV multiplayer details
Games "nomalize" (sic) killing, says report
Games hit UK frontpages as evidence mounts over impending political "clampdown"
Bizarre Creations fears racing genre is becoming "niche"
Sega Sammy to lay off 400 staff
Splash Damage announces growth plans
Condemned 2 trailer brings the pain
Giant GTA IV update - new movies and 25 shots
XBLA Peggle to include online multiplayer
Bangai-O Spirits for US DS in March
Vegas 2 movies: three of them
PGR4 DLC pack brings power-value
Major Minor's Majestic March "for western market first"
Discs of Tron for US XBLA next week
This is Vegas - first trailer
Pacman CE up for Developers Choice Award
WoW miniatures game announced
New Tomb Raider Underworld renders and shots
Next Tabula Rasa update to include "eagerly awaited" spy class features
Multiwinia for "summer", says Introversion
Adam Roberts joins D3Publisher Europe as MD
Nordic Game ramps up heavily for GDC
First Lego Indiana Jones shots: no Nazis in sight
Three more WipEout Pulse expansion packs for February
Get 20% off your Connect 2008 ticket
US date for PSP FLOw
Grand Theft Auto - the Kate Moss Years
Buy Conflict on Steam, get Deus Ex for free
Million on day one for MGS4 quote incorrect, says Konami
No more Vegas for Rainbox Six
Will Wright demos Spore at NASA
CoD4 takes top honour at 11th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards
Moves for Takahashi and Remo
First Saint's Row 2 screens
Pray silence for... the Street Fighter IV arcade cabinet
GTA IV site launching today
Wii leads Japan arms race, DS drops back
Over 60 new Street Fighter IV shots
Activision financials: Everything in one place
Activision financials: "Competitive advantage" on PS3 to be extended
Activision financials: Kung Fu Panda and Madagascar 2 for this FY
Activision financials: Three more Guitar Hero games this year, franchise push for Europe
Activision financials: New Ultimate Alliance and Spiderman games confirmed
Activision financials: Bond still on track for autumn release
Activision financials: New CoD game to hit this fiscal year
Activision financials: Hawk for revamp in this FY
Reuters source rubbishes "$1.5 billion Viacom for Take-Two" story
Activision financials: Activision's profits rocket on back of Guitar Hero and CoD4
PopCap: No Peggle for DS
Halo 3 has sold 8 million units, never say never on MS games portable: Kim
New Street Fighter IV screens - s**t the bed
Jaffe confirms Twisted Metal for PS3, three-game contract with Sony
"We don't release failures": Blizzard
Garriott "busy" with "several months" of Russian space training
New Wacraft III patch removes CD support
Steam hits 15 millon accounts
England's football coach decries "PlayStation culture"
Lighthouse signs up as SCEA publisher
New GTA IV info, shots
Fears emerge that Brown may use Byron to "crackdown" on games
WoW tops US PC sales again
Twisted Metal PS3 hidden message uncovered?
European PSN updated
Bizarre Creations made "concerted effort" to minimize gore in The Club
New Halo 3 bundle for non-Japanese, Asian markets
GamesRadar.com relaunches with "regimented, ordered design"
Gameloft sales grow 40% for fourth quarter
Peggle for DS
English of the Dead isn't a joke
Guinness record book launches with Guitar Hero "marathon"
German Conan players will be able to avoid censorship
CoD4 back to top of Live multiplayer
No Nazis in Lego Indiana Jones, release set for June
Band Mashups for Wii, normal people cry a bit
Namco to close a fifth of its arcades, blames Wii
Smash Bros. first week sales official - 820,000 units
Alone in the Dark site live
Legendary: The Box confirmed for Xbox 360 and PS3
Patapon demo hits Japanese PSN
Females over 30 back free, ad-based games
Valve still "figuring out" Episode Three
GCDC puts out call for speakers
Skydiving game for US PSN tomorrow
M-rated games drop from 8% to 6% of US market
Microsoft should buy Sony: Stein
3D Realms has "learned lessons" over DNF release date debacle
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World confirmed for US
1UP changes scoring system, shuffles editorial
It's "time for madness", Verbinski tells developers
"$30 million budgets" killing innovation, says former EA boss
Lego Indiana Jones at GDC
Kojima having a waz on Smash Bros. Brawl - pics
PES 2008 movies show Wii game in action
Gamestrata includes online rankings in Facebook
Free and premium DLC planned for Burnout Paradise
Fitch upgrades Sony to A-
Jaffe's next project bigger than "$9.99" arcade games
Smash Bros. goes over 800,000 in first week in Japan
Madden producer David Ortiz quits EA Tiberon
Exclusive: Miller responds to Dallas Business Journal article on DNF
The comedy begins: 3D Realms disputes date and platform confirmation for DNF
THQ financials transcript released
Mass Effect DLC confirmed
DNF "on target" for 2008, Xbox 360 and PS3: stop the press
SCEE: "No plans for silver PS3 in Europe"
Assassin's Creed PC named "Director’s cut edition", dated for March
Viacom looking at Take-Two buyout, says rumour
Microsoft US drops HD-DVD player to $129.99
Star Ocean 2 PSP: "Nothing announced as yet for Europe and US"
This is Vegas allows players to "live out their Vegas fantasies"
Spielberg is "just one of the team"
DICE kicks off in Vegas
First Spielberg-EA game is BOOM BLOX for Wii
Guitar Hero IV this year
EA opens giant testing centre in Madrid
Perry receives honorary Queen's degree alongside Tony Blair
Singstore updated, as promised
Famitsu scans show Mario Kart release date "rumour"... isn't
Capcom raises full-year forecasts for 2008
Halo tournaments played on "nuclear subs"
PES 2008 "makes incredible use" of Wii control system
The Club on track for "head shot heaven"
Hybrids enter Tabula Rasa - trailer
MGS PS2 collection goes unconfirmed for Europe
Mario Kart date "just rumour", says Nintendo
Bungie makes first mention of "totally different" project
Conan interest goes through the roof, nipples or not
Capcom "can't comment" on Lost Planet: Colonies
Mario Kart Wii for April 10 in Japan, says rumour
GTAIV uncensored in Oz, says Rockstar
SFIV characters to be revealed this Friday
Sronghold Crusader Extreme confirmed by Gamecock
Lost Planet: Colonies rated, mystery
Nintendo hits seven month low as Japan stocks slide
Article solves the great Dragon Quest mystery
Konami sees good profit off small revenue rise in third quarter
Conker and Jade Empire not coming to Xbox Live
GamePro's Gears of War 2 article hits web
Houser rubbishes Variety's GTA movie report
Iwata: 10 million VC downloads doesn't mean end of discs
THQ financials: Everything in one place
THQ financials: Investor call webcast online now
THQ financials: Next UFC game for Memorial Weekend unveiling
THQ financials: Ambition and "old fashion" killed Stuntman and Juiced
THQ financials: Warhammer 40K MMO up and running
THQ financials: Red Faction III confirmed for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC
CONANGATE: Woman make boo-boo, nipple strong in America
THQ financials: THQ hits guidance but sees earnings slashed for third quarter
Greeks get uppity about lack of Live
CONANGATE: No nipples for US
Davis: "Gerstmann firing destroyed me"
The Club goes gold
Rollcage, Omega Boost and Devil Dice for PSN?
"Exceedingly strong" PS3 performance in 2008, says Hickey
Gamestop "wants to sell you used games"
Brawl sells 700,000 in four days
New Conflict has "auto-adjust difficulty level"
Mass Effect for PC, says rumour
Site seeks to educate parents about games
Metal Gear Solid: the Essential Collection confirmed
First Golden Axe shots released
Devil May Cry 4 ships in US
FlatOut PSP demo this month, says Empire
Euro PSN content delays addressed in "six months"
Rock Band Stage Kit: pictures of the box
N4G.com takes Future money, joins GamesRadar Network
PSN has "all of the capabilities", says Army of Two guy
Dualshock 3 not packaged with Japanese silver PS3 bundle
Games blamed for decline in outdoors lifestyle, says study
Pirates Vs Ninjas "best looking thing" on XBLA
Tom and Ellie Eurogamer on London radio tonight
C&C announcement in "about two weeks"
Vegas 2 dated for Europe
videogaming247.com newsletters now operational, captain
Black, Ninja Gaiden and Pirates! make US Live
Microsoft brands imminent Xbox 360 price drop as "rumour"
Lost Odyssey dates firm for US and Europe, says Microsoft, despite Asian release
GTA film deal "fell apart" at last minute
David Gardner starts job at Infogrames
Gearbox title is "set in the Halo universe"
Wii "demand outstripping supply" in Australia
Sega Bass Fishing for March in Europe
Bethesda posts monster update on Fallout 3's Brotherhood of Steel
Shots of budget Japanese PS3 games appear
Faith and a .45 teaser gets gun-ho
"Satin Silver" PS3 next month in Japan
EA guidance needed for 09, says Pachter
nVidia acquires AGEIA
Double XP weekend detailed for City of Heroes
TF2 update "within a month"
Firaxis explains "hold" status of Civ Revolution for Wii
Gearbox starts "big" project
Myst Online given 60 days on death row
Console MMO dev not so easy, says NCSoft
Dead Rising 2 at western developer, says rumour
Jaffe to keynote GDC Career Seminar
British Columbia warns on Montreal tax incentives
Watch mad gamers lose rag
Videogames reward men more than women, says study
Killer Instinct 3 rumours start again
Ryan Davis quits Gamespot as Gerstmann fallout continues
Daxter sells 2 million in two years
Watchdog slams Nintendo for discrimination against Northerners
Prototype attracts Hollywood talent (we think)
Sega Bass Fishing gold!
Winning Eleven moniker dropped in US
European Xbox 360 price cut rumoured
CoD4 DLC to contain maps, God knows what else
Weight Management DS title from Ubi goes to US
New PAL PS3 bundle for Oz
A million people Folding@Home, says Sony
Gears 2 GamePro announcement is "complete nonsense": Rein
Criterion makes full statement on Burnout Paradise HDD dependency
Chuck D lends voice to EA game
B-52s, Faith No More, and KISS next for Rock Band US
Madden's "realism" claim destroyed by Super Bowl
Paradise holds second week in UK all-formats
US police fail MMO crime victim
American McGee announces next Spicy Horse project
Idiotic newspaper writes story about Wii and prison
MGS mobile: first shots
Ton of Killzone concept art from Xavier Marquis
DMC4 takes "22 minutes to install on PS3"
FlatOut Ultimate Carnage for PC this year
Command and Destroy RTS unveiled for DS
Lost Odyssey on sale for Euro Xbox 360's, in English, right now
X3: Terran Conflict to end trilogy
amBX to announce new publisher partners at GDC
Easy to make monkey dance, says Samba man
THQ takes on new CFO
"Platinum" PS3 budget range "likely" for Euro PS3, says SCEE
GDC is for "engine, not games": Rein
Ex-Xbox men announce indie dev contest
Japanese Home survey rude awakening for Sony
Entry level Xbox 360 for Japanese release
UT3 PS3 for February Euro launch
Singstar PS3 set for May launch in US
Sega drops Euro price of VF5 and Golden Compass
Monthly bonus NiGHTS content revealed for Wii
DS Lite launching in South Africa
The Red DS Lite you'll never own
"Greatest Hits" PS3 budget line planned for Japan
Meier "exploring possibilities" of Firaxis MMO
PS3 DMC4 drowns Xbox 360 version in Japan
New GTA IV trailer surfaces
That was the news – Week 5, 2008: The Road to the Great American Show? starts here
Sega Bass Fishing Marsh video has us hooked
Chinese fear games "breakdown traditional community life"
Massive FFXIII update: 27 scanned pages from Famitsu PS3
Metal Gear Solid: Essential Collection all true, on pre-order now in US
"High fidelity neuro-system" controller to be shown at GDC
Two women held at gunpoint for Wii
Halo 3 map misses DLC package
Lineage II: The Chaotic Throne - Kamael launches in Europe
Lost Odyssey hits India?
Conan trailer looking peachy for May launch
Gears of War 2 in next issue of GamePro
Massive Army of Two presentation... in Spanish
Conker: Live and Reloaded and Jade Empire for Live?
"Vietnam bans computer games"
Silent Hill V scans show new screens
Germans to get Conflict demo after all
Jaffe accelerates into Bananagate
Rock Band mic not compatible with Wii
Frontlines US promos show how it's done
EA extends Paradise demo online play
Max Payne movie to begin filming on March 2
No More Heroes was originally for Xbox 360
Pre-order Turning Point, get postcards
Lucasarts president bows out, praises "fantastic team"
"Hard-core" becoming smaller part of mass audience: NYT
New Gamespot ed "taken aback" by Gerstmann sacking
ELSPA DS piracy story "completely false"
Subversion "at crossroads" says Introversion
Microsoft spins 2007's NPDs
Gameplay first, not Lara: Tomb Raider producer
Square Enix target acquisitions for growth
Climax closure affects "two staff members"
Dragon Quest IX nearly done, says Wada
Sony stock stiffs on limp earnings
No current plans for Uncharted DLC
PS3 SKU rumours gets out of hand: 160Gb, slim machine for autumn?
No UEFA Euro 2008 for Wii or DS
Silent Hill Origins for PS2 in May
Buzz! for PS3 and PSP "this spring"
Tiscali responds to CoD4 online play blocking
Smash Bros. sells 500k on day one?
Climax closes Kingston Studio
First shots of improved Home
EA beats Gameloft to be biggest mobile games pub for 2007
New Lost trailer says, "Where is the camera?"
Console Space Siege being “considered” says Sega
Conan gets communal in Spain
Germans miss out on "uncut" Conflict: Denied Ops demo
Sony "mulling over" PS3 SKU strategy
Hi-res Tomb Raider Underworld shots
EA financials: Full transcript available online
Acti-Blizzard deal "came perilously close to never seeing the light of day"
New Killzone shot and faction rumour
Final Folklore packs in US PSN update this week
Big TV additions move onto US XBLM
DS still leading Japan hardware charts
Sony gives away 28,000 PS3's in Australia
Mental DMC4 trailer: must-watch
Unconfirmed Mario Kart box art looks... Mario Karty
Jumpgate moves away from EVE's point and click
Get a job with 2K Boston
EA financials: Everything in one place
EA financials: Orange Box titles to be split out
EA financials: Lord of the Rings gets new title
EA financials: Rock Band complaints in "single digits"
EA financials: Bioware's Dragon Age for 2009
EA financials: PS3 still tough for development
EA financials: SKATE outsells Hawk 2:1
EA financials: Rock Band confirmed for Wii
EA financials: Crysis sells a million
EA financials: Full webcast available now
EA financials: Spore before Holiday 08