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October 2013 Archive

    1. Madden NFL 25's first PlayStation 4 gameplay footage released
    2. SoulCalibur II HD Online releasing on November 20 on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network
    3. RuneScape devs launch charity drive using in-game gold, hope to fix its economy
    4. DC Universe Online confirmed for PlayStation 4 launch day
    5. Which Xbox One Games Should I Pre-order?
    6. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds gets a new dungeoneering gameplay trailer
    7. Arma 3's first campaign episode launches, gets trailer
    8. Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z releasing March 4 in North America and Feb 28 in Europe
    9. You can now earn Sony Rewards points with any PSN purchase
    10. Starcraft 2 update 2.1 will hit Public Test Realm after Blizzcon
    11. New Rome 2: Total War DLC adds beautiful blood sprays and decapitations
    12. Ubi ends Uplay Passport program, makes Assassin's Creed 4's online features free
    13. Blink-182 to play a show at Blizzcon
    14. Mr. Zurkon has children in Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus
    15. Here's 7 minutes of South Park: The Stick of Truth gameplay to possibly salve the wound
    16. South Park: The Stick of Truth bumped to the spring
    17. Oddness of Call of Duty Ghosts' Free Fall map demonstrated in upsetting trailer
    18. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, Soul Sacrifice free on PlayStation Plus in North America in November
    19. Animal Crossing: New Leaf tops 6 million copies sold
    20. DC's Most Dangerous Vigilante Plays it Safe | Batman: Arkham Origins Review
    21. Xbox Live Gold's next free games are A World of Keflings and Iron Brigade
    22. Qualcomm's Yuen says they'll never make a mobile chip that's faster than a current console's
    23. GungHo stock drops 25 percent despite $238 million operating profit in Q3
    24. New trailer reminds us Forza 5 is "only possible on Xbox One"
    25. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 gets a very special Halloween trailer, steelbook case at Zavvi
    26. What are the Scariest PC Games in the Steam Halloween Sales?
    27. Kojima aiming for photorealistic visuals in Metal Gear Solid 5
    28. Destiny PS4: vehicle customisation, weapons & social features outlined in new video
    29. Dark Souls 2 screens show combat, Phantoms and decay
    30. Disgaea 4: Return trailer shows off PS Vita remake, watch here
    31. Ex-Valve Engineers Explain the CastAR's Benefits Over the Competition
    32. Nintendo still defiant on bringing its games to smartphones, says analyst
    33. Xbox One game gifting could come after launch, suggests Nelson
    34. Halo Wars free on Xbox Live Gold in Korea
    35. Tony Hawk keen on making mobile games
    36. TellTale to announce new "dream IP" projects soon
    37. Destiny may use Xbox One Kinect or PS4 touch-pad, Bungie suggests
    38. GTA 5 launches 'epic photobomb' contest, details inside
    39. Sony financials: game business loses $8 million, projections slashed 40%
    40. Wii Karaoke U adds 51 new songs, full list inside
    41. Most powerful women in gaming: Kiki Wolfkill and Amy Hennig enter Fortune's top ten list
    42. Call of Duty: Ghosts pre-load available on PS3 from November 3
    43. Soul Calibur 2: HD Online Xbox 360 achievements emerge, get the list here
    44. Smash Bros Wii U adds male Wii Fit Trainer to character roster
    45. Capcom financials: Monster Hunter 4 gives profits much-needed boost
    46. Resident Evil 5 passes Street Fighter 2 as Capcom's biggest-seller
    47. Ryse: Son of Rome live action series confirmed, starts November 5 - trailer inside
    48. Tearaway: postcards from Valleyfold - preview
    49. Journey producer says developers should design "aesthetics first"
    50. Furmins' PS Vita port launches today in Europe, next month in the US
    51. Awesomenauts PlayStation 4 gets Assemble subtitle, releasing launch day
    52. Draugen is the ghostly trip to the 1920 fjords of Norway I've never wanted to take
    53. Bravely Default: Flying Fairy release slated for Q1 next year in North America
    54. Ghosts 'N Goblins: Demon World Kickstarter launches, game will release "With or Without Capcom"
    55. League of Legend's harrowing Halloween update adds new skins, Mystery Gifting
    56. Xbox One's Snapping and UI gets showcased in shaky footage
    57. Dragon Quest Monsters 2's 3DS remake gets detailed in screenshots
    58. Rumour: Call of Duty: Ghosts limited to 12 player MP on current gen systems, 3GB SP install
    59. Metal Gear Solid V screenshots showcase boxes to hide behind, fences to crawl under
    60. Arkane and Battlecry Studios using CryEngine for new projects
    61. Soulcalibur II HD Online footage sees Mitsurugi fighting Maxi (in HD)
    1. Tiger Woods in negotiations with "another company" for use of his video game rights
    2. Sega to bring 3D enabled Ecco the Dolphin and Sonic the Hedgehog to 3DS
    3. Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks HD teased by Ed Boon on Twitter
    4. Report: Eidos Montreal cancel unannounced game connected with Square Enix Japan
    5. World of Tanks' 8.9 update rolls out 7v7 battles, lets all-new panzers roll across US soil
    6. Final Fantasy XIV relaunch secures 1.5 million subscribers
    7. Kerbal Space Program is on its way to 50 schools to teach kids how to crash over and over again
    8. WWE 2K14's launch trailer preys on your nostalgia for 30 years of Wrestlemania
    9. Gamestop reopens launch day Xbox One pre-orders with mandatory $100 deposit
    10. Julie Uhrman says it's "inevitable" major publishers will come to Ouya
    11. Saints Row IV Super Saints pack adds some really tight costumes
    12. There is a Heavenly Sword movie, and this is its trailer
    13. WildStar's winter beta to begin soon, hopefuls can still apply
    14. Rubin confirms Call of Duty Ghosts runs at 720p on Xbox One, native 1080p on PS4
    15. "Absolutely no DRM" ever for The Witcher 3 on PC
    16. JPgamer: Deadly Resolution
    17. Sony answers 160 questions about the PS4
    18. This is your day-one lineup of PS4 games [UPDATED with 5 more]
    19. Battlefield 4 multiplayer video: watch us play Zavod 311 Conquest here
    20. Gaslamp Games' Clockwork Empires is a colony sim with alcohol and Cthulhu
    21. The Man You've Killed the Most
    22. Dead Rising 3 trailer goes 'Nick or treating' on Halloween, season pass announced
    23. Battlefield 4 multiplayer video: watch us play Dawnbreaker Conquest here
    24. Assassin's Creed 4's Desmond Miles Easter Egg
    25. There are now 65 million Steam accounts
    26. The 10 Best Genesis/Mega Drive and Top 5 Sega CD Games
    27. Techland's Hellraid bumped to 2014
    28. 32.3 quadrillion bullets fired and more weird Call of Duty stats
    29. Something Horrible This Way Comes: Eldritch Review
    30. Codemasters taking F1 Race Stars to Wii U in december
    31. Planetside 2 will hit PlayStation 4 in early 2014
    32. Friends in High Places
    33. Beyond the Shock in Horror: Changing Up the Game
    34. Assassin's Creed 4's Aveline DLC free for PlayStation Plus right now
    35. Once More Unto the Mediocre Breach: A Battlefield 4 Review
    36. Battlefield 4 Xbox 360: mandatory install problems addressed by EA Support
    37. Infinity Blade 3: Soul Hunters update detailed, trailer inside
    38. Call of Duty: Ghosts perk system explained, new perks listed
    39. Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl confirmed for European release at last
    40. PS4 & Xbox One: GAME UK offering launch queue jump to pre-purchase customers
    41. Hawken: Invasion patch adds new mech and mode - details and screens inside
    42. Deadly Premonition PC: SWERY apologises for shonky port
    43. The Typing of the Dead: Overkill out now on Steam, screenshots inside
    44. FIFA World Cup content announced during EA investor call
    45. Uncharted 3 multiplayer gets final DLC, all maps now free
    46. Rocksmith 2014: Smashing Pumpkins DLC out now, track list inside
    47. Game Expo Scotland 2014 announced, initial events detailed
    48. Machinarium devs post new teaser for Samorost 3, narrows release window
    49. Nintendo Q2 financials: 300k Wii U consoles sold in quarter, software up
    50. Outlast DLC confirmed, stars new protagonist
    51. Journey: you can create successful games by thinking about feelings first, says producer
    52. Batman: Arkham Origins traces around the lines, but that's okay - opinion
    53. Battlefield 4: Weapons List and Vehicles Multiplayer Guide
    54. Oculus Rift coming to Android, but iOS support not on the cards
    55. Dark Souls 2 American beta test rescheduled for next weekend - report
    56. Titanfall developer will make PS4 games - possibly even Titanfall 2
    57. TF2's fifth annual Helloween update is live
    58. GTA role offered to Alec Baldwin for "a ridiculous amount of money"
    59. Assassin's Creed 4 PlayStation exclusives not coming to other platforms
    60. Consoles and mobile devices will be "pretty much the same device" in a few years, says Nexon boss
    61. Mobile whales share as much as they spend - EEDAR
    62. Blackguards coming to Steam Early Access next week
    1. Angry Birds: Star Wars out now on 3DS, PS3 and Xbox 360
    2. Penello: Microsoft "crunching" but Xbox One SDK bugs not as "dire or dramatic" as rumoured
    3. Rise of the Triad 1.2 update brings level editor
    4. Nimble Quest, Shaun the Sheep and Doctor Who among 100 new Steam Greenlight approvals
    5. EA Q2: Titanfall not coming to PS4, EA expects 10 million PS4 and Xbox One sales this FY
    6. GTA 5 has sold-in 29 million copies; more Take-Two financial results here
    7. Assassin's Creed 4's fleet management locked behind online pass
    8. 6 screenshots from The Walking Dead Season 2
    9. The Walking Dead Season 2 begins this year, you play as Clementine
    10. A Playable Fan-Made Warcraft IV?! Yes, Please!
    11. Death and dramatic dialogue fill new Ryse: Son of Rome trailer
    12. How Does PlayStation 4's Launch Stack Up Against History?
    13. Free-to-play Command & Conquer canceled
    14. Roundabout: Teasdale on spinning limos and why the '70s were best
    15. Steam Halloween sale has begun, tons of discounts
    16. Blockbuster UK re-enters administration, cancels Xbox One and PS4 pre-orders
    17. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag - watch us play the first 20 minutes here
    18. Slender: The Arrival has arrived on Steam at a discount
    19. This is a precious PSA for ESRB ratings
    20. Battlefield 4 multiplayer launch trailer sells the game with pure madness
    21. The Hero Factory
    22. Sid Meier's Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies hitting PC, mobile next week
    23. Need for Speed: Rivals trailer aims to amp you up
    24. Halo: Spartan Assault hitting Xbox One and 360 in December
    25. Battlefield 4 campaign opinion: welcome to 'C Company'
    26. Easter Egg ties Assassin's Creed 4 to Watch Dogs
    27. Halloween sales includes new Amnesia, Alan Wake, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
    28. Battlefield 4 campaign: watch us play the first ten minutes here
    29. Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds 3DS bundle confirmed for North America
    30. Redbox app hitting PS3 today
    31. Battlefield 4: Levolution dynamic events detailed in full
    32. Battlefield 4 PC pre-load now live in more territories
    33. Fable Legends: Lionhead praises Unreal Engine 4, discusses new levels of detail
    34. Xbox Live gets new mandatory terms of use agreement, Microsoft issues statement
    35. Star Wars 1313 concept art gives us new glimpse of Boba Fett's scrapped adventure
    36. Battlefield 4: we found a Mirror's Edge easter egg, see it here
    37. Deep Silver talks PC piracy: Uplay-style DRM, "is not the way we want to approach things"
    38. Battlefield 4: first multiplayer update hits Xbox Live, DICE "strongly advises" it
    39. Famitsu reviews: Rocksmith 2014 receives highest score this week
    40. SimCity awarded 'Shonky' award for business practices surrounding troubled launch
    41. Microsoft hires TV celebrity Jonathan Ross as executive producer
    42. Battlefield 4 guide – single-player walkthrough, multiplayer tips, tons more
    43. Assassin's Creed 4 guide - complete single-player walkthrough
    44. Battlefield 4: China Rising DLC dated for Premium subscribers
    45. Forza 5 Car Pass detailed for Xbox One, adds 60-plus vehicles to game after launch
    46. Battlefield 4: PS4 multiplayer capture shows raw Paracel Storm gameplay
    47. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag reviews go live - get all the scores here
    48. Battlefield 4 reviews maintain franchise's high - all scores here
    49. Ys: Memories of Celceta headed to Europe via NIS
    50. GTA 5 iFruit now available for Android devices
    51. Young Justice: Legacy no longer coming to Wii or Wii U
    52. Just How Good is the DualShock 4? Hands On With the New PS4 Controller
    53. Nvidia Shield update adds Console Mode, brings GameStream out of beta
    1. Pokémon X & Y: Nintendo releases Iwata and Game Freak video chat
    2. GTA Online issues highlight "expertise gap", Take Two trailing on digital - analyst
    3. The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot gets in the Hallowe'en mood with new trailer
    4. Earth Defense Force 2025 gets western release window
    5. Xbox One SDK plagued by eleventh hours bugs - rumour
    6. US PS Plus update: Sine More free to subscribers
    7. Apple Q4: iPhone sales up 16%, iPad plateaus
    8. Dark Souls 2: Screenshots, Videos, and Everything Else You Wanted Spoiled for You
    9. Tiger Woods and EA Sports end partnership, next-gen PGA game gets first screen
    10. Call of Duty: Ghosts’ Extinction mode officially revealed, trailer inside
    11. Nintendo releases a new trailer for the 2DS, explains what it is and what it can do
    12. Neverwinter: Shadowmantle update to add Hunter Ranger class and new content later this year
    13. Tesco responsible for one third of GTA 5's sales in the UK
    14. PS4 trophy unlock animation revealed, watch it here
    15. Razer: Min-Liang Tan talks the power and the passion
    16. Rift goes free-to-play on Steam, three new bundles announced
    17. Xbox One: a free trial for Kinect Sports Rivals will be available at launch, gets trailer
    18. Far Cry 3: Deus Ex star Elias Toufexis fired from starring role over casting confusion
    19. Nvidia to drop prices of high-end graphics cards, include free games
    20. Yoshida: PS4 day one update can be downloaded in the background, no custom wallpaper options
    21. Roam creator retracts How to Survive copy-cat accusations, full statement inside
    22. GTA 5 PS3 premium theme & avatars available now, Xbox 360 wallpaper on sale
    23. Battlefield 4 hasn't been limited by modern day setting, says DICE over Battlefield 2142 demands
    24. Trine 2: Complete Story Edition confirmed for PS4 release, comes in at 1080p & 60FPS
    25. Pokemon Company's new Pikachu game is detective title, new details emerge
    26. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt signs Namco Bandai as European distributor
    27. The Strongest Next-Gen Lineup from the Unlikeliest Source
    28. Battlefield 4 PC pre-load available now on Origin Europe
    29. Xbox One: Microsoft Studios hiring creative producer for "long-term, transmedia IPs"
    30. Ryse: Son of Rome gets live-action TV spot, watch it here
    31. Call of Duty Ghosts: no plans for Modern Warfare 4 at this time, says Infinity Ward
    32. PS4: DualShock 4 works with Xbox 360, according to this footage
    33. Final Fantasy 10 & 10-2 HD Remaster screens show characters, Dresspheres
    34. WWE 2K14 reviews are go, get all the slobber-knocking scores here
    35. Final Fantasy: Eidos-developed entry has been discussed, says Yuji Abe
    36. Nintendo downloads Europe: Super Castlevania 4 and Wii Fit U lead the week
    37. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 gets Fang screenshots, new battle details
    38. Paradigm Shift: Blending Action and RPG in Lightning Returns
    39. Sega teasing something about 'guts' in time for Halloween
    40. Tekken Revolution adds Christie and Lee to the roster
    41. Xbox One Kinect: third-party sensor stand comes with privacy filter
    42. Final Fantasy 15's first English voice actor outed - report
    43. Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer map list & mode line-up leaked
    44. Call of Duty: Ghosts Xbox 360 requires 3GB install, multiplayer capped at 12 players - report
    45. Call of Duty: Ghosts gun list leaked in full, see it here
    46. Ryse: Son of Rome weapons & armour trailer shows plenty of real steel
    47. Call of Duty: Ghosts' Extinction mode is alien sci-fi shooter - report
    48. UK game charts: Batman Arkham Origins enters at one, GTA 5 slips to second
    49. Football Manager 2014 reviews drop, get all the scores here
    50. Battlefield 4 guide – multiplayer tips (beginner)
    51. Battlefield 4 – weapons guide
    52. Battlefield 4 – vehicle guide
    53. Drakengard 3's latest screens show a motley collection of weapons
    54. Battlefield 4 guide – class guide
    55. Battlefield 4 single-player walkthrough – South China Sea (mission 3)
    56. Battlefield 4 single-player walkthrough – Shanghai (mission 2)
    57. Battlefield 4 single-player walkthrough – Baku (mission 1)
    58. Battlefield 4 single-player walkthrough – Suez (mission 7)
    59. Battlefield 4 single-player walkthrough – Kunlun Mountains (mission 5)
    60. Battlefield 4 single-player walkthrough – Singapore (mission 4)
    61. Battlefield 4 single-player walkthrough – Tashgar (mission 6)
    62. Battlefield 4 guide - multiplayer tips (advanced)
    63. Samurai & Dragons update is the answer to last week's Sega tease
    64. The Walking Dead: Season Two to be unveiled tomorrow
    65. Assassin’s Creed 4 guide – sequence 9 walkthrough
    66. Assassin’s Creed 4 guide – sequence 8 walkthrough
    67. Assassin’s Creed 4 guide – sequence 7 walkthrough
    68. Assassin’s Creed 4 guide – sequence 6 walkthrough
    69. Assassin’s Creed 4 guide – sequence 5 walkthrough
    70. Assassin’s Creed 4 guide – sequence 4 walkthrough
    71. Assassin’s Creed 4 guide – sequence 3 walkthrough (Nassau)
    72. Assassin’s Creed 4 guide – sequence 2 walkthrough (Havana)
    73. Assassin's Creed 4 guide - sequence 1 walkthrough
    74. Pokémon X & Y Japanese sales tailing off faster than Black & White
    75. Star Citizen crowdfunding hits $25 million after most lucrative month to date
    76. NBA 2K14 PS4 and Xbox One includes improved NBA Today
    1. Xbox One and Kinect video shows off voice dashboard navigation
    2. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag multiplayer servers live, ladders will reset at launch
    3. DriveClub and PS4 Share feature shown off with three very short gameplay videos
    4. How to Survive: 505 Games accused of 'blatant theft' of indie dev's game
    5. Is The PS4 Ready For Launch?
    6. Phantom Army is Zombie Studios' new free-to-play shooter
    7. Dark Souls 2 American PS3 beta rescheduled following multiple issues
    1. 38 Studios lawsuit depositions started this week with EDC financial loan adviser
    2. Raindrop is a survival horror FPS with puzzle elements on Kickstarter
    3. MOGA's iPhone game controller in the works shown in leaked photos
    4. Killzone: Shadow Fall video shows 15 minutes of gameplay
    5. Tales staff "is very limited," so it's "not possible" to localize every title for the west, says Baba
    6. Mortal Kombat Legacy director no longer tied to Mortal Kombat film
    7. World of Warcraft - next batch of Connected Realms to be addressed on Monday, October 28
    8. The Bridge coming to Xbox Live in November
    9. Tearaway video shows puzzle mechanics, adorable papercraft models
    10. Basement Crawl is a maze-based puzzler with competitive multiplayer for PlayStation 4
    11. The Secret World Halloween Event is live, runs through November 8
    12. Super Mario 3D World lacks online multiplayer as it "wasn’t the focus this time around," says Miyamoto
    13. Blur Overdrive now available on Android, hits iOS next month, video released
    14. Call of Duty: Strike Team now available for Android through Google Play
    15. FIFA 14 video touts up next-gen sparkle
    16. PlayStation 4 FAQ clarifies sharing, activating a primary system, more
    17. The House of the Dead: Overkill – The Lost Reels on sale for 99? until November 2
    18. Forza 5 direct-feed video shows Ferrari F12 Berlinetta hitting the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps
    19. Capcom sale going on now through Green Man Gaming
    20. Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition gets free Halloween-themed texture pack
    21. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag - GeForce GTX tech video released
    1. This is a Hometown Story Not to Tell the Kids : Review
    2. Is The Xbox One Ready for Launch?
    3. Volume to star Thomas was Alone narrator Danny Wallace, YouTube's Charlie McDonnell
    4. RIFT servers in Russia are shutting down today
    5. Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z to be released in North America in January
    6. Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 teaser is full of skeletons, undead in shabby uniforms
    7. The Witcher 3 date posted on Amazon is either a placeholder or the release date
    8. Ouya 2.0 releasing sometime in 2014, improved controllers in the works
    9. GTA Online: Beach Bum Pack lands in early November, Content Creator planned for fall
    10. Age of Empires 2: Forgotten Empires HD Edition will launch on Steam in November
    11. Batman: Arkham Origins - watch VG247 play the first 10 minutes
    12. The USgamer Community Reflects on Sega Genesis
    13. Edna & Harvey -The Breakout now available for PC on Steam
    14. The Dark Eye – Demonicon is out on PC today, watch the launch trailer
    15. Opinion: Capcom Has Elevated Trolling Fans to an Artform
    16. Ubisoft Quebec's narrative director prefers "juicy and real" female portrayals in games
    17. Golden Joystick Awards: GTA 5 gets Game of The Year, The Last of Us wins three awards
    18. Clueless Gamer PC edition: watch Conan play Amnesia, Outlast, and Slender
    19. Attack on Titan: The Last Wings of Mankind screenshots released
    20. PlayStation 4 launch day update 1.50 detailed alongside free PlayStation App
    21. Reggie Fils-Aime touring select US cities to play Wii U games with consumers
    22. The Stanley Parable calls shenanigans on narrative-driven design
    23. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD screenshots accompany release on Xbox Live
    24. Xbox One and PS4 shipments in Q4 2013 expected to hit 2.5 to 3 million each - analyst
    25. Counter Strike: Global Offensive October patch adds new flashbang animations, more
    26. Shadow Warrior gets axe weapon from The Walking Dead in latest cross-promotion
    27. Wii U Skylanders SWAP Force Holiday Bundle includes Nintendo Land on disc
    28. Why Killzone: Shadow Fall is Almost 40GB
    29. BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode One dated
    30. The Witcher series has passed 6 million life-time sales, CD Projekt releases infographic
    31. PS4: DualShock 4 works with Mac, shown controlling Hotline Miami
    32. Xbox One: expensive trailer kicks off Microsoft's launch campaign, watch here
    33. Pokemon X & Y: Luminose City save game bug fix arrives on 3DS
    34. Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn passes 1.5 million registrations
    35. GameCity 2013: The Last of Us, FTL, FIFA 13, XCOM & more nominated for top prize
    36. Sega talks remakes, wants your suggestions on what to do next
    37. Battlefield 4: Flood Zone map gameplay shown in new PC footage
    38. GTA Online money hand-outs won't start until bugs have been fixed
    39. Diablo 3 expansion update details new Mystic Artisan, weapon enchantments and more
    40. The Girl and the Robot blends Ico with JRPG visuals, alpha trailer inside
    41. Insurgency gets kills trailer, see lots of men being shot here
    42. ?rena: Clash of Champions gets alpha launch trailer for Steam & Android
    43. Ryse: Son of Rome live-action web series teased by Microsoft - report
    44. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag weapons detailed in new trailer
    45. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - Premium Edition gets Steam, PSN launch trailer
    46. Ultra Street Fighter 4: ultra combo & focus systems get new modes, Capcom explains how they work
    47. Dead Trigger 2 out now on Google Play & iOS, launch trailer & screens inside
    48. Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut out now on Steam
    49. Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies review round-up, get the scores here
    50. Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate reviews are go, get all the scores here
    51. Batman: Arkham Origins reviews have begun, all the scores here
    52. Battle Worlds: Kronos gets firm release date
    53. Gran Turismo 6 to deliver online Ayrton Senna content
    54. Batman: Who's Who in Arkham Origins
    55. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst out now on PC
    56. Fractal, Splice and Pulse in latest Humble Weekly Sale
    57. Secrets of R?tikon alpha available now via Indiegogo
    58. Red Baron hits Greenlight, gets PC specs and first gameplay footage
    59. PAIN being "re-invented" as free-to-play title
    60. Alienware offering $200 for consoles, old PCs with new hardware purchase
    61. Super Mario 3D World video shows off new levels
    62. IGF 2014 attracts record entrant numbers
    63. Forza Motorsport 5 Paddock Edition limited to 3,000 copies worldwide
    64. EVE Valkyrie: CCP cagey on intended platforms
    1. Wii discontinued in Europe, Nintendo confirms
    2. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - Premium Edition out now on Steam
    3. Zynga appoints new COO as third quarter results show ongoing losses
    4. 3DS XL charging cradles coming to Club Nintendo
    5. Microsoft Q1: Xbox 360 sales down, Xbox Live revenue up
    6. Star Wars: The Old Republic inactive names to be voided
    7. Ouya lures in Jawfish veteran as free-to-play expert
    8. Wii Party U launches today with over 80 mini-games and multiple party modes
    9. Nintendo: HD helped with Super Mario 3D World creativity, is more interested in new games than HD remakes
    10. Metal Gear Solid 5 may be "open-world" but it has a clear path, says Kojima
    11. Ragnarok Odyssey ACE detailed, out early next year on Vita, PS3
    12. Future Atelier games released in the west will contain both Japanese and English audio tracks
    13. EVE: The Second Decade Collector’s Edition commemorates ten years of EVE Online, now available
    14. Pokémon X and Y: Best Teams, How to Level Up, Mega Evolutions
    15. Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate video shows 10 minutes of gameplay footage
    16. The Fighter Within's first gameplay trailer shows off the Xbox One launch title
    17. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies launch trailer released
    18. Forced from Danish indie developer BetaDwarf has launched on Steam
    19. Battlefield 4 interview part 5: Frostbite and the Mirrors Edge reboot
    20. The Wolf Among Us releasing on Vita and iOS this fall
    21. Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD releases on Xbox 360 alongside PC, and PS3 in January
    22. Rift video shows Telara getting geared up for Halloween
    23. Super Roman Conquest from Star Wars: 1313 and First Assault developers lands on Kickstarter
    24. Farming Simulator hits PS3 and 360 in North America digitally and in stores on November 19
    25. PopCap vows to bring games to new platforms more quickly
    26. Disney Infinity has a new batch of Toy Boxes available for Halloween
    27. Killzone: Shadow Fall could have been 290GB
    28. Nintendo eShop update, North America: Sonic Lost World, Batman: Arkham Origins, Phoenix Wright
    29. Final Exam is bringing old school beat 'em up action on November 6
    30. Super Ubie Land will be called something else before it arrives on Wii U eShop
    31. APB Reloaded gets a horrifying Halloween update
    32. Xbox One supports up to eight people in Party Chat at launch
    33. Batman: Arkham Origins dev worried they'd "bitten off more than they could chew."
    34. New Arma 3 Community Guide video SITREP 2 reflects on the game's release
    35. Until Dark from Shiro Games will release in Q2 2014, lovely concept art released
    36. Ouya rolls out to Target stores across the US, demo kiosks to follow
    37. Angry Birds: Star Wars rated by the ESRB for PS4 and Xbox One
    38. Atelier Escha & Logy - Alchemists of the Dusk Sky will release on PS3 in March
    39. Need for Speed: professional rally driver Ken Block signs multi-year advisory deal with EA
    40. Rayman Fiesta Run arrives on iOS, Android, and Windows November 7
    41. Each Titanfall campaign map contains its own multiplayer mode, says Respawn
    42. How Microsoft's Scientist of Speed Turned a Business Strategy into a Great Series
    43. Konami has fixed PES 2014 online multiplayer on Xbox 360
    44. NECA's new RoboCop figurine is inspired by the 1989 NES game
    45. Students use CryEngine to recreate 17th century London
    46. Space Engineers touches down on Steam Early Access
    47. A-Men 2 announced for PS3 and Vita, promises to be the "most punishing game on PSN"
    48. UK postal strike threatens to scupper Call of Duty: Ghosts launch, retail fights back
    49. Limited Edition 2DS console planned for this, The Year of Luigi - report
    50. Injustice signs up to Sony's PS3-PS4 digital upgrade plan
    51. Capcom is working on a new fighting game, according to Yoshinori Ono
    52. Assassin's Creed 4 and Watch Dogs have PlayStation DLC exclusive for six months
    53. Killzone: Shadow Fall screenshots are packed with next-gen shine
    54. Tablet shooter Morning Star is now called Midnight Star
    55. Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies - the weird and litigious
    56. Xbox One and PS4 specs are "almost identical," says Resident Evil creator
    57. Night in the Woods is a gorgeous 2D "Adventure/Exploration game from Aquaria's creator
    58. Great photo comparison between the DualShock 3 and 4
    59. Virgin Gaming launches Premium subscription service
    60. Madden NFL 25 patch reinstates online touchdown celebrations, reduces injuries
    61. Activision Publishing CEO not interested in "morphing games into movies"
    62. Hyperdimension Neptunia PP coming to North America and Europe next year
    63. Blizzard might have to change Heroes of the Storm's name yet again
    64. The Stanley Parable patch incoming to replace offensive images
    65. JPgamer: A Real Page-Turner
    66. EA has "tactical programs" in the works with Sony, sees itself as platform-agnostic
    67. Call of Duty: Ghosts PC only requires 40GB of space, 6GB of RAM
    68. NBA 2K14 confirmed to run at 1080p at 60 frames on Xbox One and PlayStation 4
    1. BIT.TRIP.RUN! accidentally releases a week early on the iTunes Store, gets pulled
    2. Rose and Time rereleased on Ouya after Free the Games funding cancelled for 'scams'
    3. Deception IV: Blood Ties announced for PS3 and Vita, gets trailer and screens
    4. Mugen Souls Z's bath mini-game will be removed for western release
    5. Plants vs Zombies 2 finally shuffles its way onto Android
    6. Swedish McDonalds to launch burger named after Counter-Strike team
    7. Euro Truck Simulator 2 now supports the Oculus Rift
    8. City of Steam to relaunch due to "a chronic lack of players", servers switching off Nov. 22
    9. Oxide Games is a new studio of strategy veterans, with a new 64-bit engine
    10. NBA Live 14 videos tutor you in the fine art of dribbling
    11. New Kinect allows you to stand three feet closer than the original
    12. Bayonetta: Bloody Fate video is an extension of the first one
    13. Soul Calibur 2 HD Online video shows a match between Raphael and Xianghua
    14. Octodad: Dadliest Catch gets a new gameplay trailer
    15. PAX East 2014 single-day badges still available
    16. Proteus arrives on PS3 and Vita next week
    17. Real-name user ID option to be available through PSN at launch on PlayStation 4
    18. PlayStation 4 "Best Place to Play" video touts up exclusive content, games in development
    19. How Pokemon Y Taught Me to be Happier
    20. Trine 2 listed for PS4 on DigiExpo Finnish gaming convention schedule
    21. Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD releasing on PS3 through PSN in January
    22. Candy Box 2 releases tomorrow
    23. DayZ Early Access appears in Steam database, Hall focused on releasing alpha
    24. The Evil Within screenshots feature a maniac with a hatchet
    25. The Order: 1886 screenshots show off third-person action
    26. Old School RuneScape claims 1 million users, adds God Wars Dungeon
    27. Battlefield 4 interview part 4: destruction and the world of Bad Company
    28. Saints Row 4: Enter the Dominatrix official trailer is completely sane and chaste
    29. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD may be coming to PC
    30. Forza 5 shots show off the lovely Lamborghini Aventador and Audi R8 Coupé
    31. EU PS Store update, October 23: Dark Souls 2 beta, Enslaved, Magrunner, more
    32. FIFA 14 next-gen screenshots show FUT Legends and shiny graphics
    33. Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi is getting a North American release
    34. Pokemon X & Y tops Media Create charts, FIFA 14 and Beyond: Two Souls land in top 10
    35. Batman: Arkham Origins launch video takes you on a Personal Mission
    36. New Super Mario Bros., Super Luigi Wii U Deluxe Set to replace Nintendo Land bundle at retail
    37. US PS Store update, October 22: Enslaved, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, Alien Rage, sales
    38. Reztron celebrates Sega Megadrive's 25th anniversary with London event
    39. Bravely Default has a Deluxe Collector's Edition in Europe
    40. PSN Horror Sale focuses on zombies, now includes Resident Evil games
    41. Nvidia ShadowPlay continually records your last 20 minutes of gameplay
    42. ToeJam and Earl 3 on Dreamcast discovered, code may be released online
    43. Xbox One achievements are colour-coded for each player
    44. How to Survive is out now, watch the launch trailer here
    45. DICE has over 15 Frostbite games in development
    46. Dust 514: meet the man who aims to take CCP's shooter into a new age
    47. Cypronia reveals upcoming Wii U eShop games, including Angry Bunnies
    48. Ken Levine will receive Lifetime Achievement award at the Golden Joysticks
    49. Big Fish now publishes Android apps for PC and Mac users
    50. Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut launch trailer promises the definitive experience
    51. Path of Exile launches today, adds loads of stuff
    52. 2DS available for under ?100 at some UK retailers
    53. Japan is getting limited edition orange and turquoise 3DS XL consoles
    54. Mugen Souls Z is heading west courtesy of NIS America
    55. Serious Sam Double D receives free XXL content on Steam
    56. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 lasts at least 50 hours
    57. Super Mario 3D World trailer heavy on cat costumes
    58. Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate Vita screens show miniature Batman
    59. Drakengard 3's aerial dragon battles captured from livestream
    60. Sony CEO Kazuo Hirai to deliver a keynote at CES 2014
    61. Final Fantasy 14's housing system demo'd in new video
    62. Wii not discontinued outside Japan
    63. Canadian games industry accounts for $2.3 billion of GDP
    64. Pokémon DLC would "ruin the worldview" of the series
    65. Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God gets release date
    66. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag trailer offers "101" training
    67. SimCityEDU headed to classrooms next month
    68. Crusader Kings 2: Sons of Abraham expansion coming in November
    69. Red Baron creator leads Kickstarter revival of classic dogfighter
    70. Primal Carnage gets new game mode, map and dinosaur skin DLC
    1. Sanctum 2 The Pursuit DLC due this week, adds four maps
    2. Microsoft testing Google Glass-like device - rumour
    3. Three more games and DLC added to Humble Bundle with Android 7
    4. PS4 party voice chat will support up to eight users
    5. Gone Home update adds commentary mode
    6. Ouya CEO: "We made a lot of mistakes"
    7. "Zynga blew it," says EA boss of social publisher's mobile push
    8. Angry Birds Friends, Bad Piggies update brings zombie pigs for Hallowe'en
    9. Vanguard Princess takes to Steam Greenlight
    10. Riccitiello: games need variable pricing because $60 is "a giant F-U to a very large number of people"
    11. Star Citizen's latest video is “rendered 100% in-engine, in real-time, at 4k resolution"
    12. Pokémon X and Y: Three Trainers, Three Perspectives
    13. Rocksmith 2014 Edition is out today in North America, watch the launch trailer here
    14. Sony's Greatness Exchange lets you trade in Gold trophies as sweepstakes entry for prizes
    15. Guild Wars 2's Tower of Nightmares event goes live next week
    16. The Sims 3: Into the Future Expansion Pack now available on PC, Mac
    17. The Order: 1886 screenshots shows interiors, Sir Galahad
    18. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes out today in North America, gets an adorable launch trailer
    19. Unreal Engine 4 video demonstrates how artists utilized visual effects in Infiltrator demo
    20. Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z's latest video is short, but not on blood
    21. Target honoring PS4 portion of pre-order bundles containing Watch Dogs or DriveClub
    22. iPad Air and iPad Mini with Retina display announced, new Mac Pro launches in December
    23. The Sims 4 will be shipping in autumn 2014 worldwide
    24. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag launch trailer readies you for next week's release
    25. Titanfall will be released in March alongside Collector's Edition, new trailer released
    26. Killzone Shadow Fall's story trailer gives you a glimpse into the life of the Helghast and Vektans
    27. Xbox Live Game Store update: Saints Row 4, Castlevania: Mirror of Fate HD, Need for Speed Deal of the Week
    28. Borderlands 2: TK Baha’s Bloody Harvest available beginning today across Mac, PC, PS3 and Xbox 360
    29. Total War: Rome 2 - Nomadic Tribes Culture Pack DLC is free until October 29
    30. Battlefield 4 has a new single-player story trailer available
    31. Pokémon Series Showcase video released by Nintendo
    32. Razer is the "mad scientist" of computers, "always pushing against market expectations"
    33. Minecraft PC: new snapshot update addresses fire hazards, full changelog inside
    34. Forza 5: Top Gear test track gets new screens, see them here
    35. Dark Matter: Valve pulls game off Steam, GOG offering refunds due to abrupt ending
    36. Tales of Symphonia Chronicles dated for UK & Europe, collector's edition detailed
    37. Battlefield 4 interview part 3: Bach talks console optimisation, 60FPS & installs
    38. Xbox One measurements released, Kinect cable length confirmed - report
    39. Titanfall: "This has to be perfect," says producer amid industry 'stagnation'
    40. Pokemon: footage of new Pikachu game emerges out of Japan - report
    41. Gamer Network promotes Simon Maxwell to COO role
    42. PS4: Sony admits early DualShock 4 designs were closer to Xbox 360 controller
    43. Dragon's Dogma 2: possibility of PS4 sequel 'growing', director also keen for Devil May Cry 5
    44. Soul Sacrifice Delta receives 28 minutes of gameplay footage, watch here
    45. Ikaruga secures Steam release, but dev faces “hand to hand fight" over language barriers
    46. Oddworld CEO: "The games industry has more Britney Spears-class content than Pink Floyd"
    47. EVE: Valkyrie and the future: how CCP Games looks for life beyond the stars
    48. XCOM: Enemy Within blog details rival EXALT organisation, new mission types
    49. Monster Hunter 4 Zelda costume coming in December, is quite superb
    50. NASCAR '14 launching early next year on current-gen formats, first details revealed
    51. DC Universe Online update 31 to prepare for PS4 launch, improve graphics
    52. The Guided Fate Paradox gets trailer ahead of western launch
    53. X Rebirth trailer heralds long-awaited sim's launch day
    54. Battlefield 4 Anthem trailer also full of explosions and derring-do
    55. Killzone: Shadow Fall produces 13 minutes of TGS footage
    56. Bravely Default: For The Sequel includes microtransactions
    57. Day One Garry's Incident developer withdraws copyright claim on negative review
    58. Indie Before It was Cool: The Umihara Kawase Story
    59. The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot adds customisation features - trailer
    60. Dignitas, Complexity triumph at MLG Fall Invitational
    61. Monaco: What's Yours is Mine updated with zombie mode, mini-campaign
    62. DualShock 4 controllers work with PS3
    63. "GTA 5 Full PC Game + Crack" scam is 18GB of nonsense
    64. Malicious: Rebirth Review
    1. PS4's Brazilian price tag 63% tax, "not good for consumers", says Sony
    2. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds NYCC Aonuma presentation released
    3. Titanfall gets new screenshot, "special announcement" coming tomorrow
    4. Alien: Isolation stars Ripley's daughter, going cross-gen in 2014 - rumour
    5. Slender: The Arrival draws on Marble Hornets canon, Oculus Rift compatible
    6. Need for Speed Rivals' All-Drive Makes Online Less "Scary"
    7. Need for Speed Rivals Producer: Racing Genre "Needs Innovation"
    8. Call of Duty: Ghosts gameplay launch trailer very much on form
    9. Killzone: Shadow Fall's campaign "should last well over 10 hours."
    10. EA is working on a Battlefield game for mobile platforms
    11. Nosgoth closed alpha opens up for Europe and North America
    12. First GTA Online Stimulus Package installment coming this week
    13. Hotline Miami free for PS Plus members in the US
    14. Battlefield 4 will be available to pre-load 24 hours before launch
    15. Sid Meier's Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies arrives on Steam and the App Store this autumn
    16. Sonic 2 and Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed amongst Sega's mobile push
    17. Killzone: Shadow Fall has gone gold
    18. Microsoft denies Xbox One will run Windows 8 apps
    19. Fable Legends will launch as 'Season One' and will be bolstered by DLC
    20. Check out 17 minutes of Batman: Arkham Origins gameplay
    21. WWE 2K14 Season Pass content revealed
    22. Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine trilogy's unfinished story has been told
    23. Patrick Bach Interview P2: Campaign Battlefield - "I think people will be surprised."
    24. Polytron offers a glimpse of Fez running on PS Vita
    25. F1 2013 classic '90s tracks and cars available today, trailers inside
    26. Windows 8.1 is causing mouse lag, which is bad news for gamers
    27. Endless Space: Disharmony getting The Search for Auriga add-on next month
    28. Call of Duty players "aren't hardcore gamers", according to Infinity Ward
    29. Mojang will consider free-to-play for Scrolls if player numbers don't grow
    30. Rhianna Pratchett "would be interested" in a new Discworld game
    31. Nintendo officially halts Wii production
    32. Nintendo Download Europe: get the full October 24 list here
    33. PlayStation "Since '95" video charts the brand's rise in the UK
    34. Alien: Isolation trademark filed by Twentieth Century Fox
    35. The Fighter Within requires 5 feet of play space for optimum Kinect brawling
    36. Video game mergers and acquisitions in 2013 passes $5 billion
    37. Sorcery! Part Two arrives on iOS in November
    38. Need for Speed: Rivals is skipping Wii U because no one wanted Most Wanted
    39. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance special edition revealed
    40. UK games chart: GTA 5 stays top, Skylanders enters at third
    41. Pokémon X & Y: that damn patch of grass won't let me leave
    42. Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z second trailer shows every battle ever
    43. Sega launches teaser site, possibly for Vita card battler
    44. Nintendo: more cross-play titles in the works, company "committed" to helping devs
    45. Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut hits Mac, PC this month, free to current owners
    46. Nether pre-order access opens October 31
    47. 70% of Australians play games, 90% of homes have a gaming device - study
    48. 2K Essentials, 2K Power Pack compilations hitting US retail this week
    49. Batman: Arkham Origins final two assassins revealed - rumour
    1. Nvidia G-SYNC aims to eliminate stutter, tearing and input lag
    2. The 7th Guest and The 11th Hour now available on Steam
    3. PAX Australia 2014 dated, moving to Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre
    4. The Stanley Parable sells 100,000 copies in first week, on the way to Mac soon
    5. Dark Matter ending to be expanded, project revised for episodic release after Kickstarter failure
    6. GTA 5's Japanese debut was franchise's best to date
    7. Destiny beta code giveaways begin this week
    8. Guilds Wars 2 on sale at 40% off
    9. Five Tantalizingly Untranslated PSP RPGs
    1. Battlefield 4: Don't alienate fans by "adding crazy features, crazy changes," says DICE
    2. Assassin’s Creed franchise has sold over 6.6 million units in the UK, says Ubisoft's UK brand manager
    3. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds tweaked for 2DS, harder mode unlocked upon playthrough
    4. Assassin's Creed film "definitely happening," according to co-producer and star Michael Fassbender
    5. Harvest Moon: Connect to a New Land shots show a ranch, Elize and Veronica
    6. SWTOR Galactic Starfighter development blog introduces you to expansion's backstory
    7. SteamOS: "if it were some other random company I would be pseudo-scornful,” says Carmack
    8. Nvidia Shield: GameStream out later this month, supports GRID cloud gaming, Shield Console Mode detailed
    9. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag will contain various stealth options
    10. Forza 5 preview clip features Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson's thoughts on Modern Hypercars
    11. APB Reloaded's "massive engine upgrade" would allow it to possibly "launch on other platforms in the future"
    12. Ninja Theory hiring engine programmer for "exciting new console projects coming up"
    13. Call of Duty: Ghosts next-gen FAQ covers transfers, upgrades
    14. GTA Online repeat mission payouts reduced by 50%, according to Rockstar
    15. EverQuest Next Landmark and its beta to be handled by SOE in all regions
    16. Wasteland 2 update reveals world map, various ways to die
    17. RIFT - Trion resetting inactive character names as part of server unification process
    18. Zoo Tycoon Xbox One disc version will launch November 22 as timed exclusive at Walmart
    19. Target cancelling PS4 pre-order bundles containing Watch Dogs or DriveClub
    20. Magic: The Gathering – Tactics will go offline in March 2014
    21. GTA 5 referenced in latest AMD Catalyst driver, PC petition reaches 609,239 signatures
    22. Star Citizen hits $23 million in funding, $25 million stretch goal announced
    23. Apple cuts iPhone 5c production by 35% due to slower than expected sales
    24. Oculus Rift 4K headset in development, new developer kits to "probably run Android," says Carmack
    25. Xbox One's Achievement unlock notification looks quite different than on Xbox 360
    1. Madden NFL 25 - official PS4 and Xbox One video released
    2. Total War: Rome 2 - free Seleucid Empire and Steam Workshop Mod update released
    3. Xbox One Headset Adapter included with new headsets won't release until 2014
    4. Blizzard prevails in latest case against World of Warcraft bots
    5. Rockstar resume mentions work on "next version of a famous IP"
    6. Battlefield 4 developer blog details the game's rank progressions, assignments, more
    7. Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 will release on PC October 31
    8. Possible Deus Ex: Universe details outed through casting agency
    9. Namco Bandai Europe files various domain registrations
    10. Ryse: Son of Rome videos tell Marius' backstory, and Damocles' lesson
    11. NBA Live 14 gets official gameplay trailer ahead of November release
    12. The Nightmare Before Christmas Level Kit coming to LittleBigPlanet next week
    13. The Stanley Parable Review
    14. Twitch functionality to be featured in future GeForce Experience update, Nvidia announces
    15. Elite: Dangerous developer diary discusses December's Alpha test
    16. More Zynga layoffs, predicts Pachter
    17. Need for Speed: Rivals video shows off the AllDrive system
    18. GTA Online 1.04 game update full patch notes revealed
    19. Knack story and character details provide a deeper look into the game
    20. Metal Gear Solid 5 can be played "on whatever you want, whenever you want," says Kojima
    21. Guild Wars 2 World vs World is getting floating islands with Edge of the Mists beta map
    22. Bound by Flame shots show enemies included in the bestiary
    23. Grand Theft Auto 5 is now available through XBL Games on Demand
    24. GTA Online job vote screen will be updated to include jobs from contacts
    25. Dota 2 6.79 gameplay update makes many, many changes
    26. SCALE takes to Kickstarter to help you manipulate reality
    27. The Video Games BAFTA awards now open for public to attend
    28. Batman: Arkham Origins Wii U and PC disc version delayed to November 8 in Europe
    29. Need for Speed: Rivals - get your motor running
    30. Nintendo working to fix Pokemon X & Y game-breaking bug
    31. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds GAME bundle includes musical chest, Link's Awakening download
    32. The Secrets of Chroma
    33. New Smash Bros Wii U screenshot shows Pokemon X & Y's Xerneas
    34. Battlefield 4: DICE is serious about female characters
    35. Photos show how to replace the PS4 hard drive
    36. 2K Marin is "essentially" closed after staff reduction - report
    37. Grand Theft Auto 5 update 1.04 now live on PS3 and rolling out on Xbox 360
    38. This is what a PS4 demo kiosk looks like
    39. New Ace Combat: Infinity screenshots and trailer show aerial combat in action
    40. New Star Soccer 1.5 is a whole new ball game
    41. Happy Wars reaches 6 million players, Season 2 confirmed
    42. War of the Vikings adds new classes to Early Access
    43. Tropico 4 Apocalypse DLC spells the end of all things
    44. Sony confirms DriveClub delay, game will miss PS4 launch
    45. Microsoft extends free Xbox Games with Gold program for Xbox 360
    46. Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate trophy list revealed
    47. Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior bringing history wars November 14
    48. Sonic: Lost World reviews are go, get all the scores here
    49. Lord of the Rings Online gives a month of 100% XP boost for everyone
    50. Journey creator wants to make "memories that are treasured for whole lifetimes."
    51. PS4 vs Xbox One: shared lineup draws on established third-party brands
    52. Machinarium now available for iPhone
    53. ?rena: Clash of Champions gets Steam Early Access release, mobile crossplay inbound
    54. Dark Matter out now on Steam on Linux, Mac and PC
    55. Evil Genius Online goes into beta next week
    56. GTA creator rebuilding original game's map in 3D
    57. BlizzCon 2013 schedule published in full, includes Heroes of the Storm overview
    58. PS4 priced at $1,850 in Brazil
    59. Deathspank, Penny Arcade Adventures in latest Humble Weekly Bundle
    60. Wayward Manor gets first teaser trailer, coming to Steam
    61. Arma Tactics concludes deployment on all devices, demo out now
    62. Ys: Memories of Celceta produces first localised screenshots
    63. Tearaway screens show off disarmingly cute character and world customisation
    64. Batman: Arkham games now available for transfer from GFWL to Steam
    65. Battlefield 4 beta testers "aren't playing the actual game", often "objectively wrong"
    1. NPD September: GTA 5 drives retail to first spike since January
    2. Green Man Gaming, Mind Candy make Future Fifty list
    3. Total War: Rome 2 patches "achieving in weeks what, on previous projects, took months"
    4. Final Fantasy Committee formed to oversee franchise's quality - report
    5. Wii U sales up 200% in September, 3DS best-selling US console - NPD
    6. Disney Infinity players downloaded over 1 million Toy Boxes during game's first two weeks
    7. EverQuest Landmark shots show off keep built using the game's voxel tools
    8. Mega Man 2-5 release on 3DS Virtual Console may take a while, says Capcom
    9. Angry Birds needs innovation instead of Star Wars branding and stuffed toys, says Riccitiello
    10. 2K Marin reallocates creative resources and confirms staff reductions
    11. Just Dance 2014 Review
    12. The Stanley Parable launch trailer released
    13. Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls confirmed for PS4, playable on PS4 and PC at BlizzCon 2013
    14. The Order: 1886 at one time ventured into Jerusalem during the Crusades
    15. Obduction is a spiritual successor to Myst and Riven from Cyan and is on Kickstarter
    16. Zynga co-founder Justin Waldron has left the firm to "venture off" on his own again
    17. Stardock titles are 50-75% off this weekend on Steam
    18. Blizzard All-Stars renamed Heroes of the Storm, new video released
    19. Magrunner: Dark Pulse releases on PS3 through PSN next week
    20. Tale of Tales will release Luxuria Superbia on tablets, Mac, Ouya and PC
    21. South Park: The Stick of Truth UK pre-order offers detailed
    22. The Elder Scrolls Online video shows off robust character customization options
    23. Killzone Mercenary patch addresses connectivity issues, provides a better distribution of respawn points, more
    24. Ryse: Son of Rome videos delve into story, moral anecdote of legend
    25. CastleStorm heading to PS3 and Vita with Cross-Buy support next month
    26. NBA 2K14 video shows PS4 in-game footage taken from various camera angles
    27. Infamous: Second Son Special Edition and Collector’s Edition announced with beanies
    28. D.I.C.E. Summit 2014: speakers include Ed Fries, David Helgason, Sundance DiGiovanni, Clive Downie
    29. Call of Duty: Ghosts Hardened Edition announced for UK
    30. Grand Theft Auto 5 has reached 3 million in sales in the UK according to GfK Chart-Track
    31. Nintendo Downloads NA: Hulu Plus, Deus Ex, Mighty Switch Force! 2, more
    32. Batman: Arkham Origins TV spot released by Warner
    33. Hearthstone: it's a kind of Magic (but exponentially more accessible)
    34. Xbox Live Gift Cards to become an option at Coinstar machines
    35. Blackguards - Daedalic delays its The Dark Eye-based game into January 2014
    36. A Look Back on Heavy Rain
    37. Montague's Mount: indie horror title passes Steam Greenlight voting
    38. Mario & Sonic At Sochi 2014 Winter Games dated for UK & Europe
    39. Call of Duty: Ghosts being stocked by ShopTo again, retailer issues statement
    40. Windows 8.1 rolling out today, refresh your memory of what's new here
    41. Skylanders: Swap Force reviews begin, get all the scores here
    42. ID@Xbox: "we're going to see some amazing stuff," says XBLA boss
    43. Saints Row 4: Enter the Dominatrix Xbox 360 achievements list appears, with spoilers
    44. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag 100% runs can take up to 80 hours, says Ubisoft
    45. Watch Dogs delay: Amazon UK contacts customers with alternative bundle deals
    46. Call of Duty Ghosts: Activision 'looking forward' to getting sales record back off GTA 5
    47. Watch Dogs delay will "push back" some PS4 and Xbox One sales, warns analyst
    48. Zelda: Majora's Mask tease mentioned on Nintendo's Facebook page
    49. GAME UK: PS4 lock-in tour announced, get the dates in your area here
    50. Watch Dogs delay: "Our long-term goal is to win the next generation," says Ubisoft
    51. Monaco releasing with new content on Linux this Monday
    52. Battlefield 4: making it look the same on all formats is "coward's way out," says DICE
    53. Clicking Bad is Like Breaking Bad Meets Cookie Clicker
    54. Kerbal Space Program update 0.22 adds career mode & more, new trailers inside
    55. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma gameplay trailer shows plenty of combat
    56. Boogerman 20th Anniversary: The Video Game takes to Kickstarter
    57. PS4 vs Xbox One: Microsoft bets big on short-but-sweet exclusives
    58. Deus Ex: Human Revolution's Sarif Industries cited in The Sun - report
    59. XCOM: Enemy Within adds Save Scum mode
    60. Rogue Legacy update adds Linux, Mac support
    61. Contrast trailer highlights another great soundtrack inclusion
    62. Wii Party U trailer boasts more than 80 games
    63. Defiance patch gives weapons a jolly good sorting out
    64. No Goblin reveals first game, Roundabout, coming in 2014
    1. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 also brings back Fang
    2. Thief dev ditches XP system following fan feedback
    3. Ellsworth's CastAR Kickstarter hits target with with 29 days remaining
    4. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Arcane Mechanic DLC out now
    5. Soul Calibur 2 HD Online video shows a match between Mitsurugi and Nightmare
    6. Velocity Ultra will be released on PlayStation 3 in full HD later this year
    7. Valve has greenlit another batch of 37 titles through Steam Greenlight
    8. Football Manager 2014 beta now available through Steam Early Access to those who pre-ordered
    9. PS4 launch title DriveClub delayed into spring 2014 - rumor
    10. PlayStation 4 kiosks start rolling out in the US
    11. Ratchet & Clank Nexus date slips in Europe, get Quest For Booty free when you buy the game
    12. The Long Dark Kickstarter ends successfully with $256,217 raised
    13. Xbox One video shows Machinima app using the console's Snap feature
    14. Battlefield 4 beta feedback detailed in changelog
    15. How to Be a Pixel Artist... for Shovel Knight
    16. JPgamer: The Third Wave
    17. Soundodger+ Review
    18. The Birthday Bundle from Indie Royale contains Cities in Motion 2, Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project, more
    19. Xbox One will not contain real name option for Xbox Live at launch - report
    20. The Bureau: XCOM Declassified - Code Breakers DLC and Light Plasma Pistol now available through Steam
    21. Rocksmith 2014 Edition’s complete tracklist revealed
    22. The Witness will not force a linear path, gameplay could last up to 40 hours
    23. F1 2013 InterPress GP: support VG247 from 4:30pm - live now
    24. The Crew expected to shift 2.5M units, sales targets lowered due to "limited potential" as a driving game
    25. Flower, flOw, Escape Plan and Sound Shapes releasing on PS4 and Vita with Cross-Buy in November
    26. EU PS Store update, October 16: The Wolf Among Us, Cross-Buy sale, Lego Marvel Super Heroes demo
    27. Pokemon X & Y moves over 1.8 million units in Japan, GTA 5 moves a respectable 386,727 units
    28. Borderlands 2 Headhunter 1: TK Baha's Bloody Harvest releases next week
    29. Killzone: Shadow Fall can handle 24 AI enemies on screen before frame-rate drops
    30. BMX Bandits: The Joy of Grand Theft Auto V's Bikes
    31. Sonic: Lost World scores big in Famitsu, this week's scores revealed inside
    32. Zelda movie adaptation would have to be interactive, stresses Aonuma
    33. Dark Souls 2: the beta was easy, but hope remains
    34. PSN horror sale begins: Dead Rising, Doom, Limbo and more discounted, full list inside
    35. Payday 2 'Loot Bag' pre-order DLC now live for all, along with free Xbox 360 demo
    36. Xbox One original programming nets football reality show Every Street Reunited - report
    37. Call of Duty: Ghosts gets Modern Warfare 2 'Ghost' skin as pre-order bonus
    38. Watch Dogs delay won't void PS4 pre-order bundles, says GameStop and Amazon
    39. PS4 games available for pre-order on PlayStation Store now
    40. PS4 dashboard explored in Knack off-screen footage, watch it here
    41. Mighty Switch Force 2 Wii U release date nailed down
    42. PS Vita 2000 unboxing video compares both models, watch here
    43. Kingdom Hearts 3 video shows more new gameplay, with Tetsuya Nomura commentary
    44. Xbox One: new video explains why it's built for the future, watch here
    45. Monster Hunter 4 getting blue 3DS bundle in Japan
    46. Are you a game developer? Have you suffered crunch time? We want to hear from you
    47. Middle Eastern games industry "growing like crazy," due to strong mobile and social uptake
    48. Plants Vs Zombies composer making PC adventure title Rakuen, first details inside
    49. League of Legends introduces Team Builder queue, will enter beta servers soon
    50. PS4 vs Xbox One: Sony's launch line-up is populous but whimsical
    51. GTA 5: the Housers' maturation is lacking maturity
    52. How to Survive gets first zombie-filled gameplay trailer
    53. Panzer General Online closed beta kicks off, register now
    54. Shadowrun Returns patch 1.1 coming soon, delivers Linux client and beta features
    55. Dungeon Keeper or Heroes of Dragon Age? Take Both - They're Free (sort of)
    56. Halo 3 free to Xbox Live Gold subscribers
    57. Solstice Arena is Zynga's first Steam release
    58. Goodbye Deponia trailer heralds launch of trilogy's conclusion
    59. Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Rayman: Legends failed to meet Ubisoft's expectations
    60. Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut trailer shows off Wii U features
    61. Zumba Fitness World Party release date set for current-gen, Xbox One
    62. Diablo 3 PS3 patch fixes several crashes, no ETA on Xbox 360 version
    63. Pokémon X & Y bug breaks saves, is triggered in Lumiose City - report
    64. World of Warcraft package now includes Cataclysm
    65. Pokemon X and Y Guide: Which Game to Buy, Beginners Tips, What to Do, Where to go
    66. Deadly Premonitions Steam pre-orders open at 10% off
    67. Humble Bundle with Android 7 includes Ticket to Ride, Greed Corp, The Bard's Tale and more
    1. MLG Fall invitational kicks off Friday - $30,000 up for grabs in DOTA 2, Black Ops 2
    2. Star Wars: Battlefront chance is "scary", says DICE boss
    3. Dragon's Crown cross-play patch live
    4. Ryse: Son of Rome crunch tweet sparks Twitter furor
    5. Xbox Live Compute gives free cloud tech to all devs, including dedicated servers
    6. US PS Store Update, October 15 - The Wolf Among Us, PS4 pre-orders, Ultimate Editions
    7. Heroes of Dragon Age tie-in to Dragon Age: Inquisition would "make a lot of sense," says producer
    8. Xbox One video discusses racing peripherals, two models shown
    9. Jaffe's Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency releases an odd video
    10. SimCity: Cities of Tomorrow will contain neat transportation options
    11. Extraction’s closed beta launches today
    12. Civilization 5's Scrambled Continents map pack now available
    13. The Order: 1886 - three character biographies introduce you to the game's knights
    14. Double Fine's Amnesia Fortnight project Spacebase DF-9 now available through Early Access
    15. Watch Dogs and The Crew have been delayed into spring 2014
    16. Galactic Civilizations 3 announced for 64-bit PCs by Stardock
    17. The Mandate - Perihelion Interactive announces Character Prologue Creator for its sandbox sci-fi RPG
    18. Super Mario 3D World screenshots show various environments
    19. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes demo out now on PC, Xbox 360, coming to PS3 this week
    20. Angry Birds Trilogy lands on PS Vita through PSN tomorrow in Europe
    21. Magicka: Wizard Wars now available through Early Access on Steam
    22. Infinite Crisis video introduces Atomic Green Lantern
    23. Angry Birds Go - Rovio releases a video for its new kart racer
    24. Guild Wars 2 Blood and Madness Halloween update drops today, new details and trailer released
    25. Metro: Last Light DLC the Chronicles Pack drops today
    26. The Long Dark: survival, sandbox and story fuse for all-new experience
    27. The Last of Us Abandoned Territories Map Pack and patch 1.05 trailered, detailed
    28. Candy Crush Saga hits Kindle Fire in some territories today as free download
    29. Original GTA Creator Remaking GTA1 in 3D
    30. Pokémon X & Y moves over 4 million units worldwide in two days
    31. Battlefield 4 has over 12GB of additional install options on Xbox 360, DICE recommends them
    32. Zelda: A Link Between Worlds & Luigi 3DS models coming to Europe, see them here
    33. Mass Effect 4 story won't touch on Shepard's events "whatsoever," says BioWare
    34. Warface goes live in UK & Europe October 21, new trailer inside
    35. Championship Manager 13/14 season update out on iOS and Android now
    36. Xbox One to receive ongoing performance enhancements over cloud, says Harrison
    37. Xbox One multiplayer improvements discussed in new trailer, watch here
    38. Nintendo's greatest strength and weakness is innovation, says Rayman creator
    39. Project Spark Xbox One won't require Gold subscription
    40. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag global release brought forward, new trailer inside
    41. Football Manager 14 licensed clubs & leagues confirmed, get the list here
    42. Ironfall is 3DS cover shooter: website and first screen revealed
    43. Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn PvP trailer introduces "Wolves' Den" arena, Halloween event detailed
    44. Kingdom Hearts 3: new trailer shows combat, skills and enemies - watch here
    45. Monster Hunter 4 ships 3 million in Japan, hits new third-party record
    46. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft brings card strategy to the masses - interview
    47. Steam beta update adds in-home streaming support - report
    48. Tekken Card Tournament tots up 5 million downloads
    49. PS4: The Dark Sorcerer "the minimum quality you can get on the console"
    50. Killzone: Shadow Fall Support Class detailed
    51. PS4 Perfect Day commercial accompanies Greatness Awaits site launch
    52. Lacrosse 14 inbound from AFL, Rugby developer Big Ant Studios
    53. NBA 2K14 produces first next-gen screen
    1. Slender: The Arrival coming to Steam with new content
    2. Poker Night 2 free in this week's US PS Plus Update
    3. Sportsfriends coming to PS4, free to PS3 Kickstarter backers
    4. The Wolf Among Us: Faith Review
    5. Tales of Xillia 2 gets first English trailer, The Pocket Watch
    6. 2DS TV spot reminds you cheap handheld is out now
    7. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds GAME UK pre-orders include music box
    8. The Long Dark adds Solid Snake actor to vocal cast
    9. 50% more gamers play online through Xbox 360 than PS3 in US, says NPD
    10. Emerald: Kickstarter gem hits target but shoots for the stars
    11. GTA 5: fan asks Trevor's voice actor to swear at him, see what happens here
    12. Xbox One UK tour detailed, London and Manchester dates confirmed
    13. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 gets 8-minute 'Wildlands' gameplay trailer
    14. GTA Online: lost characters cannot be restored, says Rockstar
    15. The Long Dark reaches its Kickstarter goal
    16. The Walking Dead: Game of The Year edition rated by ESRB
    17. PS Vita 2000 micro USB port supports phone chargers, photo inside
    18. How to Survive: watch us play 505 Games' next potential hit
    19. Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4 gameplay footage escapes Russia, watch here
    20. Former Valve inventor Jeri Ellsworth takes AR/VR glasses to Kickstarter
    21. Beyond: Two Souls Review
    22. Final Fantasy 7 iOS and Android isn't impossible, but it's a space issue says Square
    23. Xbox One friends list gets video tutorial, watch it here
    24. WWE 2K14 invites you to try and break or defend the Undertaker's Wrestlemania winning streak
    25. I Wish More Games Imitated Bad Television
    26. Skylanders: Swap Force Wii U gets 10 minutes of gameplay footage
    27. Amazon UK turns 15 today, posts top ten best-selling games since launch
    28. Nosgoth closed alpha begins next week in some territories
    29. Sonic the Hedgehog gets '90s house remix album treatment
    30. 'Tales of' producer Hideo Baba explains recent trademark filings
    31. Walking Dead Season 2: TellTale promises "big news" this month
    32. "Only in Battlefield 4" TV spot shows ludicrous stunts
    33. Batman: Arkham Origins coming to iOS & Android, is free-to-play brawler
    34. Deadly Premonition iPad book offers 350+ pages of creative insight, out tomorrow
    35. Dragon Age: Inquisition sex scenes to be "mature and tasteful", says BioWare dev
    36. Nintendo Europe downloads: Sonic Lost World leads the week
    37. UK MD of CBS Interactive leaves to join IGN parent company Ziff Davis
    38. Ethan: Meteor Hunter PS3 dated, priced - story trailer inside
    39. Football Manager 2014 match engine shown in new dev diary, watch here
    40. Tearaway: how arts & crafts gave birth to the Vita's most charming asset - interview
    41. UK game chart: GTA 5 re-claims top, Pokémon & Beyond pose little threat
    42. Batman Arkham Origins: Electrocutioner trailer leaked from New York Comic-Con, watch here
    43. Dragon Quest 8 mobile footage shows touch control, graphics and new UI
    44. Wii Sports Club & Wii Fit U get Japanese TV spots, new activities and features shown
    45. Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX announced for PS3 release in 2014, first trailer inside
    46. League of Legends brings back vintage Limited Edition skins
    47. Natural Selection 2 fanbase seeks to crowdfund international tournament
    48. Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z comic inbound from Dark Horse
    49. Call of Duty: Ghosts produces moderately amusing commercials
    1. Riot boss's Twitter hacked, unreleased card game leaked
    2. The Wolf Among Us: Episode One Mac release delayed by "unforeseen issue"
    3. Star Citizen commercial shows off 2944 Aurora customisation
    4. Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut available as cheap upgrade to PC version
    5. Nintendo green lights cross-play with other consoles - report
    1. Doctor Strange Pinball table heading to Marvel Pinball in December
    2. Cyberpunk 2077 "most probably will" come to next-gen, but there's nothing to announce yet says CDP
    3. WayForward was working on a Silent Hill game for DS at one point
    4. DICE: "We strongly want to get into Linux for a reason," says Gustavsson
    5. Killer Instinct: Pin Ultimate Edition now available for pre-order through Microsoft Store
    6. EVE Online sourcebook and graphic novel series to release in 2014
    7. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 announced for multiplatform launch in spring 2014
    8. TowerFall's PC release delayed into January 2014, will include a level editor
    9. Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - western release getting its own version of the Lalabit Market Edition
    10. Dark Age of Camelot celebrates 12th anniversary with celebratory bonuses, retrospective from Mythic co-founder
    11. God of War: Ascension goes digital in October as Sony Santa Monica moves on to other projects
    12. Ouya closed beta to test external USB storage, system update Ogopogo detailed
    13. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag video shows The Black Island Pack pre-order bonus
    14. Broken Glass Studios' Thief homage The Dark Mod is now a standalone experience
    15. GOG has knocked 60% off select Electronic Arts games this weekend
    16. Injustice: Gods Among Us - Ultimate Edition footage shows Vita gameplay
    17. Total War: Rome 2 - fourth patch now available, contains major AI improvements
    18. Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior tasks you with cleaning up Lo Wang’s mess
    19. Borderlands 2 Loot Hunt begins, celebratory video released
    20. Forza 5 will feature the Mount Panorama circuit in Bathurst
    21. UFO Interactive announces price drop on select titles, all compatible with 2DS
    1. Assassin's Creed IV Director Wants Series to Go to Egypt
    2. Activision-Blizzard completes purchase of company shares from Vivendi
    3. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds trailer shows Hyrule's mirrored world
    4. Goodbye Deponia screenshots released, game is 10% off on Steam when you pre-order
    5. Pokémon X & Y street date intentionally broken by UK retailers, live-action launch video out
    6. Steam Controller video shows how well it works with Portal 2, Civilization 5
    7. Surge Deluxe heading to Vita in 2014 Futurlab has announced
    8. Star Citizen fans can win a cool $30,000 through The Next Great Starship competition
    9. Deep Down direct feed gameplay footage shows both single and multiplayer modes
    10. Nuclear Throne from Vlambeer now available through Steam Early Access
    11. Witcher comic series from Dark Horse arrives in March
    12. Dark Souls 2 Collector's and Black Armour Editions are available through pre-order only
    13. The Amazing Spider-Man releasing on Vita later this year
    14. SOMA debut trailer released by Frictional Games, out on PC and PS4 in 2015
    15. Xbox 360 Holiday Value Bundles announced, US retailers offering $50-off for a limited time
    16. GTA Online players will have GTA$500,000 deposited in their accounts by Rockstar
    17. Resident Evil 7 appears on designer's resumé - report
    18. Wii U hardware sales jump 685% in UK thanks to Wind Waker HD release
    19. Dark Souls II: The Difficult Second Game
    20. Dark Souls 2: the essence of series is to upset your expectations, says director
    21. PS Plus November: Europe gets free Metal Gear Rising, Remember Me and more
    22. GTA 5: rapper Daz Dillinger sends Rockstar cease & desist notice over song use
    23. Xbox One playable at GAME UK stores weeks before launch, get your local dates here
    24. Blood Bowl 2 gets first PC screens, check them out here
    25. Thief reboot will overcome "fan resistance" at launch, a confident Eidos states
    26. Final Fantasy producer can't tell the difference between European and American games
    27. PS4: we see PlayStation as a brand, not just a box says Gara
    28. PES 2014 bugs: Konami identifies "key issues", prepping a patch now
    29. Assassin's Creed 4 director would "love to explore Egypt" in future games
    30. Killer Instinct gets Xbox One stick photos, see it up close here
    31. Wii U misconceptions are key sales issue, not the price says Nintendo UK
    32. Pokémon X & Y: PETA targets series again with new flash game
    33. Rabbids Big Bang dated and priced for iOS, Android
    34. Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z screens bring blood, swordplay and zombies
    35. Space Hulk “Fangs of Fenris” expansion brings Space Wolves into the fight, first pic inside
    36. Etrian Odyssey Untold: Millennium Girl rated in Germany for 3DS, suggests Europe-wide release
    37. D4: Swery to discuss his Xbox One debut at GDC Next in November
    38. Valve Steam machines are not Nvidia exclusive, will also house Intel & AMD cards
    39. AMD pairs with Raptr to create Gaming Evolved app: offers social functions, streaming & more
    40. Pokémon X & Y: why the series will always have a home on Nintendo handhelds - interview
    41. The Long Dark: Jennifer Hale signs onto voice cast
    42. Hyper Light Drifter hits Wii U stretch goal, runs out of ideas
    43. Team Fortress 2 update adds autumn content
    44. Dominions 4 out now on Desura
    45. The Witcher free with any GOG purchase
    46. XCOM: Enemy Unknown iOS update adds asynchronous multiplayer
    47. Capcom anniversary sale offers hefty Steam discounts
    48. Cities XL and Blood Bowl feature in new Humble Weekly Bundle
    49. Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut more expensive on Wii U in the US - report
    50. The Stanley Parable gets release date, demo
    51. PS4 won't support voice chat via existing headsets
    52. Snow brings CryEngine 3-powered free roam mountain to Steam Early Access
    1. Divinity: Dragon Commander players are a morally questionable lot
    2. Dark Souls 2: Into the Light comic coming in January
    3. Dead Rising 3 German release quashed by ratings board
    4. Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures UK release set for March
    5. Toki Tori 2+ Wii U level editor canned, free Steam copy offered in compensation
    6. Virtual Spotlight: Final Fight 3
    7. The Last of Us concept art shows Ellie's dog, other cut content
    8. Oddworld creator working on "more traumatic" material
    9. PS4 designer wanted to change "the PlayStation brand image" a little bit
    10. Darkest Dungeon trailer shows off Lovecraftian fantasy vibe
    11. Saint Seiya: Brave Soldiers gets gorgeous new trailer, screens
    12. Defiance trailer highlights Dark Matter Arkfalls
    13. Pokémon X & Y: each pokémon takes between 3-6 months to fully create, says Masuda
    14. Persona 4: Golden has shipped 300,000 copies on Vita to date
    15. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag's modern day setting will last between three and five hours
    16. Xbox One is expected to outsell PlayStation 4 this holiday season - UK retail chain
    17. Rocksmith 2014 Edition teaches you how to jam with Session Mode - video
    18. The Wolf Among Us: Episode One - Faith reviews start popping up
    19. Costume Quest now available for iOS
    20. Forza 5: The Stig's digital cousin shown in this Top Gear video
    21. The Order: 1886 developers discuss story, high hopes for player experience
    22. Activision Blizzard Vivendi buy out injunction lifted, firm expects to complete transaction by October 15
    23. Battlefield 4 features the return of Spectator Mode and gets detailed by DICE
    24. Double Fine hosting Day of the Devs indie celebration, it's free to the public
    25. GTA 5 guides and video walkthroughs
    26. Call of Duty: Ghosts Clan early registration now open, Clans video released
    27. Saints Row 4's Enter the Dominatrix DLC will be available later this month
    28. F1 2013 with live SKY Sports F1 Crofty commentary
    29. Grand Theft Auto 5 will be released on PC in Q1 2014 - report
    30. GTA Online title update addressing character deletion and game progress loss out worldwide
    31. Happy Birthday, Gabriel Knight
    32. GTA Online – latest “Let’s Play” video features VG247 and Eurogamer acting the daredevil
    33. Nintendo 2DS is out later this week the same day as Pokemon X & Y
    34. Dead Rising 3 cinematic video welcomes you to the afterparty
    35. Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW! video shows loads of gameplay
    36. Nintendo eShop North American update: Pokémon X & Y leads the week along with Devil Survivor Overclocked
    37. Enslaved: Premium Edition to release on PC and PS3 later this month
    38. Foxconn admits to overworking students on PS4 assembly line, "immediate action" taken to bring campus to "full compliance"
    39. LGC 2013: GAME CEO Martyn Gibbs and Ukie's Jo Twist join speaker line-up
    40. Arma 3's Survive campaign episode given a release date, will be free DLC
    41. FIFA 14 update addressing headers, finesse shots, and freezing lands on Xbox 360
    42. Farming Simulator 2013: Titanium expansion live now on Steam, contents & trailer inside
    43. Microsoft to name new CEO by year's end, sources reveal list of candidates - report
    44. Chocobo Racing 3D has been canned on 3DS, original creator Takashi Tokita believes
    45. Pokémon X & Y 'Iwata Asks' interview explains name origins, Sky Battles & Horde Encounters
    46. PC indies need Steam to survive, says Escape Goat developer
    47. Smite: new trailer reveals Hel, goddess of the underworld
    48. PC hardware sales drop worldwide as tablets continue to rise, report finds
    49. Iwata: "Nintendo is not good at competing," so must offer something different
    50. Eve Online dev CCP hosting training sessions for newcomers, starting tonight
    51. Oculus hosting free VR conference to address future of the tech
    52. Elite: Dangerous Oculus Rift support confirmed
    53. F1 Challenge hits iOS today, first screens & launch trailer inside
    54. Wii U: Nintendo confirms three new bundles before Christmas
    55. Heroes of Newerth gets Samuel L. Jackson announcer pack, listen here
    56. Amazon UK giving PS4 pre-order customers chance to upgrade their bundle
    57. MLG and Gfinity partner for second UK eSports event
    58. Valve: "Steam Dev Days" conference announced, will not invite press
    59. Angry Birds movie signs directors from Sony and Disney
    60. Razer ships every product at a loss, laughs all the way to the bank
    61. Peggle 2 Masters introduced in new trailer series
    62. Customers "content" with Square Enix's mobile pricing
    63. Final Fantasy 10/10-2 HD Remaster release date locked in for Japan
    64. Game franchises and remakes "at an unnatural level" compared to other media - Sakurai
    65. Titanfall: pre-E3 reveal leak reactions were "scary"
    66. Wii Party U trailer introduces more new mini-games
    67. Piston controller to be co-developed by Scuf
    68. The Forgotten Spell out now from Fighting Fantasy developer
    69. LocoCycle PC release listed by German ratings board
    70. Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 3DS brought forward
    71. PS4: early adopters not interested in camera interaction, says House
    1. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag DLC not coming to Wii U
    2. THQ sues EA, Zuffa over loss of UFC license
    3. GTA Online patch hopes to fix character deletion issues
    4. Modern indie scene better than 'good old days', says mark Cerny
    5. If you haven't played Mario, you're "probably not a good creator" - Inafune
    6. Total War developer 'absolutely intends' to support SteamOS
    7. Daylight aims to be scary "every time you play it"
    8. Star Wars Pinball: Balance of the Force contains a Darth Vader table
    9. Final Fantasy 6 will be released this winter on Android and iOS
    10. The Order: 1886 story, gameplay, weapons and setting details revealed in latest Game Informer
    11. Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God gets its first English trailer
    12. Nintendo UK launches online store
    13. Total Annihilation follow-up 'probably' in the works, but Chris Taylor won't come out and say it
    14. CI Games hires two industry vets to work on core Enemy Front team
    15. ShootMania: Storm Elite demo now available
    16. JPgamer: Dragons in Your Pocket
    17. Tomb Raider will be released on Mac later this year
    18. Montague’s Mount now available through GoG, GamersGate, Get Games
    19. JPgamer: What's Nyu with You?
    20. The Wolf Among Us: Episode One - Faith launch trailer released
    21. Infinite Crisis video gives overview of catastrophic event system, Joker key art released
    22. EverQuest: Call of the Forsaken - 20th expansion for the MMORPG now available
    23. Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag Sequence 3 gameplay introduces the Jackdaw and its crew
    24. Need for Speed: Rivals progression system detailed by Ghost Games
    25. Dragon’s Crown update adds Cross-Play between PS3 and Vita, coming west “very, very soon”
    26. Drakengard 3 to release exclusively on PS3 in 2014
    27. EU PS Store update, October 9 - Air Conflicts: Vietnam, Malicious Rebirth, Orc Attack, Dishonored GotY, sale
    28. Monster Hunter 4 tops for fourth week on Media Create, lifetime sales hit over 2.5 million
    29. XCOM: Enemy Within video introduces a rogue organization known as EXALT
    30. Indies and the Next Generation of Consoles
    31. GAME's next lock-in event stars Xbox One and some of its exclusives
    32. Thief: as one door closes another opens
    33. Thief: new screens show city hub area, see them here
    34. Harvest Moon: Linking the New World announced for a February release in Japan
    35. Mario Kart 8 Eurogamer Expo gameplay with additional racing commentary
    36. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 gets new Vanille shots, see them here
    37. SimplyGames PS4 pre-order ransom is unlawful, says Trading Standards
    38. PSN Europe sale discounts Uncharted, inFamous, LittleBigPlanet & more: savings list inside
    39. New BioShock game possible if Irrational falls in love with another idea, says Levine
    40. Disney researchers creating tech that makes any material touch responsive, video inside
    41. Battlefield 4 beta: Obliteration mode rolling out now
    42. Xbox One achievements will not be automatically recorded unless devs want it
    43. Xbox One and PC cross-play: "I'm not allowed to leak things," says Spencer
    44. GTA 5 patch 1.03 released, said to remove some GTA Online farming exploits
    45. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection dated for PS3 and Xbox 360, contents & pack-shots
    46. Nosgoth dev blog sets up the war-torn world of vampires and humans, new images inside
    47. Ethan: Meteor Hunter gets sadistic 'Many ways to die' trailer
    48. Soul Sacrifice co-developers at Sony Japan Studio are working on new PS4 title - report
    49. Beyond: Two Souls 'Advanced Experiments' DLC gets new trailer
    50. Pokémon: new game is in production starring Pikachu - report
    51. Gas Guzzlers Extreme out now on Steam, new trailer released
    52. Beyond: no one has the power to define what a game is, says Cage
    53. Watch Dogs: Ubi on creating Chicago and stepping back from GTA 5's shadow
    54. Airscape: The Fall of Gravity stars an octopus in a stack hat
    55. Dream Chamber inbound from Syberia developer
    56. Bionic Dues, mech "roguelite" from Arcen Games, out now on Steam
    57. Call of Duty: Ghosts 50GB PC specs not official, Activision says
    58. GTA 5 now holds seven Guinness World Records
    59. Fifth-generation iPad to be revealed on October 22 - rumour
    60. GTA 5 on PC: "Somebody paid a lot of money" to keep it exclusive, says Intel boss
    61. Beyond: Yoshida "reassured" and "excited" for next Quantic Dream game
    62. Russian government in talks to develop "patriotic" games - report
    63. Watch Dogs director refuses to 'feel the pressure' of GTA 5
    64. Might & Magic 10: Legacy update adds four new classes
    65. Teleglitch update adds Big Picture and controller support, now on sale
    66. Proteus PS and Vita includes unique seed options
    1. PS3 originally intended for 2005 launch, delayed for hardware rejig - rumour
    2. Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness launch trailer is quite timely
    3. Soul Sacrifice gets 16 free quests in final update this week
    4. Garriott: Unity the best choice if you're going to "compete on content"
    5. Killer Instinct balancing to be tweaked in the cloud, not via patches
    6. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - Premium Edition pops up in AU classifications
    7. US PS Store update, October 8 - Disgaea D2, Dishonored GotY, F1 2013, more
    8. Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy screens show off puzzles, environments
    9. Star Citizen surpasses $21 million stretch goal, Salvage Mechanic career confirmed
    10. Xbox One may get keyboard and mouse support in its post release future
    11. Far Cry 4 already in the works according to composer Cliff Martinez - report
    12. SWTOR's next digital expansion is called Galactic Starfighter, contains 12v12 space battles
    13. Dungeon Defenders 2 is now an RPG-tower defense game, MOBA elements ditched
    14. The Order: 1886 from Ready At Dawn graces cover of November issue of Game Informer
    15. CCP Games hires former Battlefield Heroes executive producer to head up DUST 514 team
    16. XBL Game Store October update: The Wolf Among Us, AC4 season pass, movie themed sale
    17. Super Smash Bros. shots featuring Mario, Link, Sonic, the Wii Fit Trainer, Mega Man released
    18. IndieCade Awards: Blendo Games’ Quadrilateral Cowboy takes home Grand Jury Award
    19. Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers being revamped by Jane Jensen for 20th anniversary
    20. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze video stars Dixie Kong
    21. MadCatz will release its Android-based M.O.J.O. console in December
    22. DUST 514: Update 1.5 - Uprising released for PS3
    23. Square Enix announces community-focused development initiative called Collective
    24. Kingdom Hearts 1.5 ReMIX Review
    25. Dustforce NYCC 2013 screenshots arrive, game's out on PSN, Vita, XBL in early 2014
    26. Strider screenshots and video released ahead of NYCC 2013 showing
    27. Doodle Jump Adventures for 3DS and Doodle Jump Journey for DS releasing later this year
    28. Madden 25's SmartGlass features on Xbox One have been detailed by EA Sports
    29. Assassin's Creed 4 video shows PS3 and PS4 exclusive content
    30. The Wolf Among Us: Episode One releases on PC, Mac, XBL Friday, PS3 release hits "few days after"
    31. Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+ Review
    32. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag post-launch content and Season Pass detailed by Ubisoft
    33. Beyond: Two Souls launch trailer shows the latest from Quantic Dream
    34. Beyond: Two Souls - reviews for Quantic Dream's latest arrive, get all the scores here
    35. Beyond: Two Souls tugs at the heart, but is it a success?
    36. Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag - lead writer walks you through all-new naval gameplay
    37. Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z will release through Steam alongside console versions
    38. James Pond Kickstarter has been cancelled by Gameware
    39. GTA Online - latest "Let's Play" video features VG247 and Eurogamer living the thug life
    40. Guild Wars 2's next update will be the Halloween-themed Blood and Madness
    41. Auto Club Revolution dev diary shows the creation of Brands Hatch
    42. GTA Online - Rockstar advises players not to overwrite old character slot with new data
    43. Rebuilding Rapture
    44. BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - watch the first five minutes here
    45. Warface: Crytek defends sexualised female skins, says they were designed via fan feedback
    46. PlayStation 5 probably won't be console, it'll be a cloud service, says Tekken's Harada
    47. Dragon Quest 1-8 coming to iOS & Android, first game due winter in Japan
    48. Microsoft issues Kinect marketing statement: will not target ads, "unless you choose to allow us to do so"
    49. Nintendo keen to make Wii U "The Console That Every Developer Wants To Publish On"
    50. PS4: French retailers warn that new orders will not be fulfilled until 2014
    51. State of Decay "Breakdown" DLC in certification now, late October release targeted
    52. Sony's $999 personal 3D viewer headset now available to pre-order in the US
    53. Dark Souls 2 beta invites rolling out on PS3 this week, test begins October 12
    54. Breaking Bad gets the text-adventure treatment: meet "Zorking Bad"
    55. Battlefield 4 campaign will make you feel smart: "we have a great story to tell", says DICE
    56. Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy dated for Europe
    57. NeoGeo X Gold deal was supposed to run until 2016, licensee Tommo issues statement on SNK Playmore withdrawl
    58. Half-Minute Hero sequel suggested by "Ran Ran Hero" logo reveal & trademark
    59. Constant C: 5pb bringing platform-puzzler to western XBLA in Spring 2014
    60. UK retailer SimplyGames asks customers to pay for higher PS4 bundles to secure day-one order
    61. Assassin's Creed 4: can Ubisoft turn this sinking ship around?
    62. Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut features trailered
    63. Former NeoGeo licensee criticises SNK Playmore's NeoGeo X rights revocation
    64. Ouya developer count tops 25,000
    65. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag has up to five hours of optional modern day content
    66. Writers' Guild Awards nominations include Tomb Raider, Thomas Was Alone
    67. Wind Waker Wii U developed in just six months
    68. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Limited Edition detailed
    69. PS4 pre-orders top 1.5 million, Pachter claims
    70. Destiny of Spirits merging, trading and collectibles detailed - new trailer
    71. Watch Dogs revised PC requirements call for 6GB of RAM
    72. Shadow of the Colossus headlines US PS Plus update
    73. City of Titans reaches goal in first week
    1. Lost Planet 3 didn't need to "reinvent the wheel", producer says
    2. Assassin's Creed 4 TV spot imagines we're a lot more interesting than we are
    3. GTA V Microtransactions: Stealing Money is Good. Buying Money... Not so Much
    4. Killzone: Shadow Fall Scout class detailed
    5. BioShock Infinite Burial at Sea DLC achievements listed
    6. Disgaea D2 Review
    7. Call of Duty: Ghosts PC install is 50GB
    8. Call of Duty: Ghosts to have dedicated servers on all platforms
    9. Microsoft "seeking correction" for Kinect data release report
    10. Sleeping Dogs: Triad Wars coming from United Front Games
    11. As The Dust Clears: Where is CCP Games's First-Person Shooter Today?
    12. Valve's Saxxy Awards is back for a third year
    13. How to Play Grand Theft Auto V in Minecraft
    14. Battlefield 4: Second Assault to be made available on Xbox One at launch, gameplay debuts November 1
    15. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 weapon DLC sale will support US veterans
    16. DICE wants to make Battlefield 4 a sport
    17. Call of Duty: Ghosts co-op game mode outed by leaked achievements - report
    18. The Long Dark gets first gameplay footage
    19. Dishonored Game of the Year Edition launches this week, now has a trailer
    20. GTA 5 is now the biggest ever PSN digital release
    21. Tesco offers special Serial Code Gift with Pokemon X & Y in UK
    22. Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition arrives on PS4 and PS Vita in November
    23. My Life as a Pokémon Trafficker
    24. Xbox One DVR automatically records gameplay when an achievement is unlocked - report
    25. FIFA 14 update addresses headers, finesse shots, and freezing issues
    26. Frictional Games releases new SOMA video teaser
    27. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag available for Steam pre-purchase
    28. PS4 UK bundles revealed, four official bundles available at launch
    29. Xbox One & Kinect advertising: Mehdi hints at releasing captured data to firms - report
    30. Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet goes free on Xbox Live in some regions
    31. Call of Duty format can't change much as it's like a sport, says Infinity Ward's Mark Rubin
    32. "PS4 Link" app being added in next PS Vita update, Yoshida confirms
    33. Beyond: Two Souls PS3 trophies go live, only three are visible
    34. Battlefield 4 Xbox 360 achievements appear online, get the list here
    35. SimCity's first mod goes live, creator discusses the modding process
    36. Nintendo downloads Europe: Pokémon X&Y lead the week
    37. Scottish Games Network launches as Scotland's games industry body
    38. Half-Life 3 European trademark filing was hoax - report
    39. Rocksmith 2014 team abandoned Kinect features due to tech limitations
    40. River City Ransom: Underground hits Kickstarter funding goal
    41. Battlefield 4: Siege of Shanghai time-lapse video shows speedy warfare
    42. GTA 5 overtakes GTA 4's life-time sales in the UK after just three weeks
    43. Lily Bergamo: Suda51's PS4 debut trademarked in North America
    44. UK Charts: FIFA 14 holds top, F1 2013 in at three
    45. GTA Online: lost progress, character, money & car bugs being worked on now, says Rockstar
    46. Ethan: Meteor Hunter set for October launch as PC pre-orders open, new trailer inside
    47. Soul Sacrifice getting free Toukiden cross-over DLC this month, trailer inside
    48. LEGO games experiencing "absolutely no fatigue at all," says Warner
    49. Killzone PS4: why being first demands excellence - interview
    50. GTA 5 guide - beating people to death with a golf club walkthrough
    51. Rand Miller, creator of Myst teases new Kickstarted project at Cyan Worlds
    52. Goldeneye 64 creator stages experimental "Aim for Love" in Nottingham this month
    53. Drakengard 3 screens show multi-target lock on in mid-air combat
    54. Defect SDK is a spaceship design game being partially funded by the Australian Government
    55. Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies animated trailer features objections and perhaps the law
    56. XSEED has to translate Rune Factory 4's cutscenes out of order
    57. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon listed for the Wii U on Newegg
    58. Shelter developer experimenting with Tamagotchi spin off
    1. Xbox One Dev Kit footage leaked online
    2. Case and Molly features asymmetrical coop between an Oculus Rift and three smartphones
    3. Mark of the Old Ones is a swinging based, upside down Metroidvania on Kickstarter
    4. Battlefield 4 Xbox One off screen footage surfaces from Russia
    5. 20 minute Titanfall presentation at EB Games Expo captured on video
    6. SNK demands 'termination' of Neo Geo X production
    7. The Classic Gamer's Tokyo Shopping Guide
    1. DualShock 4 will work with Windows PC at launch, according to Sony's Yoshida
    2. Former RIEDC head accuses Rhode Island governor of blocking 38 Studios' attempts to avoid bankruptcy
    3. SCEA's Boyes feels "nobody gains from console exclusivity"
    4. NCAA Football: lawyers in the case against EA never intended for the games to stop being made
    5. Ubisoft confirms South Park: The Stick of Truth, Watch Dogs and more for NYCC 2013
    6. Activision files patent infringement suit against Worlds Inc. and Worlds Online
    7. Shovel Knight scheduled for a winter release, watch the new trailer
    8. PS4 version of Flower runs at 1080p, 60 FPS making it even more gorgeous
    9. Watch Dogs - 95% of missions can be completed using stealth instead of weapons
    10. Elite: Dangerous developer video disects battle shown in latest trailer
    11. Corpse Party: Blood Drive Vita release delayed into 2014
    12. Hyper Light Drifter Wii U stretch goal added to Kickstarter
    13. Rocksmith 2014 Edition will be colorblind friendly
    14. Dragon’s Prophet double XP weekend is underway
    15. Square Enix president Yosuke Matsuda feels the company must "reform with urgency"
    16. Pier Solar and the Great Architects HD debut trailer released
    17. Amazon's rumored Android set-top box slated for a holiday release - report
    18. Lightning Returns video summarizes main events from Final Fantasy 13
    19. WB Games to expand Montreal studio by 100 devs within five years
    20. The Long Dark Kickstarter update contains first screenshots of first-person sandbox survival game
    21. Destiny of Spirits will go into global beta starting October 24
    22. Knock-Knock is about a hermit tormented by Vistors now available on Steam for 15% off
    23. Path of Exile release date set for October, new prestige class detailed
    24. GTA Online title update now available for Xbox 360
    25. Homefront 2: first work-in-progress images appear in promotional handout
    1. Great PC Games to Play on Low-Spec Systems
    2. GTA V Trailer: Reactions and Comments
    3. Most Wanted: Our Next-Gen Launch Titles of Choice
    4. Final Fantasy XIV Review
    5. Grand Theft Auto V Review
    6. JPgamer: The Next Generation
    7. GTA V Makes Me Want PS4 and Xbox One Right Now
    8. Rune Factory 4 Review
    9. PayDay - Episode 6 of the webseries finds Special Agent Griffin getting "too close to CrimeNet"
    10. State of Decay has sold one million copies since June
    11. Pokémon Bank app launches in December and will run you $4.99 a year
    12. Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Kickstarter closes with $811,962 in total pledges
    13. Regular Show: Mordecai and Rigby in 8-Bit Land hits NA in October, Europe in November
    14. Steam Machine prototype details, specs posted by Valve
    15. Godus beta had been updated to version 1.3
    16. Borderlands 2 GotY Edition hits next week, Gearbox wants you to hunt for loot
    17. Survarium Scavengers vs Black Market video shows PvP gameplay
    18. PixelJunk Shooter releasing on Linux, Mac and PC in November
    19. Tiga "flattered" by UKIE merger talk, but remains content as a separate entity
    20. Beyond: Two Souls has moved on from Heavy Rain, says Quantic Dream co-CEO
    21. Star Wars: Tiny Death Star is a spin-off to Tiny Towers coming to mobile soon
    22. Steam Controller: Creative Assembly could make a controller configuration for Total War: Rome 2 "within half an hour, certainly within an hour"
    23. Pokémon X & Y reviews land - get your round up here
    24. Batman: Arkham Origins - senior producer Ben Mattes talks story, origins, bashing criminals
    25. Battlefield 4 video shows the beta running on Xbox 360
    26. SimCity team exploring the possibility of an offline mode, bigger city sizes not in the cards
    27. XCOM Steam weekend: Enemy Unknown is free to play, Enemy Within and franchise on sale
    28. WWE 2K14 gameplay trailer shows off signature moves from current and former stars
    29. Play Expo takes place next weekend with playable Assassin's Creed 4, Oculus Rift, more
    30. Square's former technology chief joins Konami to work on FOX Engine
    31. F1 2013 releases today on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, launch trailer's full of vroom vroom
    32. BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea DLC gets a mysterious Rapture trailer, gameplay details inside
    33. Killzone: Shadow Fall devs rejected touch-sensitive DualShock 4 prototype
    34. Escape from Zombie City hits 3DS next week
    35. Xbox One: Penello addresses concerns over Kinect advertising capture
    36. Liberation Maiden SIN's opening cinematic appears, watch it here
    37. Microsoft "incubating" a number of primarily cloud-based projects, says Spencer
    38. Battlefield 4 beta now open to all
    39. GTA 5: Rockstar's level of perfection not seen or understood in the majority of the industry - Benzies
    40. Dead Rising 3 has the same visual fidelity as Uncharted, says Capcom Vancouver
    41. Wasteland 2 gets two new gameplay screens, full list of current attributes & skills posted
    42. Killer Instinct Xbox One fight stick prototype revealed, see it here
    43. Assassin’s Creed Heritage Collection announced for Europe, releases in November
    44. GTA 5 actors respond to claims they are glamourising violence
    45. Ikaruga appears on Steam Greenlight, voting now open
    46. PES 2014 online issues: Konami "working closely" with Microsoft to fix Xbox 360 play
    47. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD achievements appear, full list here
    48. BioShock 2 gets Steam update as Games For Windows closes, adds achievements & more
    49. Ace Combat: Infinity gameplay videos show 'Stonehenge' and 'Great Migration' missions
    50. What does Japan really think of Xbox One?
    51. Rebuild: Gangs of Deadville takes to Kickstarter
    52. Finale to long-running Runescape quest includes player-voted content
    53. Oddworld boss wants "co-creative participation" with players
    54. Nintendo planning Wii U support for MonoGame Framework
    55. Returning EverQuest 1 and 2 players receive gold-level memberships during two-week promotion
    56. Former Namco VP Comte hops over to French publisher Ankama
    57. Tutorial trailer explains World of Warplanes
    58. Breaking Bad is Over. So Where's the Video Game?
    59. Wolf Among Us PC/Mac pre-orders include "collector's DVD" once season ends
    60. Molyneux to Godus doubters: "I'll change it and your doubts are going to have to change"
    61. Microsoft's Phil Spencer has come to terms with "Xbone" nickname
    62. Sony Worldwide president says PS3 will last at least for "the next couple of years"
    63. Fable creator Peter Molyneux "intrigued and fascinated" by Fable Legends
    64. Nordic offering nine games in Humble Weekly Sale
    1. New Hearthstone beta patch arrives, destroys player progress as planned
    2. Folks will play Zombie Studios' Daylight on Oculus Rift at IndieCade this weekend
    3. Sony confirms they pay devs cash to include their games in PS+
    4. Rockstar readying another title update for GTA Online
    5. Pokémon X & Y - odiferous and olfactory Pokémon Aromatisse and Slurpuff announced
    6. Activision publishing sale is going on now through Xbox Live
    7. Analyst firm Superdata believes we're due for a console market crash
    8. EA cuts executive chairman Larry Probst's annual salary now that he's no longer acting CEO
    9. Disney Infinity players can pick up Jack Skellington at GameStop this week
    10. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes screenshots show off the diabolical but adorable MODOK
    11. Watch Dogs PC specs released earlier today were not the official configurations
    12. Grand Theft Auto 5 accounted for 52% of games sold in UK during September, market up 45% yoy
    13. Market research firm expects PS4 to outsell Xbox One this holiday season due to "variety of factors"
    14. Dragon Age: Inquisition team wants to "see how people respond" to Kinect, other tech before implementation
    15. The Last of Us team was at one time working on a Jak & Daxter reboot instead
    16. Terraria 2 currently in the planning stages, says creator
    17. Transistor: Supergiant details how light bar on DualShock 4 is implemented in the game
    18. HomeTown Story releases in North America in October, pre-orders get a Ember the dragon plushie
    19. Pokémon X & Y pre-orders exceed 1.26 million in Japan
    20. Call of Duty: Ghosts trailer details Squads
    21. Not on Steam Sale contains indie titles such as Blood of the Werewolf, Rose & Time, Will Fight for Food, more
    22. PlayStation App details and user interface shots posted
    23. Grand Theft Auto: Rockstar has "45 years worth of ideas" for the franchise
    24. IndieCade adds an additional 50 Games to the 2013 festival
    25. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag minimum and recommended PC specs turn up - report
    26. Nintendo showcasing a wide variety of games at IndieCade
    27. Nintendo Downloads NA: Just Dance 2014, Spin the Bottle, TNT Racers - Nitro Machines Edition
    28. Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition available now for pre-purchase, releases next month
    29. Witcher 3: CD Projekt RED and Dark Horse tease "truly special" reveal at NYCC
    30. FIFA 14 executive producer details building and breaking EA Sports' annual juggernaut
    31. Ratchet & Clank: Nexus will be released in stores and online in November
    32. Guild Wars 2 trial period has been extended to October 6
    33. Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games screenshots show sports
    34. The Walking Dead: Episode One - A New Day is now free worldwide on XBL, on PSN in North America
    35. Battlefield 4: "We should be slapped" for BF3's unlocks, says creative director
    36. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD has landed at retail for Wii U
    37. Battlefield 4: Declaration of attendance at Dine with DICE
    38. Tim Schafer: Unplugged
    39. PS4's first trophy list appears online, see it here
    40. VG247 shows 100% YoY growth, passes 2 million unique users in September
    41. GTA 5 time-lapse video shows a living Los Santos in motion
    42. "Petitions will not change that", warns Insomniac over Sunset Overdrive's Xbox One exclusivity
    43. $100 million budgets & $60 games will put more companies out of business, warns Volition
    44. Plants Vs Zombies 2 sees soft Android launch in Australia & New Zealand
    45. Capcom Europe: over half of staff facing redundancy amid restructuring efforts - report
    46. Gree announces 200 lay-offs as Osaka office closes
    47. The Crew: Ivory Tower explains why it's not current-gen, praises consistency across next-gen formats
    48. Zelda: if we keep the series traditional we can't make something new, says Aonuma
    49. Battlefield: Bad Company team isn't forgotten, just on a long vacation, says DICE
    50. Sony waiting for right time to re-introduce The Last Guardian, Yoshida confirms
    51. Xbox One developers won't be forced to shoot for 1080p, says exec
    52. Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark heading to iOS
    53. Mojang appoints new vice president, with a twist
    54. PS4 vs Xbox One: We know Microsoft are smart people, says Yoshida
    55. Pokémon X leaker was visited by Nintendo, game was confiscated - report
    56. Battlefield 4 beta impressions: is it any good?
    57. New Sonic cartoon to debut in northern autumn
    58. Second Life developer offers Desura distribution to IndieCade finalists
    59. Gridiron Thunder delayed to go multiplatform
    60. Audiosurf 2 now available through Steam Early Access
    61. Batman: Arkham Origins season pass will have "a lot of value"
    62. Blizzcon Virtual Ticket goodies include Hearthstone minion
    1. Gran Turismo 6 includes Bathurst track - trailer and screens
    2. Need for Speed: Rivals screens show off progression and pursuit tech
    3. Maxis's Lucy Bradshaw named EA senior vice president
    4. GTA Online microtransactions disabled while launch issues are addressed
    5. Mario Party: Island Tour not coming to Europe till 2014
    6. Warhammer Quest gets Brutal Tribe expansion, two DLC packs
    7. Yoshida: there's "no question" smartphones hurt the handheld market "quite badly"
    8. The Phoenix Project - City of Titans: spiritual successor to City of Heroes lands on Kickstarter
    9. Vanille returning for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13
    10. Nintendo announces games on show at NYCC, speaker session from Eiji Aonuma
    11. Assassin's Creed 4 lead explains reason for PC version's release delay
    12. Valve has greenlit 31 more titles through Steam Greenlight
    13. Microsoft will unlock more GPU power for Xbox One developers in the future
    14. Lost Planet 3 DLC includes three map packs, various other goodies
    15. Microsoft takes you inside "the brains" of Xbox One Kinect - video
    16. EverQuest Next and Landmark to share same combat and emergent AI system
    17. Destiny's public events will be easy to join with "no lobbies, no loading screens"
    18. Prison Architect Alpha update 14 adds dogs to the mix
    19. The Bureau: XCOM Declassified DLC Hanger 6 R&D lands exclusively on Xbox 360 next week
    20. Debut 5 Bundle from Indie Royale is live
    21. Painkiller Hell and Damnation now available on XBL through Games on Demand
    22. The Guided Fate Paradox gets its second English trailer
    23. Tom Clancy: author and Red Storm Entertainment co-founder passes away at age 66
    24. EU PS Store update, October 2 - Beyond: Two Souls demo, Battlefield 4 beta, Rain, more
    25. Deus Ex in the works for PC, next-gen - Human Revolution: Director's Cut releasing this month
    26. Toki Tori 1, EDGE and RUSH coming to Wii U starting in October
    27. Call of Duty: Ghosts - from the outside looking in
    28. Monster Hunter 4 tops for third week on Media Create, lifetime sales hit 2.4 million
    29. David vs Dave: watch our Beyond video interview here
    30. Double Fine says period after Brutal Legend 2 cancellation was company's "dark ages"
    31. Pokémon X & Y: Mega Charizard evolutions revealed, Mega Stone effects shown in new trailer & images
    32. Beyond: Two Souls premiere is live - watch it live here
    33. Bethesda Softworks opens new Australian office
    34. PEGI discusses, "sensationalist stories and pointing fingers" after GTA 5 age criticsm
    35. Knack receiving free iOS & Android puzzler alongside PS4 release
    36. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance PC "looking good" says Kojima, posts gameplay image
    37. PSN sale discounts LEGO series, Capcom titles & more: full list here
    38. Fable Legends: heroes will have distinct personalities, relationships and moral choices
    39. Daikatana appears on Steam, priced ?4.99
    40. Battlefield 4 beta bug list goes live, DICE now working on known issues
    41. GTA Online: Rockstar posts list of known bugs, is working on them now
    42. Zynga founder: "Right now, I'm pretty bored with all games"
    43. Microsoft shareholders rally to force Gates' retirement - report
    44. GaymerX2 convention dated for 2014, registration now open
    45. Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign launches tomorrow, on iOS & Android
    46. Dust 514's Uprising 1.5 update: how objectives will help new players stick around
    47. Soul Calibur: Unbreakable Soul trademarked, suggests another new project
    48. Destiny beta being treated like a full launch, says Bungie
    49. Star Wars Pinball: Balance of the Force DLC dated October 15, new table trailered
    50. TownCraft: iOS town-builder receives Screen Australia funding
    51. GTA Online: keys to the city, but the lock's broken
    52. You Know You Want To Play Massively Multiplayer Pong
    53. Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends includes Lu Bu's daughter
    54. HomeTown Story hits Japan in December
    55. Samurai Warriors 4 announced for PS3, Vita in 2014
    56. Blast 'Em Bunnies headed to 3DS, PS4 and Vita from Escape Vektor dev
    57. Final Fantasy 14 world transfer service coming in a few weeks
    58. Red Cross calls on industry to make players accountable for war crimes
    59. Dota 2 added to MLG's 2014 Pro Circuit, new NA league announced
    60. GameStop to hire 17,000 holiday staff to cope with next-gen launch
    61. Orc Attack: Flatulent Rebellion trailer lives up to its title
    62. Sonic Lost World Amazon pre-orders include 25 extra lives
    63. Psychonauts figurines available direct from Double Fine
    64. Attack on Titan: The Last Wings of Mankind gets first gameplay trailer
    65. Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter closes with $3.8 million
    66. Terraria update adds over 1,000 new items
    67. Call of Duty: Ghosts "in no way" representation of real military life, says producer
    1. GTA 5 will make $437 million from DLC, microtransactions - analyst
    2. EGX: The Round-Up
    3. DUST 514: nothing preventing PC, Xbox ports
    4. Half-Life 3 development teams spotted on Valve database - report
    5. Warcraft movie dated for December 2015, may actually happen
    6. Sony "can't afford to ignore SteamOS", says Gara
    7. Sega confirms lay-offs due to ongoing restructure
    8. US PS Store update, October 1 - Rain, Beyond demo, NBA 2K14
    9. Super Smash Bros. screenshots show off returning character Sonic
    10. Ubisoft acquires Hungry Shark developer Future Games of London
    11. Star Wars: The Old Republic update 2.4 The Dread War is now available
    12. Neverwinter tech upgrade will combine the game's three shards into a single server
    13. Rocksmith 2014 Edition: new tracks announced alongside Epiphone Les Paul Junior guitar bundle
    14. PlayStation 3 firmware update 4.50 later today in North America
    15. Grand Theft Auto 5 title update addresses issues encountered during story mode
    16. Halo 4 Game of the Year Edition out next week, short trailer released
    17. Zeboyd Games' Cosmic Star Heroine launches on Kickstarter
    18. Half-Life 3 trademark filed with EU's Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market
    19. Destiny early beta access starts early 2014, new trailer goes to the moon
    20. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds screens, new details released by Nintendo
    21. Battlefield 4 video discusses Levolution, Flood Zone map, combat hotspots
    22. Xbox Live Gold is free this weekend
    23. Need for Speed: Rivals video shows progression and pursuit tech upgrades
    24. Super Mario 3D World screenshots and video show platforming fun
    25. Sniper Elite 3 debut trailer released
    26. Batman: Arkham Origins introduces you to Barbara Gordon through new screenshots
    27. New Kirby title coming to 3DS in 2014 - teaser video released
    28. GTA Online rep system can brand people 'Bad Sports', good players will be rewarded
    29. Warface will enter a "Sneak Peek" phase tomorrow
    30. Total War: Rome 2 - third game update is live
    31. Mighty No.9 hits PS4, Xbox One, PS Vita and 3DS Kickstarter goals
    32. Guild Wars 2: Twilight Assault goes live today
    33. Rain is the latest from Sony's Japan Studio - get the review scores here
    34. Frictional Games releases first teaser for its next title
    35. Nintendo Direct - Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze delayed, new Kirby for 3DS
    36. Mapping Los Santos
    37. GTA Online character creation: watch us make a criminal here
    38. Destiny beta coming with pre-orders in 2014, according to new Amazon listing
    39. Beyond: Two Souls edited slightly to secure 16+ rating, edits worth 5-10 seconds of gameplay
    40. Future names Zillah Byng-Maddick as new CFO
    41. NBA 2K14 TV spot shows glimpse of next-gen play
    42. GTA Online: watch the intro video here
    43. SimCity mod rules published, Maxis wants to encourage creativity
    44. Wii production to end in Japan
    45. PS4 & PS Vita bundle concept, "becoming more real by the week," says Sony
    46. Xbox One: gigaflops and teraflops don't matter, games do - Harrison
    47. Rune Factory 4 confirmed for Spring 2014 release in Europe, new screens inside
    48. Starbound beta due before end of the year, full game in 2014
    49. F1 2013 reviews are go, get all the scores here
    50. Assassin's Creed 4 asks players to rate missions, feedback will help future games
    51. War of the Vikings alpha out now on Steam Early Access
    52. Watch Dogs requires install on Xbox 360, ships on two discs
    53. Sony trademarks "Psygnosis", see the filing here
    54. Battlefield 4 beta roll-out times confirmed, get them here
    55. Kadokawa Games launches new countdown teaser site
    56. Star Citizen's Chris Roberts to speak at GDC Next 2013
    57. Spore designer offers post-mortem on project, team was essentially making five games at once
    58. Xbox One's day one update will take 15-20 minutes to download, says Microsoft
    59. MechWarrior Online: Community Warfare expansion rolling out over next six months, details here
    60. GTA Online live times confirmed: starting from 12pm BST
    61. Borderlands 2 blog discusses the evolution of loot drops, addresses fan complaints
    62. Hyperdimension Neptunia owner opens California office
    63. Tales of Phantasia scores over 150,000 downloads in five days
    64. "We didn't try to replicate Heavy Rain": Cage on writing Beyond
    65. Rain Review
    66. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-star Battle DLC includes Lisa Lisa, older Joseph Joestar
    67. Shantae: Half-Genie Hero hits first stretch goal, adds bonus campaign
    68. Wii U firmware update allows for Wii classics viewed on Game Pad
    69. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft major update detailed
    70. Ubisoft to invest in Quebec, expand mocap facilities
    71. Madden NFL 25 trailer shows off next-gen versions
    72. Drakengard domain name secured by Square Enix
    73. GTA Online live today: unlocks tied to Reputation Points
    74. Indies Did This: Scammers and 3D Gemini Rue
    75. Defense Technica coming to Mac, PC at the end of the month