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January 2012 Archive

    1. Prototype 2 PC release pushed back without reason
    2. Jurassic Park Xbox 360 Euro retail release shelved
    3. Dark Souls creator "masochistic", made the game for himself
    4. Bigpoint tots up 250 million players
    5. The Darkness II trailer plays slice and dice
    6. NeverDead review round up shows mixed results
    7. Sony US: Vita downloads to be cheaper than retail versions
    8. US PS Store Update, January 31 - Twisted Metal demo, Dead Island DLC, more
    9. Steam mobile app goes live for all
    10. Darksiders novel to be released in time for Darksiders II
    11. February PS Plus Update - The Simpsons Arcade, House of the Dead 3 demo, GTA IV
    12. Steam group of 29,000 protesting lack of Half-Life 3 news by playing Half-Life 2 simultaneously
    13. Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai releasing March 23
    14. Paul McCartney composing music for unannounced game
    15. Dragon’s Dogma 360 gets early access RE6 demo
    16. Pre-order Risen 2: Dark Waters and get Treasure Island DLC free
    17. Valve titles appear on Impulse
    18. LittleBigPlanet franchise has over 6 million user-generated levels and games
    19. New Mass Effect 3 video shows off cast, confirms Jessica Chobot
    20. FEZ rated by ESRB for Xbox Live Arcade, still set for "early 2012"
    21. Get Vita for as little as ?80 at GameStation
    22. Radnet Edition announced for Prototype 2, contains over 55 pieces of additional content
    23. THQ threatened with NASDAQ delisting
    24. NeverDead launch trailer shows headless showering
    25. Team 6 developing three 3DS titles
    26. 360 Syndicate demo launches – 10 minutes of HD co-op
    27. Soul Calibur V launches in US, reviews go score mental
    28. Schafer on Happy Action Theater and Kinect's future
    29. Report - South Korea to block 3 hour+ online time for minors
    30. Origin offering Mass Effect, Dead Space for ?3, Bulletstorm for ?7.50
    31. Quick quotes: Wii U hardware "currently changing constantly," says Team Ninja boss
    32. New Dance Central 2 DLC includes LMFAO, CeeLo, Kelis
    33. FFXIII-2 Lightning Coliseum DLC launching in Japan next week
    34. RedLynx denies leaking Trials Evolution
    35. Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land launches for iOS devices
    36. Playfish EU GM quits for venture capitalist firm
    37. En Messe: TERA to block IPs by region due to "hacking behaviour"
    38. Inversion shots go heavy on multiplayer
    39. Sam & Max: Season 2 launches for iOS
    40. Thinking is mandatory in Mass Effect 3's Hardcore and Insanity
    41. Pearl Pink 3DS coming to US, too
    42. SSX Online Pass not required for multiplayer
    43. Ono: Online play the successor to arcade scene
    44. Madden NFL 12 tips Giants for Super Bowl victory
    45. NetherRealm wants “to do more than just make Mortal Kombat”
    46. Miyamoto backs off franchises, looking for “one big hit”
    47. Meier: Graphics improvements a "two-edged sword"
    48. SSX's Kaori performs amazing Pirouette Air Grind
    1. Turbine: Premium MMOs here to stay, but subscription-only model "probably dying"
    2. Rovio Boss: Piracy isn't always bad for business
    3. PlayStation Network scheduled maintenance on Thursday
    4. Nintendo: Wii U won’t be forced into tech race with other competitors
    5. Another studio accuses Zynga of cloning their work
    6. PSA: LEGO Universe shutters today
    7. Harmonix staffer outs Facebook, PSN, Xbox Live game
    8. Everquest to go free to play in March
    9. The Amazing Spider-Man screen takes open world quite seriously
    10. Xbox 720: E3 "premature," "nothing new in 2012"
    11. Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City's first ten minutes go all out
    12. Eurogamer Network hits 5.7 million unique users
    13. Morrisons goes discount heavy on hardware bundles - ?150 PS3 and 360, Wii for ?85
    14. Original Kid Icarus gets eShop launch this week
    15. Splash Damage hires Enslaved gameplay programmer
    16. Namco Bandai turns part of Shoreditch into Soul Calibur V country
    17. SSX X Games TV ad goes on global showcase
    18. Sony France boss on PS4: "We'll probably be the last to announce something"
    19. Quick shots: Ninja Gaiden Sigma Vita goes heavy before launch
    20. Awesome personified: 2012 is the Year of Persona 4
    21. UK charts: FIFA 12 goes six weeks clear, Resi Evil: Revelations enters sixth
    22. Konami confirms Japanese release for Silent Hill HD Collection
    23. Quick quotes: Elizabeth "the catalyst" for BioShock Infinite's civil war
    24. EA taking steps to remove "faulty" BF3 anti-punkbuster bans
    25. PlayStation executive expects Monster Hunter Vita this year
    26. Grand Slam Tennis 2 introduces the Pro AI system
    27. FIFA Street invites you to Free Your Game
    28. US PlayStation Network boss exits Sony
    29. THQ lays off staff in Australia, Japan office closure TBC
    30. Nomura teases a new Square Enix game
    31. Soul Calibur V trailer hypes for launch tomorrow
    32. Tekken 3D: Prime Edition hits Aussie retail February 23
    33. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning trailer presents "a world worth getting lost in"
    34. New project in the works at Maxis
    35. Mojang: "Kind of silly" not to put modders first
    1. 2K Marin staff working on second major project
    2. Racial slur slips into Minecraft translation project
    3. Ace Attorney 5 inbound, original trilogy going HD
    4. Microsoft takes action against Halo 4 beta scam
    5. Dragon's Dogma reveal coming January 31
    6. Requiem for a soldier: 1916 – Der Unbekannte Krieg
    1. Quick Quotes: NCsoft lawsuit will not affect TERA's release, says En Masse
    2. Dark Reign Redux released through Xbox Live Indie Games
    3. Final Fantasy XIII-2 reviews hit online - all the scores
    4. Supergiant sends US airman in Afghanistan a physical copy of Bastion
    5. Quick Quotes: Paradox changing its Q&A process over Sword of the Stars 2's "big failure"
    6. GDC 2012: Audio sessions announced for Bastion, Crysis 2, others
    7. Quick Shots: Soul Calibur V DLC screens play dress up
    8. Call of Duty: Elite "100k Day" starts tomorrow, lots of prizes
    9. Rumor: AC3 set during the American Revolution
    10. King Arthur II: The Role-playing Wargame now available on Steam
    11. The Binding of Isaac "closing in" on 450K sold, expansion detailed as 3DS talks continue
    12. FRC up in arms over same-sex relationships in SWTOR
    13. Capcom lowers the price of Resident Evil: Revelations
    14. Faction Titans detailed for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
    15. Limited Edition huke art book comes with Black Rock Shooter figma
    16. Sony announces launch day Vita bundle, extra goodies for First Edition buyers
    17. Reckoning: 38 clarifies online pass, sorry for "buggy" demo
    1. Cinematic trailer released for Aliens: Colonial Marines
    2. Epic, Insomniac, and Blizzard hosting 2012 D.I.C.E. Summit session "Staying Around, Playing Around"
    3. Reckoning contains online pass locking House of Valor questline
    4. Blockbuster offering interesting pre-order incentives for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13
    5. Quick Quotes: Paradox CEO clarifies comment regarding the future of consoles
    6. Big Huge Games didn't "set out to do something deliberately" familiar with Reckoning
    7. Champions Online: Free for All celebrating one year anniversary
    8. Rumor: Microsoft to integrate Kinect technology inside Windows-based laptops
    9. The Binding of Isaac DRM-free Unholy Edition hitting retail March 16 with Steam key
    10. Minecraft 1.2 to include tamable ocelots, new AI for skeletons
    11. Vita demos now available at all GAME and gamestation stores
    12. EA Sports: SSX will bring extreme sports "back to the forefront of gaming" - new video inside
    13. Blizzard removes Scrolls of Reforging and companion pets from Diablo III beta
    14. Quick quotes: Continued success of dance genre "took us by surprise," says Ubisoft
    15. CDP: No Witcher 3 announce made last night - details
    16. Blacklight: Retribution video focuses on heavy weapons
    17. Mass Effect 3: Special Forces Trailer shows the multiplayer in action
    18. Square launches 'Barcode Society' Hitman community
    19. PixelJunk Eden heading to Steam
    20. Iwata: 2D Super Mario side-scroller in the works, "key 3DS title" for next year
    21. Pre-order Prototype 2 at Best Buy, get Hardened Steel bonus
    22. Lego City Stories confirmed for 2012 launch
    23. Magicka turns one
    24. Brief Darkness II video goes goretastic
    25. Sakaguchi to give BAFTA talk on The Last Story next month
    26. Silent Hill: Book of Memories aims heavy on combat
    27. Delivering console-like experience was "main objective" for Rayman Origins Vita, says Ubisoft
    28. Persona 4: The Arena to launch in Japanese arcades in March
    29. Quick Quotes: UKIE on why new digital chart can work without Steam, Origin
    30. Soul Calibur V DLC plans announced, outlined
    31. DiRT Showdown gets first in-game video
    32. DCUO planning more seasonal events, Love Day 2012 canned
    33. Binary Domain director details consequence system, cut-scene video released
    34. Atlus to release Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time in US this summer
    35. PC release for Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock still on the cards
    36. The Witcher II 360 Dark Edition shown, detailed
    37. Infinity Ward to fix MW3 DLC single profile lock
    38. Sony UK's swish Vita promos excite for launch
    39. Kingdom Hearts 10th anniversary Japanese boxset includes 358/2 Days, Re:Coded
    40. Wildstar interview focuses on Aurin, ears, tails
    41. RAGE: Mutant Bash tv adds two new episodes, melee in 2.0 update
    42. Quantum Conundrum gets 8-minute video walkthrough
    43. Gravity Rush trailer makes February 22 seem quite distant
    44. Algol, Edge Master star in new Soul Calibur V trailer
    45. Nintendo Network: DLC push, Wii U family accounts, NFC compatible
    46. Pac-Man, Mega Man added to PS3 Street Fighter x Tekken roster
    47. 3DS is now Nintendo's fastest-selling console worldwide
    48. FFXIII-2 producer drops more hints at story DLC
    49. Insomniac: Resistance to live on, is "in capable hands"
    50. Twisted Metal demo due in next week's PSN update.
    51. CD Projekt RED: The "great majority" of Witcher 2 players will pay, not pirate
    52. Capcom "working on a solution" to Resident Evil: Revelations boxart typo
    53. Assassin's Creed: Revelations players chalk up 15 million kills
    1. Silent Hill HD likely to see individual digital releases
    2. Voodoo Extreme, Team Xbox culled, Future lays-off more
    3. Sega: Colonial Marines is not an "assembly line"
    4. Ono keen on player-created characters for Street Fighter
    5. Watch the Xbox 360-exclusive Witcher 2 opening cinematic
    6. Nintendo Downloads, January 26 - Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games 3DS demo
    7. Bethesda releases second beta patch for Skyrim on Steam
    8. Rumour - Nintendo considering renaming Wii U
    9. Ghost Recon dev compares Kinect to blow-up doll
    10. Quick Shots: The future is now in these Tropico 4: Modern Times screens
    11. Kinect Star Wars emerges from the dark side with new video
    12. Namco walks you through Armored Core V's multiplayer in latest video
    13. THQ issues round of lay-offs, internal studios unaffected
    14. Valve announces beta release of Steam app for iOS and Android
    15. CDP: The Witcher 2 to release on Xbox 360 on April 17
    16. Angry Birds lands on Facebook February 14
    17. NCsoft files lawsuit to block the release of TERA in the US
    18. California to reimburse ESA $950,000 for costs incurred during SCOTUS
    19. Rayman Origins coming to PC in March, 3DS release delayed slightly
    20. Waiting game: Ghost Recon heads on slips and creativity
    21. Impulse has D&D Anthology: The Master Collection on sale for $10
    22. Demo for King Arthur II: The Role-playing Wargame now available
    23. Quick Shots: Nintendo releases a cluster of Kid Icarus: Uprising screens and renders
    24. Aliens: Colonial Marines pushed into fall, says official website
    25. Gotham City Imposters public console beta goes live with new trailer
    26. Ryder White campaign trailer released for Dead Island
    27. Netflix cans its plans to offer game rentals by mail
    28. GAME launches 'Fun for a Fiver' campaign
    29. Virgin Gaming hits 1 million registered users, hands out $7M in cash and prizes
    30. Rising Star Games opens US headquarters
    31. Ono: Wii U shown at E3 “not a reflection of everything” the console has to offer
    32. Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus goes heavy on action in new trailer
    33. Blue Mountain is the latest unearthly unveiling for The Secret World
    34. Cage to showcase new Quantic Dream tech at GDC
    35. Ubisoft: Next Assassin's Creed to be "biggest to date"
    36. Tomb Raider: No Wii U version, collector's edition and Mac SKU confirmed
    37. Binary Domain gets Japanese demo on February 1
    38. Insomniac: "We won't be making any more Resistances"
    39. BlizzCon’s demise may point to a 2012 Blizzard triple
    40. Nordic Games to publish Alan Wake PC at retail
    41. Nintendo to launch Wii U by Christmas for major markets
    42. Nintendo Q3: Forecasts down on ?48 billion net loss
    43. Totalbiscuit interviews Gabe Amantangelo on Star Wars: The Old Republic
    44. Concerns raised over Modern Warfare 3 Elite maps locked to profile
    45. Terraria comes of age with retail release and collectors' edition
    46. Tequila Works release Deadlight teaser and details
    47. Joe Madureira wants to tackle Legend of Zelda comic
    48. Must Have Games for Windows Phone starts Feb 1st
    49. Trion seeks Guinness World Record for virtual marriages
    50. Indy title Ibb and Obb gravitates to the PS3
    1. Hitman: Damnation to stalk book shelves this Summer
    2. Notch wants your gaming data
    3. Resident Evil 6 development team numbered over 600
    4. Mario Party 9 video shows some of the mini-game, boss fights
    5. Quick Quotes: Ohlen on the F2P vs Subscription business model for MMOs
    6. ArenaNet reveals the Jotun race of Guild Wars 2
    7. Japanese charts: Vita sales lowest since launch, Mario Kart 7 bests string of debuts
    8. Pre-order Mass Effect art book, get a download code for the Collector Assault Rifle
    9. Perfect World has been "very supportive" of Torchlight and Runic's MMO ambitions
    10. Rumor: Next Xbox contains Blu-ray, anti-used system
    11. Report: Wii U has twice Xbox 360's power, still not enough
    12. Splash Damage hires ex-FIFA director Griff Jenkins as director of production
    13. Footage of CyberTime System's S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Online surfaces
    14. Call of Duty mobile: Ideaworks "surprised and humbled" by success of "Zombies"
    15. Pink, white 3DS units going on sale individually next month
    16. BioWare pushes out abillity delay patch for SWTOR
    17. Euro PS Store update, January 25 - Puddle, Darkness II demo, Final Fantasy sale
    18. Carrier Command coming Q2, new shots released
    19. Blizzard pulls BlizzCon for 2012, to return in 2013
    20. LOTRO's fall update to include mounted combat, level cap increase
    21. PS3 app PlayMemories to cost €10
    22. THQ: Saints Row: The Third ships 3.8m, kids dropped
    23. Tokitowa shows off amazing anime look in first trailer
    24. Square Enix trademarks Hitman Sniper Challenge
    25. Rumour: Microsoft to keep redeemable codes following MS points phase out
    26. Kid Icarus: Uprising gets EU/US sim-ship
    27. Disconnected? Gaming and the Egyptian revolution
    28. Neo Geo Pocket resurrected in Japan
    29. Report: GameStop to close its stores in Portugal
    30. First Dragon Quest X beta testers to be notified by next week
    31. Nimblebit lashes out at Zynga over Tiny Tower clone
    32. Punch-Out!! coming to 3DS Virtual Console
    33. Paradox CEO: DRM is "terrible", "doesn't make sense"
    34. Rumour - Substantial Lightning DLC coming to Final Fantasy XIII-2
    35. Origin signs up 11 new third-parties
    36. US PS Store update, January 24 - Darkness II and UFC 3 demos, PSP dual packs, more
    37. Senior Nintendo director Nobuo Nagai passes away
    38. Eddie shows off The Worm in SSX
    39. Ten more maps, two modes for Modern Warfare 3 in 2012
    40. Tomb Raider reaches alpha state, plans for global sim-ship
    41. GameStop: NI closures "part of our plan" to exit bricks and mortar
    1. Rumour - Next Xbox has six times the power of Xbox 360
    2. Darkness II launch trailer is big on atmosphere
    3. Sony Personal 3D Viewer coming to Australia
    4. EB Games confirms $600 Wii U price tag purely speculative
    5. Apple Q1: 37 million iPhones sold, 15 million iPads
    6. FIFA Street to launch in March with Street Network
    7. GDC 2012: Sid Meier, Inafune, Riot Games talks added to schedule
    8. WoW charity auction for EU server hardware enters final stages
    9. Napoleon’s Campaigns II announced for Q3
    10. Tetris and Call of Duty: Black Ops First Strike were the top sellers on PSN in 2011
    11. Jak and Daxter Collection hits US February 7, Europe February 22
    12. Insider denies Rocksteady's rumoured TMNT title
    13. Anti-Punkbuster hackers claim responsibility for banned Battlefield 3 PC users
    14. Square trademark for Sleeping Dogs leads to Kane & Lynch 3 speculation
    15. Namco: Inversion to miss February release in order to "polish several key aspects"
    16. UKIE to publish first digital PC games chart in February
    17. Tripwire teases Rising Storm expansion for Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad
    18. Rumor: Chip for next Xbox codenamed Oban, in production since December
    19. QuakeCon 2012 dates announced
    20. Darksiders II's Death gets eternal trailer
    21. Darksiders II: Death is coming for you
    22. Rebellion: The "market is ready" for WWII games again
    23. AVSEQ releases with "2.2300745198530623×10^43 possible audio permutations"
    24. New video for Mecho Wars arrives ahead of tomorrow's release on PSN
    25. Origin adds 11 new publishers, RIFT lands on the service with extras
    26. Remedy confirms 3D, multi-screen support for Alan Wake PC
    27. Mass Effect 3 figurines to include North American exclusive DLC
    28. Coming soon to XBLM: Syndicate demo, LA Noire DLC sale, Duke Nukem Forever
    29. Saints Row: The Third available for ?12 on PC World
    30. Shank 2 gameplay footage shows stabbing and shooting on the docks
    31. Eufloria coming to iPad next month
    32. UFC Undisputed 3 demo lands on XBL and PSN
    33. Assassin's Creed: Revelations gets Mediterranean Traveler Map pack today
    34. Splash Damage to announce new titles on PC and "completely new" platforms
    35. Giant news for Skylander lovers lands with domain registrations
    36. Kristan Reed named new Pocket Gamer EIC
    37. Capcom introduces Street Fighter x Tekken online reality show
    38. Dawn Paine to leave Nintendo UK
    39. Order Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition from Capcom, get free shipping on RE6
    40. GameStop UK closes Northern Irish stores
    41. Death Rally goes free today for FreeAppDay
    42. 'Optional' CoD Elite subscription "about giving more flexibility to our hardcore" fans, says IW
    43. Rumour: Microsoft Points to be scrapped by end of 2012
    44. Asura's Wrath launch trailer is go
    45. Mass Effect 3 to be friendlier to new players
    46. Rayman Origins 3DS US release date set for March 30
    47. Gemini Rue: Collector's Edition heading to bricks and mortar
    48. Australia: Home Affairs to bring R18+ bill before first session of parliament
    49. It's EA Sports Season: Grand Slam Tennis 2 serves first
    50. Hitman: Absolution script runs over 2,000 pages
    51. XCOM: Enemy Unknown to appeal to action, RPG fans
    52. Back-up: Steam opens beta testing on Skyrim 1.4 patch
    53. Notch: Mojang less indie than before, but still indie enough
    54. New SSX bigger than all past games combined
    55. Rolston: Skyrim and Reckoning have a "lot in common" - but not combat
    56. Ono: "Timing" kept Master Chief, Marcus Fenix out of SFxT
    57. Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock due in March
    58. Temple Run back on top after F2P conversion
    59. Capcom - Resident Evil: Revelations could have been RE6
    60. US Vita launch: Gravity Rush day one, Ubisoft titles to be pre-released
    61. Pachter: "Nintendo doesn't even know there's an Internet yet"
    62. Buser: Sony spent more on first-party than Microsoft and Nintendo combined
    1. RuneScape bot makers slapped with six-figure damages
    2. Mass Effect: Deception tie-in novel releases January 31
    3. Warriors Orochi 3 EU, US release date set for March
    4. The Witcher 2 Xbox 360 reveal coming this Thursday
    5. DUST 514 will support PS3 cross-play with future Sony consoles
    6. Gaikai ready to stream full games
    7. Project Titan to include product placement
    8. Capcom Digital Collection set for March release
    9. Microsoft staffing two new Kinect-focused studios
    10. Sweet Tooth Outcast MP skin coming to Starhawk
    11. XBLA House Party line-up dated, priced
    12. Visceral Games working on new IP
    13. Report: GTA V, COD to account for third of all game sales this year
    14. Sega Solihull studio named Hardlight
    15. Wii U version in the works for Project Cars
    16. Ofcom: ITV ArmA 2 gaff a "significant breach of audience trust"
    17. UKIE sells GfK Chart-Track stake, inks new five year charts deal
    18. Hacked PS3 titles running on Vita via Remote Play: video
    19. EMI looking at "unique opportunity" to include "hidden gems in our catalogue" for GTA V
    20. GTA III, Vice City rated as PS2 Classics by ESRB
    21. Rumour: Syphon Filter 4, God of War IV announced next month
    22. UK charts: FIFA holds on, Rayman Origins enters top ten
    23. Quick quotes: The Last of Us "trying to say something about human beings and how they exist"
    24. Epic: Fortnite to be more "casual" focussed, aiming for "an entirely different audience"
    25. Guild Wars 2: Spring open beta, 2012 launch confirmed
    26. Jedie? The problem with Star Wars: The Old Republic
    27. Resident Evil 4 Android port hits LG handsets in Korea
    28. Flip Flop Games to bring sick kids' ideas to life
    29. Report - US tablet owners doubled over 2011 holidays
    30. Lamagama teases PS Move exclusive Quadratum Mortis
    31. Rumour - Battlefield 3 moderator exposed as hacker
    32. Quick Quotes - Resident Evil: Revelations once set in a floating sea mansion
    33. Starbreeze: Syndicate doesn't have to compete with other shooters
    34. AT&T revises US Vita 3G data pricing
    35. Visit Hyrulecraft's 1:1 Minecraft replica of Ocarina of Time
    1. Twisted Metal to get demo, day-one patch
    2. Resident Evil: Revelations story trailer isn't much fun for Parker
    3. Analyst: Zynga loses $150 on each new customer
    4. Ninja Gaiden 3 dev diary unmasks and humanises enemies
    5. RE6 to field 70,000+ zombies, several multiplayer modes
    1. Muppets Premium Level Kit hits LittleBigPlanet 2 next week
    2. Quick Quotes: Reckoning's world is "really, really big" and "incredibly dense"
    3. Star Trek: The Original Series - Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? hitting PSN and XBL next month
    4. PSN charts: Sonic CD, Final Fantasy were hits with gamers in December
    5. Theatrhythm to have paid DLC through "Nintendo Network"
    6. Bioware: “Coordinating" SWTOR was "like teaching elephants to do ballet"
    7. Square registers domain and trademark for Final Fantasy Dimensions
    8. Quick Quotes: NeverDead is not as "silly" as it appears on the surface
    9. Physics-based puzzler Puddle lands on XBLA and PSN next week
    10. Pre-orders are live for Elemental: Fallen Enchantress, beta opening up "in the coming weeks"
    11. Microsoft: 360-exclusives are about "quality and impact, not number of releases in a year"
    12. Anno 2070 DRM changed to allow hardware changes
    13. SWTOR named AbleGamers’ 2011 Accessible Mainstream Game of the Year
    14. Diablo III senior producer exits the firm, Blizzard posts job opening
    15. Twisted Metal goes gold, may include online pass
    16. European PSN release of Trine 2 "will be delayed a short while longer"
    17. Alan Wake hitting Steam in February, PC specs listed
    18. Demonstrably Good: The Darkness II's killer demo
    1. Quick Quotes: Rolston on how some RPGs are "slow-paced, abstract, and awkward"
    2. Quick Shots: A single screen released for Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock
    3. Analyst: Concerns over SWTOR sales are a bit premature
    4. Single-player footage for Mass Effect 3 shows Mars, Liara
    5. The King of Hell goes to Michigan in latest Army Corps of Hell video
    6. Cost of 3G-enable Vita materials estimated to be around $159
    7. GDC 2012: Double Fine, Gravity Rush, Rocksteady talks added to schedule
    8. Microsoft "keen" on releasing "constant updates" to Minecraft on XBLA
    9. Quick Shots: Check out Leon, Chris and the rest in Resident Evil 6
    10. PIPA vote postponed, SOPA shelved, ESA drops support
    11. The basic premise of Tomb Raider is that Lara "has to survive", says Stewart
    12. Kojima teases new anime opening cinematic for Zone of the Enders 1 HD
    13. 3DS video released for Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games
    14. New Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD screens don't show a race car driver called Jerry
    15. Microsoft "aware" of color output issues with dashboard update, "working on a fix"
    16. Rovio: No IPO planned for this year
    17. Bioware developer video details upcoming content for SWTOR
    18. Extra RE6 info, RE Chronicles HD trailer escape Tokyo
    19. UFC Undisputed 3 demo launching next week
    20. NIS America launching Hyperdimension Netpunia Mk2 in Europe on February 24
    21. Pokemon x Nobunga's Ambition is still a thing, gets new trailer
    22. Ubisoft digital triple pack listed for March release
    23. Harmonix launches Dance Central Dance Cam for iOS, Android, WP7
    24. Green Man Gaming offering 25% off for pre-orders
    25. Ninja Gaiden Sigma Vita screens do the hacky slashy business
    26. Uncharted: Golden Abyss BTS video features canoe mocap, banter
    27. Sine Mora trailer details Insane difficulty setting
    28. MLG 2012 Pro Circuit kicks off January 31 with Starcraft II
    29. EA stock drops 3% after analyst expresses doubts on SWTOR
    30. No Hawk-Eye in Grand Slam Tennis 2
    31. FIFA Street Football Club details drop next week, ups daily XP limit
    32. EVE Online spawns third dev team, CCP details next patch
    1. Mojang teases Minecraft jungle biome
    2. Ghostlight to launch Fate/Extra in Europe
    3. Watch 30 seconds of DUST 514 footage
    4. Aion Free-to-Play preparations underway
    5. Microsoft Q2: Xbox platform revenue up 9%
    6. Latest Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning dev diary delves into the RPG's art and lore
    7. SOPA blackout protests yield results
    8. 750,000 bakeries to shutter in Baking Life closure
    9. Bethesda releases preliminary patch notes for Skyrim Update 1.4
    10. A Game of Dwarves coming to PC, PlayStation Network
    11. Resident Evil 6 set in China and US, out November 20
    12. Bioware patches SWTOR PvP exploit, warns those who used it
    13. House: "Still some significant barriers to streaming solutions"
    14. Diablo III director: "No one will remember if the game is late"
    15. Classic Prince of Persia now available on 3DS, Wii
    16. House: 3DS proves there's "a lot of demand for a gaming primary, portable device."
    17. Ubisoft: "Vast majority" of users don't have problems with Anno's DRM
    18. Paradox boss: Next console gen will "probably be the last"
    19. Minecraft: Pocket Edition has sold over 700,000 copies
    20. Story, gameplay details revealed for Kid Icarus: Uprising
    21. Mortal Kombat Vita has exclusive Challenge Tower, touchscreen fatalities
    22. Rumour: Leon Kennedy, Chris Redfield to lead RE6
    23. Ghost Recon Online dev diary introduces the three main classes
    24. Latest Inside Xbox video shows Trials Evolution gameplay footage
    25. Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition gets a trailer
    26. Quick Quotes: Vita designer on screen size and working with engineers
    27. Sega to release Sonic 4: Episode 1, Sonic CD, Sonic Generations DLC onto PC today
    28. Trion Worlds raises $85 million in latest round of funding
    29. Resident Evil: Revelations, Cooking Mama 4 demos now on 3DS eShop
    30. DDO's first expansion since going F2P delves into the Underdark
    31. TIGA: 41% of laid off UK developers move overseas
    32. Magicka moves 1.3 million units, new expansion on the way
    33. Bethesda still planning to release Skyrim's Creation Kit "this month"
    34. Shank 2 to launch on February 8
    35. Irrational announces, details BioShock Infinite's 1999 mode
    36. My Little Pony Skyrim mod replaces dragons
    37. Bayonetta's main programmer confirmed as Metal Gear Rising's director
    38. Windows NT vet moves to Xbox team for future projects
    39. MLB 12: The Show online features detailed
    40. Flickr app launches for Vita in Japan
    41. Super Stardust Delta demo launches in Japan
    42. Infinity Ward job listing mentions “next-generation”
    43. Resident Evil HD remasters to get bundled with RE5
    44. Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance gets March 29 release in Japan
    45. How Chocolate Castle shames triple-A accessibility
    46. LotR Online 'pay to win' items to "create solutions" for newbs
    47. Resident Evil: Retribution gets first trailer, goes heavy on Sony product placement
    48. Another World coming to Android
    49. 343 warns against Halo 4 beta scam
    50. PSN maintenance scheduled for tomorrow
    51. Hirshberg: Activision "leaned into" Modern Warfare 3 leak
    1. Twisted Metal teaser video shows real Sweet Tooth truck
    2. Zynga snaps up World of Goo iOS port developer
    3. Counter-strike: Global Offensive files yield Half-life jokes
    4. Final Fantasy XIII-2 trailer shows off Historia Crux system
    5. Red 5 drops out of E3 2012 to form anti-SOPA movement
    6. Namco Bandai exec: "Free-to-play games can't be high quality"
    7. Darksiders II's Death will "pretty much use any weapon"
    8. Quick Shots - There's a zombie on my PS Vita
    9. Nippon Ichi releases new screenshots for The Witch and the Hundred Soldiers
    10. Better AI a top priority for Hitman: Absolution
    11. Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time hitting PSP this summer in the US
    12. Japan's oldest games magazine to end in March
    13. Nintendo has "no plans" to fix Maka Wuhu track bypass in Mario Kart 7
    14. Scarygirl now available through Xbox Live
    15. Bioware: Rise of the Rakghouls will "show everyone how serious we are" about SWTOR
    16. Dreadnought DLC releasing for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine next week
    17. Nexon's Dungeon Fighter LIVE: Fall of Hendon Myre to release on XBL later this year
    18. Mass Effect 3 demo: Minimum and recommended PC specs released
    19. Mario Party 9 lands on Wii March 2 in Europe
    20. DOOM now available worldwide through XBL Marketplace
    21. Zumba Fitness series moves 6 million worldwide, Majecsco revenue up 65%
    22. I Am Alive video demonstrates how to survive human encounters in the Dust
    23. Japanese charts: Vita sales fall 57% over last week
    24. Latest Max Payne 3 developer video focuses on targeting and weapons
    25. SEGA announces pre-order bonuses for Yakuza: Dead Souls
    26. No Hope Left: Potential RE6 unveil teased for tonight
    27. Tequila Works' first title Deadlight slated for XBLA this summer
    28. THQ resume points to two unannounced Wii U titles in the works
    29. Analysts: GTA V to be out by March 2013
    30. Alienware X51 mini gaming desktop is about the size of Xbox 360
    31. Mac, iOS versions of Q.U.B.E. being "prototype," OnLive also looked at
    32. WoW update 4.3 last major content drop before Pandaria
    33. Euro PS Store and Plus update January 18 - Starhawk beta, GT5 DLC, Reckoning demo
    34. New SSX video details online connectivity
    35. 3DS EU demo drops begin tomorrow with Resident Evil: Revelations
    36. Nintendo to launch Last Story special edition in Europe
    37. Report - hacked, user details posted online
    38. SOPA blackout: JAW, Oddworld, RPS, Gama, SavyGamer protest
    39. ESRB rates Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet for PC
    40. Namco and Imagepoch's Tokitowa announced in Famitsu
    41. Don't fear the future: Metro 2033 and Darksiders revisited
    42. Katy Perry gets own Sims 3 Showtime CE
    43. Borderlands 2: Guardian Angel to return, Lilith model chosen
    44. Kojima: Metal Gear Rising to be first playable at E3 2012
    45. New ME3 trailer confirms February 14 demo launch
    46. Final Fantasy Versus XIII nearly ready for real-time demo
    47. Game of Thrones RPG classified for Australia
    48. Dear Esther trailer is ridiculously beautiful
    49. Warriors Orochi 3 to see western release
    50. US PS Store Update, January 17 - Starhawk beta, 12 for '12, Team Ico HD, more
    51. Xbox 360 entertainment app use up 50%
    52. Lexis Numérique dismisses AMY critics
    53. UFC Undisputed shows off bumper roster
    54. Get the 1993 version of Syndicate from GOG this week
    55. PSA: Star Trek Online free to play today
    56. EVE Online CSM minutes outline new security, engineering teams
    57. House: "Ugly" hacker threats "ironically" spurred by IP protection
    1. Marvel Heroes to use Unreal Engine 3
    2. First NCAA Football Fellowship begins January 17
    3. Sega announces London 2012 - The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games
    4. Glitch to overhaul housing system
    5. Snipers expected in February
    6. LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 releasing for Mac February 16
    7. Gakai coming to Facebook soon, WoW shown running through the social site
    8. Ubisoft shutters Pure Futbol studio in Vancouver
    9. N-Space releases a nifty video for Heroes of Ruin
    10. Radical and Dark Horse announce Prototype 2 comic series
    11. SWTOR Update 1.1 Rise of the Rakghouls to release tomorrow
    12. The House of Crom: Funcom launches Age of Conan: Unchained update
    13. Pre-orders for Max Payne 3 Special Edition extended to April 2
    14. Hudson Soft to be absorbed into Konami Digital Entertainment in March
    15. Bleszinski and Schatz to host GDC and IGF award shows, respectively
    16. Official Ong-Bak game announced for 2012 from Studio HIVE
    17. Analyst: EA has invested close to $500 million in SWTOR
    18. Uncharted 3 DLC lands on PSN, more packs on the way
    19. Street Fighter X Tekken videos and shots reveal six new characters
    20. Second phase of UFO Online – Fight for Earth beta to be announced as phase one closes
    21. Trion Worlds' David Reid joins CCP as chief marketing officer
    22. StarHawk public beta starts today for PS Plus members
    23. 15 mins from Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning 360 demo
    24. A World of Keflings DLC to be chosen by fans
    25. Fenix Rising map pack, new experience system launches for Gears of War 3
    26. Syndicate co-op demo to release at "the end of January"
    27. PvP, multiplayer modes detailed for Jagged Alliance Online
    28. TERA confirmed for May European launch
    29. The Darkness II 360 demo - 15 minutes of crazy action
    30. Half-Life communication group hits 10,000 members
    31. European publishers hunting down pirates via torrent sites
    32. Rockstar pushes Max Payne 3 into May – dates confirmed
    33. Warner confirms Mortal Kombat Vita for spring
    34. Rockstar staying mum on next-gen job listing
    35. The Darkness II demo goes live on Xbox Live Marketplace
    36. Test Drive Ferrari's first trailer is proper knockout
    37. Rumour: THQ/Disney tie-in still in development, involves upcoming Pixar flick
    38. CVs: Thief 4 to use Unreal 3, feature online functions
    39. Iron Brigade gets debut Rise of the Martian Bear trailer
    40. Q.U.B.E hits 12,000 sales in first four days
    41. Bargain hunting: PC game shopping beyond Steam
    42. Harada considering Vita version of Tekken x Street Fighter
    43. The Last Story gets European-focussed trailer
    44. SSX trailer goes uber serious with Zoe
    45. LittleBigPlanet notches up 6 million custom levels
    46. Report - Ubisoft DRM limits installations to specific hardware
    47. World of Darkness inspired by PC classic Bloodlines
    48. ArenaNet plotting Guild Wars 2's open beta
    49. PES 2012 Xperia Play promoted with mutilated couch, Kristen Schaal
    50. Report - XCOM delayed into 2013
    51. Next SWTOR update to be "much bigger", content planned through 2013
    1. Deus Ex: HR tops Amazon's digital chart for 2011
    2. Kertz exits Battlefield 3 team for unrevealed project
    3. Ex-Ars Technica editor joins Penny Arcade
    4. Fall of the Samurai Shogun 2 expansion has pre-order incentives, new trailer
    5. Report - ESA dropped up to $190,000 on PIPA lobbying
    6. TF2 heads appear in Saints Row: The Third Steam version
    7. Sony's 12 for '12 sale graces US PSN tomorrow
    8. 20 million people sign up for Minecraft, 4.65 million copies sold
    9. Kasabian headlines OST for Alan Wake's American Nightmare
    10. Claims of GAME website hacked are "entirely false"
    11. “Ryder White” story DLC announced for Dead Island
    12. Avseq out in a "couple of weeks," new video shows hardest stage
    13. Rumour: Apple preparing March launch for iPad 3
    14. Capcom Vancouver working on new IP
    15. Catherine European release to come with special art booklet, soundtrack CD
    16. Remedy developing "groundbreaking" AAA console project
    17. 3DS, Mario Kart 7 top 2011 Japanese charts
    18. Test Drive: Ferrari gets first shots, Slightly Mad apparently confirmed as dev
    19. UK charts: FIFA 12 top for fourth week
    20. THQ remains in need of its hit, but it's not dead yet
    21. Quick quotes: Remedy on Max Payne 3 representing Rockstar's "seal of quality"
    22. Namco Fight Club video goes big on community
    23. SOPA senate vote delayed until "consensus" is found
    24. PlayStation Vita gets updated to Firmware 1.52
    25. Capcom Super Ultimate Showcase hits Sydney February 1
    26. Unofficial Australian Vita launch line up surfaces
    27. Grand Slam Tennis 2 visits the Australian Open
    28. Razer CEO: "The PC giants have stopped innovating"
    29. Dynasty Warriors VS has four multiplayer modes
    1. First super-slim details of next .hack game escape
    2. The Secret World's Illuminati "all about the acquisition of power"
    3. Limbo for Mac out now on Steam
    4. Soul Calibur coming to iPhone January 19
    5. THQ denies mass shelving rumour, highlights Q4 sales
    1. Shepard to be a "deeper" character in Mass Effect 3, says lead writer
    2. SWTOR: Future Legacy updates to unlock perks and points
    3. The Edgar Winter Group, Korn hitting Rock Band 3 next week
    4. US PS Video Unlimited update: Paranormal Activity: The Chronology, more
    5. Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland heads west in May, gets prologue video
    6. Former Codemasters Guildford staffer claims "unlawful" treatment of employees, wages
    7. Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen video reveals story, weapons, Glider Suit
    8. Physical and digital forms of Mass Effect 3 PC to require Origin
    9. Day 1 Studios concept art surfaces for cancelled Gotham by Gaslight title
    10. Former Witcher 2 producer working on action-RPG "Project Human"
    11. The Last Story Limited Edition to be released in Europe
    12. SSFIV Arcade Edition PC receiving 2012 update next month
    13. White House "will not support" SOPA as it stands
    14. Quick shots: Prototype 2 artwork and screens released for Heller, Guerra, Dana
    15. Illicit XBL access via "industry-wide issue"
    16. SOPA: DNS blocking pulled; PIPA needs "more study"
    17. Blue Toad Murder Files exceeds 500,000 premium units
    1. Free update for Under Siege: Enhanced Edition now available on PSN
    2. Quick quotes: Reckoning's action-RPG "message" was difficult to convey to the public
    3. VentureBeat acquires Bitmob, Dan "Shoe" Hsu named GamesBeat editor-in-chief
    4. Masaya Matsuura's Haunt to release for Kinect next week via XBLA
    5. Korean Game Rating Board gives Diablo III a rating, can be released in South Korea
    6. Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Crysis 2, Tom Clancy titles hitting PSN next week
    7. Tropico 4: Modern Times Expansion coming to PC and 360 in March
    8. CheapyD DLC drops next week for Saints Row: The Third
    9. StarHawk public beta starts next week
    10. Ubisoft: Just Dance franchise has sold 25 million units worldwide
    11. SOPA: Firefall, Runic, Destructoid, Minecraft, Bungie decry bill
    12. Unauthorized XBL account access may be coming from
    13. Wii U panoramic view demo shown at CES
    14. Mojang has three new games in the works, two may release first half of 2012
    15. Taito releases arcade shooter Rayforce on iPhone and iPod Touch
    16. Modern Warfare 3 UK sales down year-over-year compared to Black Ops
    17. Nintendo re-releases 50 WiiWare demos
    18. Uncharted 3, Portal 2 lead Interactive Achievement Awards nods
    19. Revelations: How PC gaming allowed me to be born again
    20. 5th Cell's Run, Roo, Run out now on iOS
    21. Dead Space 1, 2 gets price reduced on Steam
    22. EA hit $1 billion in digital revenue in 2011, shuffles division
    23. Sony not worried with Japanese Vita sales, satisfaction rate "really high"
    24. EA Interactive boss Cottle heads to Zynga
    25. Alan Wake's American Nightmare videos come running from CES
    26. Age of Booty headed to iOS, Android
    27. New video illustrates Mass Effect 3-Reckoning demo crossover
    28. 11 RIFT servers marked for upcoming trials
    29. Jagged Alliance: Back in Action in North America, February 14th
    30. Kid Icarus: Uprising prompts development of 3DS hands-free stand
    31. No head-to-head online multiplayer for ModNation Racers on Vita
    32. Microsoft defends Kinect for Windows price hike, gamers find way around it
    33. Gameloft not guilty of health and safety breaches
    34. Quick Quotes: Notch's opinions on piracy
    35. NPD December: Industry sales decline 21%; MW3, 360 tops
    36. Research uncovers new details on XCOM: Enemy Unknown
    1. NPD 2011: Total US spend between $16.3b and $16.6b
    2. Mod Alert: Red Orchestra 2 now includes SDK
    3. SSX trailer shows gameplay modes, announces GeoTags
    4. Ohlen: Saying SWTOR lacks innovation is an "unfair characterization"
    5. Ninja Gaiden 3 Collector's Edition detailed
    6. Quick shots: Max Payne 3 screens show our hero's changing looks
    7. Acquire's Sumioni: Demon Arts to release in North America
    8. Amazon putting select EA titles on sale next week
    9. Quick quotes: Sony still has a bit of a PS2 "hangover" says SCE UK boss
    10. Silent Hill March: Downpour, HD, Book of Memories
    11. Touch My Katamari prologue video shows a bit of the game's story
    12. CD Projekt cease "identifying, contacting" Witcher II pirates
    13. Armored Core V dated for March 20 in NA, March 23 in Europe
    14. SWTOR Update 1.1 Rise of the Rakghouls lands next week
    15. Closed beta sign-ups for TERA are live
    16. Complete list of Versus Modes released for Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
    17. Bioware relieved SWTOR players have yet to finish "all end-game content"
    18. MCV: Median games industry pay is ?33,123
    19. Sony: 3DS sales “confounding the naysayers” over space for dedicated gaming handheld
    20. Nintendo Downloads, January 12 - Zen Pinball 3D, Hip Hop King, Carmen Sandiego
    21. New Secret World teaser goes big with Illuminati
    22. Lollipop Chainsaw screens and vignette introduce the villain Swan
    23. EA Play4Free range hits 25 million registered players
    24. Video shows Project Fiona running Skyrim at "ultra high"
    25. 2K announces return of MLB 2K12 $1 Million Perfect Game Challenge
    26. DICE introduces new anti-cheating measures for Battlefield 3
    27. SCE believes PS Move "could and should" do better at UK retail
    28. Call of Duty dethroned as UK's biggest entertainment property by Adele
    29. GAME mentions new Medal of Honor, Need for Speed
    30. Edge gets The Last of Us cover for next issue
    31. Mega Man 25th anniversary logo spotted in MMX iOS
    32. Naruto hits 10 million units shipped worldwide
    33. Cave Story DSiWare delayed in Europe
    34. All change: James Binns quits Future, Richard Keith returns
    35. Triple-A aversion therapy: what not to miss in 2012
    36. Quick quotes: Beyond Good and Evil "should not have been updated," says JAW boss
    37. Zipper's Unit 13 launching on March 6
    38. Don't panic: GSC continuing work on S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2
    39. Ruin renamed to Warrior's Lair
    40. SWTOR to offer rewards for neutral players
    41. Street Fighter IV HD coming to Android in May
    42. Quick shots - XCOM: Enemy Unknown gets up close and personal
    43. Vita Table Football demo'd at CES
    44. UK developed Brink, Arkham City among WGA Awards nominees
    45. DeathSmiles dev puts core games on hold to focus on social
    46. Ninja Gaiden 3 trailer shows off bloody multiplayer
    1. The Darkness II demo descends next week
    2. Minecraft 1.1 update may drop tomorrow
    3. Quick Quotes - Gaikai predicts hardware casualties before next-gen
    4. DmC mocap filmed at Avatar studio
    5. Quick Shots - Resident Evil: Revelations Street Pass swaps detailed
    6. Anomaly: Warzone earth tops Qi's 2011 iPhone games list
    7. Tim Ellis exits HMV games division as organizational changes are implemented
    8. Radical: Chance to kill Prototype hero "too exciting to pass up"
    9. DCUO celebrates first anniversary with fun facts, a swanky cape
    10. UK retailers keen to strike pre-owned revenue share deal
    11. Killzone port heading to PSN on January 24
    12. SWTOR: Medium texture setting "a bug", never intended as option
    13. Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 13 and The Masters Collector's Edition announced for March
    14. AC:Revelations director exits Ubisoft for marketing firm
    15. GDC 2012: Blizzard, Moriarty and postmortem Summits added to schedule
    16. Double Fine Happy Action Theater to release on XBLA next month
    17. Street Fighter celebrates its 25th Anniversary this year
    18. OnLive to be integrated into all Google TV devices
    19. Kirby’s Dream Land, Majora's Mask, Dr Mario now available through Club Nintendo US
    20. Report: Microsoft TV on hold as content negotiations hit pricey snag
    21. Gran Turismo 5 update and new DLC drops next week
    22. Japanese charts: 3DS remains on top, Monster Hunter 3G passes 1 million sold mark
    23. Age of Empires Online's Skirmish Hall Booster pack shown in latest video
    24. Crystal Dynamics announces Geocaching collaboration for Tomb Raider
    25. PlayStation Store gets major discounts on NFS Hot Pursuit, Dead Space 2, Crysis, more
    26. Hitman: Absolution sends 47 on stealth-action flip-flop
    27. Purchase a Taco Bell $5 Buck Box and you might win a Vita
    28. Nexuiz looks pretty in new screens
    29. Binary Domain gets shunted back a week
    30. Square's Gunslinger Stratos announced as a shooter for Japanese arcades
    31. Cross-demo promotion announced for Mass Effect 3 and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
    32. Kid Icarus: Uprising to support left-handers with Circle Pad Pro, says Sakurai
    33. Reggie: Wii U information coming throughout 2012
    34. DC Universe Online updated with new R&D system
    35. Shock: Modern Warfare 3 is 2011's best selling game in UK
    36. Euro PS Store update, January 11 - AMY, FF XIII-2 and Asura’s Wrath demos
    37. Namco Bandai teases Tokitowa, more details dropping next week
    38. EA opens new customer service centre in Austin
    39. Next Saints Row: The Third DLC goes Genki mad
    40. Government to axe current ICT program for "open source" curriculum from September
    41. A question of relevance: PlayStation Vita's the answer
    42. Hirai: PlayStation to lead Sony back into profitability
    43. Rumour: Namco, From Software planning Dark Souls DLC
    44. FFXIII-2 CES trailer goes cut-scene, action heavy
    45. Sony's Hirai debunks PS4 E3 reveal rumours - details
    46. LG Cup Street Fighter IV HD offers $21,000 prize pool
    47. US PS Store Update, January 10 - Choplifter HD, FFXIII-2 demo, more
    48. Razer's Project Fiona revealed as new PC gaming tablet
    49. FIFA Street producer: Past games "left a bad taste" in players' mouths
    50. Quick Shots - Game of Thrones screens could use some lamps
    51. Two more Warhammer Online servers retired
    52. Dear Esther leads 2012 IGF Awards nominees
    53. Rockstar reveals Max Payne 3's real world inspirations
    1. Battlefield Play4Free update causes rage eruption
    2. The Witch and the Hundred Soldiers hits Japan in late June
    3. Levine: If the narrative doesn't fit gaming, get a new narrative
    4. Sumioni's ending depends on your skill
    5. Jaffe: Twisted Metal's "heart and soul" is multiplayer
    6. Video for Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning demonstrates hero hobbies
    7. Australia: JB HiFi won't stock Vita 3G
    8. Devil Survivor 2 teaser challenges you to survive or die
    9. Bioware: Most SWTOR performance issues can be blamed on low-end PCs
    10. New sex scene responsible for The Darkness II classification surprise
    11. Dead Space 2 difficulty toned down after playtesting
    12. Marvel: Avengers Alliance coming to Facebook
    13. Cross-realm raids coming to WoW with Patch 4.3.2
    14. First 18-minutes of AMY videoed
    15. Gaikai partners with LG to bring cloud gaming to Smart TVs
    16. Bethesda confirms round of lay-offs at id Software
    17. Ubisoft: Estimated sales for Q3 FY12 at €650 million, 8% yoy increase
    18. Quick shots: MW3 screens provide a look at multiplayer maps Liberation and Piazza
    19. World of Goo downloaded 1 million times via the App Store
    20. Todd Howard to provide opening keynote at 2012 D.I.C.E. Summit
    21. XBLA House Party returns next month with Alan Wake's American Nightmare
    22. Modern Warfare 3 to get 20 DLC drops over next 9 months
    23. The Settlers Online surpasses 1.5 million players as European beta launches
    24. Sony closes Little Deviants studio, Cambridge division downsized
    25. Kuma Reality developer Amir Hekmati sentenced to death in Iran
    26. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier pushed into May, PS3 and 360 multiplayer beta coming in April
    27. BioWare: Mass Effect 3 to feature story, multiplayer DLC
    28. Asura's Wrath gets 360 demo: 10 bats**t minutes at 720p
    29. Sony isn't "contemplating" talk on PS4 "at this point"
    30. 5th Cell unveils iOS platformer Run, Roo, Run
    31. Coming Soon to XBL: Gears 3, GTA IV discounts, Asura's Wrath and Reckoning demos
    32. Metal Gear Solid 3DS: Snake Eater to launch in Europe on March 8
    33. EverQuest II log-ins up 40% since going F2P, says SOE
    34. Bethesda reconfirms PS3 issues in Skyrim will be addressed with Update 1.4
    35. Nintendo: EU Wii sales hit 30 million
    36. AMY release delayed on PSN due to new price point
    37. Jagex's majority stake sold to US venture firm
    38. MotoGP developer Monumental Games goes into administration
    39. Ubisoft launching ACR Mediterranean Traveller map pack on January 24
    40. NextBox CES no-show: perspective on rumours
    41. THQ lists Homefront: Ultimate Edition for spring release
    42. Quick quotes: BioWare would "do over" experience of launching new MMO
    43. Get Civilization V for ?13 at Amazon right now
    44. Starhawk to get mix of free, premium DLC
    45. OnLive introduces cloud-based Microsoft clients with OnLive Desktop
    46. GAME holiday sales hit 15 percent low
    47. Call of Duty Elite app hits iOS Tuesday, Android next week
    48. Origin sale offers up to 40% off plus $20 voucher
    49. Silent Hill: Downpour has separate combat and puzzle difficulties
    50. GDC 2012: Kasavin, Molyneux, Bleszinski and more added to line-up
    51. The Secret World celebrates the Illuminati
    52. Microsoft at CES 2012: Ballmer's Metrosexual circus
    53. CES 2012: 500,000 Vitas sold, two new PS Suite phones
    54. XCOM: Enemy Unknown features both real time and turn based elements
    1. Black Ops 2 domain back in Activision's grasp
    2. Silent Hill HD Collection delayed into March
    3. Shoot Many Robots trailer invites you to Render This
    4. Legal wasteland: Bethesda secures Fallout MMO rights
    5. Call of Duty takes top three spots on 2011 Xbox Live activity charts
    6. AT&T details prepaid 3G data plans for US Vita launch
    7. Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition announced, dated
    8. New Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City trailer released
    9. Twisted Metal UK release date confirmed
    10. Quick quotes: Remedy's Hakkinen on "phenomenal" Max Payne 3
    11. Ruffian hiring for "CryEngine 3" experience
    12. Apple-tite for disruption: are consoles under threat?
    13. SCE UK planning "biggest campaign we’ve ever executed" for Vita launch
    14. Aliens: Colonial Marines collector's edition appears
    15. UK charts: FIFA 12 becomes 2012's first number one
    16. Next Xbox could have tablet component, says Gamespot
    17. Amalur: Reckoning minimum, recommended PC specs
    18. Netflix rolls out in UK and Ireland, sub prices confirmed
    19. The year's events: 2012's Killer Line-up, part three
    20. Study finds excessive gamers more depressed
    21. Project Zomboid update to add windows, clever NPCs, more
    1. Quick Quotes - Dishwasher dev's new game explores skin melting
    2. Binary Domain producer: Shooters have "biggest window of entry"
    3. Tiny Tower clocks up 10 million daily play sessions
    4. SSX trailer enlists pro rider Travis Rice
    5. Minecraft Pocket Edition Survival update due February
    6. Blizzard denies Diablo III February dating
    7. PAX East passes selling out two months in advance
    8. PlayStation Network trophy bug squashed
    9. Dark Souls PC port petition nears 40,000 signatures
    10. PlayMemories Studios PS3 video editor spotted at CES
    1. Victim of Xbox Live phishing scam gets refund, account restored
    2. Join the Battlefield 3 Metal vs Hip Hop Challenge this weekend
    3. Sony details PlayStation Vita Room event in Manchester
    4. SWTOR Update 1.1 is live on the Public Test Server
    5. US retailer lists Monster Hunter Portable 3, FFX, Lord of Apocalypse for Vita
    6. 38 Studios, MLG, others clarify stance on SOPA
    7. Silicon Knights boss "looking forward" to airing Epic's "misconduct" in court
    8. God of War: Ascension multiplayer beta starts in tomorrow for PS Plus members
    9. Undead Labs releases video tour of studio, open-world zombie shooter "Class 3"
    10. Lexis Numérique to let gamers decide the final price of AMY on PSN
    11. Character renders for Factor 5's cancelled title come to light
    12. Blizzard announces price drop on WoW expansions in Europe
    13. Team Ninja says it's "steadily making progress" on Ni-Oh
    14. Black Ops, Age of Empires Online, others top Xbox Live activity charts for 2011
    1. Sony Video Unlimited adds Contagion, Shark Night, Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark
    2. Media Molecule spends ?4.1 million on R&D to squelch dependence on LBP
    3. Shank 2 looks violently fun in latest gameplay video
    4. Avenger creators donate $10,000 to Child's Play
    5. Pick up the Gran Turismo 5 XL Edition January 17
    6. Sony dismisses report claiming Hirai is replacing Stringer
    7. Analyst believes Sony needs to build "consumer excitement" around PlayStation brand in 2012
    8. Netflix starts appearing on UK and Irish PS3s - all the details
    9. Steam posts seventh year of over 100% sales growth
    10. Latest Journey video takes you on a musical excursion
    11. Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus to release February 22 in US and Europe
    12. Square to release action-platformer based on graphic novel Scarygirl
    13. Miyamoto working on 'undisclosed original' project
    14. The Darkness II now available for pre-purchase on Steam
    15. New cases of Xbox Live account hacking come to light
    16. Pre-order Prototype 2 at GameStop, get "Bio-Bomb Butt Kicker Ability"
    17. Vita Rooms Birmingham event cancelled
    18. Ninja Gaiden 3's first half-hour goes online
    19. Asura's Wrath gets 10 minutes of new footage
    20. FFXIII-2 demo coming to PS3, 360 next week
    21. WiiWare dev pulls sales numbers at Nintendo's demand
    22. EA holding Xbox Live sale
    23. Rumour: Next Xbox, PlayStation 4 to get E3 unveils
    24. Ninja Theory received death threats over DMC
    25. And The Rest: 2012's Killer Line-Up, Part Two
    26. Final Fantasy XIII-2 among promised PSN demos
    27. IndieRoyale's New Year's Bundle includes Super Crossfire
    28. Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns 3DS may get Euro release
    29. Capcom keen on 2D games but nervous of "tricky" development
    30. EA's sally against owner rebutted
    31. Report - Japanese games market dropped 8% in 2011
    1. SWTOR nabs Guinness World Record for dialogue
    2. Tales of Innocence R trailers show off Vita remake
    3. Multiverse platform saved, Firefly MMO still possible
    4. Resident Evil: Revelations demo inbound
    5. UKIE: UK games market fell 13% during 2011
    6. Quick shots: Alex Mercer enters the spotlight in latest Prototype 2 screens
    7. Zynga stock drops again
    8. Rumor: 7Sixty to publish HurricaneX2 on Xbox 360
    9. Final Fantasy XIII-2 trailer is enthusiastic about Moogles
    10. Platinum Games hopes to make a 2012 anounce
    11. Latest Silent Hill HD Collection screens are full of creepy nostalgia
    12. The Binding of Isaac expansion to be called The Wrath of The Lamb
    13. Batman: Arkham City was Gamefly's "most-wanted" game of 2011
    14. Noby Noby Boy players help GIRL reach the planet Uranus
    15. European pricing and date announced for AMY
    16. Zynga launches Hidden Chronicles, first new title since going public
    17. Nintendo Downloads: Zombii Attack, Samurai Sword Destiny, 3 Heroes - Crystal Soul
    18. Gotham City Imposters release moved to February
    19. Skyrim, Portal 2, Bastion receive five GDC Awards nods
    20. Diablo 15th Anniversary website goes live, firm "almost done" with Diablo III
    21. Assassin's Creed, Rainbow Six Vegas double packs hitting in March
    22. Infinity Blade franchise soars past $30 million in sales
    23. EA closes Guildford studio Bright Light
    24. Firaxis's XCOM: Enemy Unknown announced - info
    25. New Planetside 2 video details new engine, factions, shows gameplay
    26. House of the Dead 3 releasing on PSN February 7, HoTD4 coming this spring
    27. New SSX trailer goes tricky
    28. Heady daze for Vita: why you’ll be buying Gravity Rush
    29. More stops on The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses Tour announced
    30. Epic says it does not "support the current version of SOPA"
    31. Bioware to release patches for SWTOR "almost every week"
    32. LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes announced by Warner
    33. Capcom "squarely competing" against Bayonetta with DMC
    34. Japanese charts: Vita decline continues, Mario Kart 7 tops software
    35. Razer likely to reunveil Switchblade at CES next week
    36. Soul Calibur V intro goes sword heavy
    37. Respawn further teases new game with mo-cap shot
    38. Report: Monster Hunter Vita to arrive in Japan by second-half 2012
    39. Devil Survivor 2 gets teaser before US launch
    40. Hi-Rez: Tribes Universe on hold, priority for now is Ascend
    41. RedLynx: Trials Evolution date announcement "in the near future"
    42. EVO games line-up locked down - SFxT, UMvC3, SCV, more
    43. Near Future: 2012's Killer Line-up, Part One
    44. Choplifter HD hits the US in next console network update
    45. Star Wars: The Old Republic available in Aussie retailers
    46. Multiple Pokémon Gray and 3DS hints turn up
    47. Empire leads Star Wars: The Old Republic PvP, update promised
    48. Cthulhu Saves the World anniversary price cut, coming to more devices
    49. Amazon erroneously advises Vita 3G cancelled in US
    50. Mass Effect: Homeworlds comics star James Vega
    51. Analysts agree 3DS now on track for success
    52. Microsoft, Datel settle memory card grievance out of court
    53. Child's Play raised over $3.5 million in 2011
    54. Katawa Shoujo out now
    1. Skyrim tops Japanese developers' 2011 favourites list
    2. Star Trek Online to sport near-weekly updates from February
    3. Dream.Build.Play 2009 winner Dust: An Elysian Tail slated for release this year
    4. Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 delayed into second quarter
    5. XBLIG policy changes allow for larger, less expensive titles
    6. Hellgate Global boasts 40% female characters
    7. Quick quotes: Activision wants to "experiment with" a variety of Modern Warfare 3 content
    8. Yu Suzuki still holding out for Shenmue 3
    9. Quick quotes: Akria missing from Silent Hill: Downpour's soundtrack due to "Japanese business politics"
    10. Microsoft Studios forms partnership with social and casual games developer Arkadium
    11. Small SWTOR patch deployed, doesn't fix dance exploit
    12. Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus screens show off Ryu's moves
    13. Gaikai adds BestBuy, YouTube to customer base, hires ex-Sony pictures exec as COO
    14. Silent Hill: Downpour developers discuss going back to the series' psychological-horror roots
    15. Quick shots: Latest Max Payne 3 screens focus on the multiplayer
    16. Levine: Focus on BioShock's Elizabeth "as a person" rather than her appearance
    17. Soul Calibur V goes gold, three new movies and 60 shots released
    18. Microsoft Flight to release as free download in the spring
    19. Report: Diablo III Korean release in jeopardy
    20. Pandemic co-founder sets up social games developer Seismic Games
    21. Rovio: 6.5 million people downloaded Angry Birds on Christmas Day
    22. Mass Effect 3 videos show off pre-order bonuses, new screens
    23. USPTO patent points to DVR function in next Xbox
    24. Intent's Dinsey becomes GamesAid chairman
    25. Euro PS Plus and PS Store Update, January 4 – Batman, Back to the Future
    26. Joystiq group, Crecente to form VOX Games - details
    27. Steam hits 5 million concurrent users
    28. Xbox Live Avatar Marketplaces gets tattoos
    29. ESRB: Soul Calibur V lets you “augment” breast sizes, shows “buttocks”
    30. Mario Party 9 to feature boss fights, time-saving mini-game modes
    31. Xbox UFC app crashes under tech issues, Microsoft promises "improvement"
    32. Analyst: SWTOR to sell 3 million, current player count peaking at 350,000
    33. 2012 New Year's Resolutions: Try Something New
    34. Sony Tablet S RRP drops to $500
    35. Green Man Games January sale offers up to 75% off
    36. Battlefield 3 tweaks inbound thanks to player feedback
    37. Kazuma Kujo working on new downloadable title
    38. McNamara: L.A. Noire is "probably too big"
    39. 3DS sells close to 500,000 Japanese units in record week
    40. Firefly, Buffy MMO developer shuttered
    1. Skyward Sword continuity may be abandoned
    2. US PS Store Update, January 3 - Darksiders, Resistance 3 DLC
    3. Report - Bethesda and Interplay reach settlement in Fallout Online suit
    4. Harmonix shareholders awarded $383 million
    5. Atari declares war on iOS arcade lookalikes
    6. Starbreeze releases Deep Dive coop trailer for Syndicate
    7. GTA III mobile works with PC mods
    8. VVVVVV creator has eight games in the works
    9. PS Plus members get Back to the Future free, other discounts in January
    10. More South Park: The Game screens and art pop up online
    11. Quick quotes: McNamara on the "long, painful process” of closing Team Bondi
    12. Retrode 2 adapter provides PC support for SNES and Genesis games
    13. Pre-order King Arthur II, start playing prologue chapter Dead Legions now
    14. Game Informer says "old school gamers will freak out" over feature in next issue
    15. Lineage II artist Juno Jeong back with NCsoft, working on unnamed MMO
    16. ESA re-affirms SOPA support, mindful of "concerns"
    17. Brian Crecente quits Kotaku
    18. Closed beta registrations for DUST 514 are live, exclusive to EVE Online players
    19. Bioware Ireland provided Austin studio with "multiple dimensions of support" with SWTOR
    20. Composer CV lists ”God of War IV”
    21. Trio of DICE developers quit studio for Ngmoco Sweden
    22. Quick shots: Darksiders 2 does the screens dance
    23. Skyrim, Arkham City, Minecraft, others chosen as developers' favorite games of 2011
    24. Full OPM Kojima interview goes online
    25. Nintendo systems moved 12 million units in the US during 2011
    26. Rumour: Apple to launch iTV in Q3 2012
    27. Crystal Dynamics to unveil new IP this year
    28. EA: 1 million subs for SWTOR since before Christmas, 60 million hours played since launch
    29. Super Meat Boy hits 1 million sales
    30. The Binding of Isaac could come to 3DS, says McMillen
    31. CoD4 PS3 apparently suffering from boot freezing hack
    32. UK charts: FIFA 12 dominates final two weeks of 2011
    33. Rumour: Wii U to get own app store
    34. Empire: 007 Skyfall to get game tie-in
    35. Holiday Retrospective - What happened in December 2011
    36. Back in the saddle: the rest of the Christmas '11 news
    37. Enterbrain: 3DS hits 4.1 million units sold in Japan
    38. Rumour - Nintendo prepping eReader subscription service for 3DS, Wii U
    39. IndieRoyale New Year's Bundle up for pre-order
    40. Street Fighter x Tekken screen outs new characters
    41. Research - Cheating in games is infectious and unpopular
    42. Rumour - Disney Epic Mickey 2 going co-op, multi-platform
    43. Veteran calls out "crass," "hideous" MW3 advertising
    44. Analyst - GTA V will outsell the next Call of Duty
    1. Shenmue City shuttered
    2. Report - Crysis 2 tops 2011 piracy chart at 4m downloads
    3. Anonymous targets Sony again, hopes to avoid consumer consequence
    4. Bastion tops 500,000 sales
    5. Star Wars: The Old Republic in the running for Mac port
    6. First Sonic 4 Episode 2 trailer confirms Metal Sonic, Tails
    7. Holiday Retrospective: What happened in November 2011
    1. Rumour: God of War IV to feature online co-op
    2. Square Enix Europe trademarks "Hitman: Profession"
    3. Atlus: "That title you’ve been waiting for" could be announced in 2012
    4. Kitase: Final Fantasy X for PS3 and Vita a "remake," still early in development
    5. Holiday Retrospective: What happened in October 2011