Lich King breaks internal records at EB Games
The Witcher on consoles to look and control better than PC version, says Stilinsky
Midway says secret game looks “better” than Gears 2, downplays “spiral of doom” talk
Sony offering direct-to-customer 40Gb PS3 discount
SCEE ships Home beta invites en masse
Capcom shares hit five-year high
Far Cry 2 wins on PC, says Eurogamer
Rumour: "Jasper" 360s shipping now
Lara does stuff in T3's offices: pictures
MyPSN arrives on European PlayStation.com
Mikami: "I won't play Resi 5"
Seaman-related game coming to iPhone
PC gaming is still "healthy," says AMD boss
The Old Republic gets new shots
Rockstar talks GTA IV PC DRM
20 new Bayonetta screens posted
GameStation Fable II ?20 offer confirmed
Destroy All Humans PS3 release confirmed for Europe
Square Enix: Final Fantasy XIII on 360 not a “betrayal”
Japanese hardware sales, November 17-23
Rumour: GTA IV DLC sold as boxed product for $20
GTA IV PC to have 32-way multiplay
Get Microsoft to ask Ensemble things about Halo Wars
Euro PSN update, November 27
Euro SOCOM PS3 pushed to "early 2009"
First Gears 2 patch attends to multiplayer waiting times
Red Alert 3 demo up on Live
Steam sells THQ bumper pack
Live discounts "not possible" in Europe, says Nelson
Rumour: GameStation to cut Fable II to ?20 next week
Pachter's Assassin's Creed 2 comments just "rumour", says Ubi
Gamestop has a "week's supply of Wiis," says boss
Resident Evil 5 demo coming West, but later
EA demands apology over German "pig" comment
?50,000 offered to aspiring PSN developers
Dreamcast is 10 today
Imagine cans NRevolution
Professor Layton to get feature-length movie in Japan
US PS Movie Store update, November 27
Resident Evil 5 comes forward a week in Japan, gets CE
The Dragon Age "experience" outlined by BioWare in video
Fiddy 2: The diamond skull? Fiddy's idea
Super Stardust Portable releasing next week
Japanese software sales, November 17-24
IGN and IGN UK go high on Prince of Persia review
Assassin's Creed 2 set in the 1700s, says Pachter
Ubi hopes Prince of Persia "can be in the 9s"
"Who gives a s**t" about target renders, says Motorstorm dev
Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon PS3 cancelled due to "development issues"
The Agency won't be going "outright for $15 a month"
Gamestation to open 250th store this week
Sony shows PS3 peripheral charger
CoD: WaW LE owners getting double XP this weekend
Ubisoft: 'working hard' on Assassin's Creed 2, no release date
Rare pitched Avatars for Xbox 360 launch
Ben 10 sells 2.5 million worldwide
Grey logo news "two years late," says Nintendo
Report: Yakuza 3 gets Japanese date
New Killzone 2 vid shows weapons
Report: F.E.A.R. 2 banned in Australia (Update)
Future's share price rebounds on news of growth
The Last Remnant DLC to start from December 1
Rockstar shows yet more from the GTA IV PC video editor
Microsoft: "Credit crunch means more quality family time this Christmas"
360 at triple PS3 sales in the UK, marketing at "launch levels"
Resident Evil 5 co-op demo next month (Update)
Valve publishes Left 4 Dead Achievement stats
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix hits Live
Wii hits 7 million in Japan
Future shows growth, share price hits record low
GTA IV PC - New shots
Sony movies now available on Netflix 360
MGO v1.20 brings whopping update
US PSN update, November 25
Aonuma won't quit Zelda till he's beaten Ocarina
Nintendo switches to grey logo
Watch someone walk around Home for 15 minutes
SKATE 2 trailer shows skating, looks cool
Thanksgiving LBP DLC puts turkey on Sackboy's head
Geometry Wars hits 1 million leaderboard entries
Wii Sports presents "challenge" to Peter Moore, says Peter Moore
Nintendo: You can resell Wii Speak
Halo 3: Recon renamed Halo 3: ODST
SKATE 2 confirmed for JANUARY
HAWX delayed, says Ubi: No it isn't, says Ubi
PS3 Firmware 2.53 to release tomorrow, includes full-screen Flash support
Super SFII Turbo HD Remix is only delayed for PS3 in EU, out on 360 tomorrow
Killzone 2 has no install
Microsoft shows PoP 360 bundle
SSFII Turbo HD delayed in Europe
Fallout 3 Creation Kit and DLC announced for January, February and March
And the reason there's no Wales in FIFA 09 is...
Keyboards are still better for shooters, says Carmack
51% of Tomb Raider: Underworld sales go to PS3
Dead Space demo on Live
Social problems to blame for 90% of gaming "addiction"
Japanese financial rag says gaming market is "melancholy"
EyeToy devs question rival casual titles
"No plans" for March PS3 price cut, says SCEA
NXE to offer community games in new regions
Fable II conjures up 1.5 million copies, people buy them
SCEA: PSP piracy is "trending down"
Sony launches the PlayStation credit card
Tomb Raider: Underworld launch period has been "crazy," says Carroll
Funcom confirms lay-offs
Relic "definitely looking" at Homeworld 3
Viva Pi?ata to get jukebox for Christmas
FIFA 09 doesn't include Welsh team, man is angry
Home gets home on PlayStation.com
Red Alert 3 demo released
Call of Duty: World at War holds number one in UK
PoP gets Elika trailer
New Godfather II screens have guns
New Stormrise shots emerge
New island confirmed for Fable II
Dead Space demo releasing tomorrow
"4%" EEDAR profit claim is bollocks, says EEDAR
Far Cry 2 DLC to cost 800 MS Points
Rumour: Reeves mails SCEE staff with NDA reminder after 2009 plan leak
Ali Wood to edit PC Zone
Xbox 360 surpasses original Xbox installed base
MS takes Guild distribution license
Jaffe sees God of War III, pops cork
Australia: DS hits 1.5 million, Wii on 750,000
Xbox 360 celebrates third birthday
US Army dedicates $50 million to games training
NXE: How to make you Avatar burp, and other stuff
Blizzard celebrates WoW's fourth birthday with small bears
The Punisher: No Mercy gets first footage
Rumour: Funcom lays off "70%" of US staff
Rumour: PS3 price-cutting planned for March, Uncharted 2 and GoW3 shown in UK
Three new FFXI expansions announced, 500,000 users claimed
Batman: Arkham Asylum debut trailer released
Banjo XBLA and CoD content available on Xbox.com [Updated]
First Last Remnant reviews don't bode well
US PC charts - November 2-8
Avatar clothing to be free, maybe not in the spring
Gearbox lays-off in Hell's Highway's wake, Pitchford admits "internal strategy" shift
GameTrailers video editor: "The 360 controller is a far superior gaming device than the Sony controller"
Pre-order GTA IV on Steam, get Vice City free
Gran Turismo for PSP is "moving forward," hasn't been "knocked off the plans"
EEDAR: Only 4% of games ever make a profit
Man films children playing games
New Yakuza 3 trailer is massive, has fighting
PC Gamer gives GTA IV PC 92%
Rise of the Argonauts video explains levelling
NXE causing sound loss for HDMI users
Tabula Rasa shutting down on February 28
Red Alert 3 demo hitting next Monday
Midway served NYSE delisting notice
DJ Hero to involve Tiesto, out summer 2009
Burnout Paradise's Carson Extreme Hotrod has blue flames, is fast
Far Cry 2 DLC to release in November
Bethesda working on Fallout 3 patch
Newell "extremely pleased" with L4D reception
Chat to Valve's Chet Faliszek on Left 4 Dead at 5.00pm GMT
US PS Movie Store update, November 21
Eidos UK PR firm: We are "not in the position of telling reviewers what they can and cannot say"
Over 100,000 Home beta invites sent out today
UK Tomb Raider: Underworld reviews under 8/10 silenced until Monday [Update]
Sugababes see in NXE: pictures
Altair skin to appear in PoP
Future renames GamesRadar for Lara launch, gets in muddle over review scores
Rumour: GameStation to drop PES 09 to ?20, Live Starter Pack to ?50
NXE: XNA community games region specific? [Updated]
UFC fighter dropped after refusing to sign game agreement
UK dev source: We can't check game saves to add Trophies retroactively, Jan 1 cut-off confirmed
Killzone 2 is out on February 17, says Gamespot journo
Japanese hardware sales, November 10-16
SSF2 Turbo HD Remix pricing confirmed
Ziff may ditch EGM's print version
Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor gets first trailer and impressions
More Dawn of War II impressions, unedited gameplay movie
David Jaffe’s new game probably coming in 2010, maybe sooner
Xtival details and line-up confirmed
Nelson shows off premium NXE themes
First Lips DLC available today
CoD: World ar War PC mod tools released
US PSN update, November 20
PS3 Trophies to be mandatory beginning January 2009
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix confirmed for November 25 launch
PS3 MGS4 bundle now cheap as chips at Wal-mart
LittleBigPlanet patch 1.04 now live?
PEGI traffic light ratings to go live in Europe this spring
Gamestop: Music genre not as "robust" as it was
Gamestop quarterly sales rise to $1.7 billion, profit down to $47
Terminator Salvation - The Videogame to launch alongside movie
PSP Firmware 5.02 released
Euro PSN update, November 20
GTA IV: The Lost and Damned gets first screens
Square Enix: "One-console market is over"
Microsoft claims Euro victory over PS3 since 360 price cut
Blizzard: We are not threatened by EA and The Old Republic
GTA IV 360 DLC will have "new multiplayer modes, weapons and vehicles," says press release [Update]
Play.com pushes price with PS3 packs
Wrath of the Lich King sells 2.8 million in 24 hours
Rosenblatt returns to EA from Ubi
Italy: "Severe brain disorder" turns out to be "PlayStation addiction"
Xbox 360 passes 7 million sales in Europe, in "fantastic place" against PS3
Home beta invites sent out to Qore subs, v1.0 released onto test servers
GTA IV DLC confirmed for February 17, titled "The Lost and Damned"
NXE team working on Marketplace "issues"
THQ and Activision settle Baja box art suit
Japanese software sales, November 10-16
Google cans Lively
Dawn of War II: New footage, screens, details and interview
Sony Netflix cock-block "not specific to Xbox"
Gran Turismo is 10, gets played at 240fps and 3840x2160
Judge throws out Dead Rising Romero case
PlayStation.com to include PSN ID sign-in next week
National Geographic to publish Afrika in the US?
XBLA Banjo delayed to December 3
Half-Life is 10, on Steam for $1
GDC Canada 2009 dates announced
New Dragon Age info - history, screenshots
BioShock PS3 DLC hitting tomorrow
Chronicles of Spellborn gets US date
Sony fined $18.5 million in PSP patent infringement case
Square to publish LostWinds in Japan
NXE: Bungie explains why Halo 3 loads faster from disc that hard drive
NXE: Marketplace errors reported, Netflix log-in issues resolved
First Lips reviews show split decision
Tomb Raider: Underworld gets "OK" reviews
Colin McRae: DiRT 2 announced, first shots, interview
Wheelman out on February 20 in US and Europe
Computer runs Crysis at 60fps, costs $8,000
Games consoles cost US $1 billion a year in wasted power
The Last Remnant launches tomorrow
No big Fable news this week, says Lionhead
NXE: When good themes turn bad
GameStation announces half-price Christmas deals
THQ facing UK staff cuts
Imagine readies to launch NowGamer.com
See GTA IV's PC movie editor in action
SCEE - LBP would have been number one outside the Holiday season
Reggie: Third-parties don't "get" Wii
Sugababes launching NXE in the UK tomorrow
GTi Club+ to hit PSN on December 4
NXE: First Avatar game, A Kingdom for Keflings, now available
NXE: Nelson's top 10 things to do with your New Xbox Experience
NXE: Rare makes special VG247 Avatar - pics!
NXE: Avatar theme packs confirmed for next six months
The New Xbox Experience goes live
New Xbox Experience set for 10.00 GMT: World braces for impact
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix for November 26 launch
Make PS3 birthday LBP level, win Sackboy crown
EA closes Blueprint
Gears of War 2 tops Live play charts
PSP v5.02 Firmware imminent
Tomb Raider: Underworld ships
Sackboy to have television on head this Thursday
NXE Netflix streaming loses Sony's Columbia Pictures movies
Ex-Midway guys: Unreal Engine 3 tinkering put Midway in “spiral of doom”
GTA IV PC launching on December 3, not December 2
Rumour: NXE to launch at 5am EST
Rumour: Home v1.0 to enter closed beta on November 20
Good Old Games gets Epic stuff
Epic working with MS to speed up Gears 2 matchmaking
Kim: NXE will tranform Live into "social and entertainment network"
Koei and Tecmo merger agreed for April, worth $207 million
Mines of Moria expansion launches for LotRO
Xbox.com web-based marketplace almost launched, Avatars spotted
Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - new movie
Castlevania Judgment: seven movies
New Lips demo trailer leaves us without words
Import a DSi for less through Renchi
Brash sued by developers for non-payment
Crytek opens Korean office
CoD: World at War is UK's third fastest selling game ever
PS3 controller keypad gets UK date and price
Microsoft heralds NXE's imminent "new era of entertainment"
New Spore patch available now
LotRO likely to be second truly successful western MMO in Asia, says Steefel
New Deus Ex 3 concept art posted
Microsoft opens NXE to all who signed up for preview
Lips TV ad is a bit odd
Smash Bros. Brawl is America's biggest selling game this year
OutRun Online Arcade listed on OFLC site
Sonic Unleashed a little bit delayed in North America
Yet more from Halo Wars preview events
Sony claims 14 million active PSN accounts
US PS3 is two today
PS3 TV ads feature people staring into space
Valve releases Steam version of Left 4 Dead
New Eight Days footage released
inFamous length "to be determined," says Sony
Square Enix to open LA studio to work on new IP for 360
NXE launch vid shows imaginary world with floaty things
Cryptic to port Champions Online and Star Trek Online to PS3?
Our future projects "will surprise people," says Rare
CoD: World at War goes top in the UK, LBP vanishes, Banjo fails to reach top 40
No plans to change WoW pricing in the US, says Morhaime
Swedish boy faints after 24-hour WotLK session
All WotLK raid content defeated
NPD anal-ised, Matt Mathews takes his graphs elsewhere
Re-designed PS Blog published
Halo Wars: Hands ons, new screens, interviews, disbelief at Ensemble closure
Live is completely, absolutely, properly fixed, says Nelson
Watchmen: First shots
Halo MMO was pre-Covenant and fully green-lit, says Ensemble boss
Fallout 3 tops US PC chart for October
Infogrames revenues climb 45% in fiscal first half
New Gears 2 maps shown in shots?
US Wii hardware sales top 360 by nearly 2 million
Metal Gear Online MEME expansion to launch on November 25
More photos from the UK Wrath of the Lich King launch
Halo 3: Recon in open-world, has flashbacks
"Significant" DLC planned for Prince of Persia
Left 4 Dead had no Co-op mode originally
New pictures of Lara model show single expression
KOTOR MMO is "overwhelming," says Lucas boss, but the opportunity is "huge"
More detail on GTA Chinawars rumoured
Miyamoto celebrates 56th birthday
Live officially down for maintenance this morning
New MadWorld shots posted
City of Heroes community manager resigns
Xbox boss – Don't bash Nintendo
Rare mentions new games in Banjo, is almost certainly "a joke"
LBP level gets axed for no discernible reason
Live connection issue resolved, says Nelson [Updated]
NFS Undercover: The first 10 minutes
Epic wins US tech award
KOTOR MMO gets now concept art
Huxley delayed until 2009
MS giving away muchos Live points in competition
Microsoft investigating mass Live disconnections
PlayStation Blog gets redesign
PoP movie shown on location in EW interview
US Club Nintendo rewards "weighted more toward physical goods"
Moria movie makes claims at "biggest, grandest dungeon space ever"
SouthPeak sales drop 54% year-on-year
SOE "challenges" other firms to stump up game dev scholarships for women
SCEA plans moves on Latin America
Football Manager authentication issues fixed
Everton FC signs SI Games' FM database
Aion: The Tower of Eternity breaks beta test record in Korea
Guitar Hero World Tour to get Killers on release day
Blue Mars gets release dates
October NPD: Wii Music to be "evergreen title," says Dunaway
NXE installation shown in video
Burnout Paradise to get Toy Cars Pack
Sega apologises for FM09 activation issues
PS3 keypad delayed to December
Valve releases Complete Pack
Street Fighter IV dates confirmed for US and Europe
New PoP story trailer released
US PS Movie Store update, November 14
Massive Age of Conan update goes live
New Fiddy trailer is awesome
WAR to launch in Korea
FIFA 09 hits 1 million in five weeks
Call of Duty: World at War releases, reviews say thumbs up
Codemasters acquires second Swordfish studio
Resident Evil 5 gets 15 new screens
Lich King sees first level 80 in 27 hours
Report: Brash shutting down
October NPD - Everything in one place
Japanese hardware sales - November 3-9
Company bosses eye cautious growth in 2009
October NPD - Microsoft sticks boot into PS3 in post-figures release
October NPD - Nintendo statement focuses on hardware sales
October NPD - PS3 sales up 56% YoY, says Sony
Nintendo: Don't expect a new console any time soon
LBP again rumoured for PSP
NXE preview enters third and final stage
US PSN content update for November 14
October NPD - Wii Music sells 81K, GHWT hits 534K
October NPD - US games market grows 18% year-on-year
October NPD software data - Fable II sells 790,000 for top spot
October NPD hardware data - Wii sales soar, 360 flattens PS3
Massive to work on Ubi MMOs
Battlefield Heroes delayed into 2009
Microsoft looks to 100 million consoles with 360, NPD to show 2:1 ratio to PS3 for October
Euro PSN update, November 13
GTA: Chinatown Wars delayed, GTA IV DLC gets rough January date
Wrath of the Lich King launch: More from NYC, stuff from Sydney and Paris
Best Buy buggered as credit crunch smashes US retail
World of Goo has 90% piracy rate, says 2D Boy
Penny Arcade Episode 2 releases digitally
TedTheDog gets serious about Home open beta timing shiznit, yo
NXE trailer likely to have competitors a bit worried
This is how not to get LBP levels deleted, says SCEE
Microsoft planning to launch Steam rival?
Halo 3: Recon is 5-6 hours long, "Not a $60 title"
COD: World At War ?27 at Asda
Japanese market drops by more than 20% simce 2007
WoW character customisation charges are a "deterrent," says Blizzard
Gamers react badly to anti-MadWorld remarks
Shots from the Wrath of the Lich King San Fran and NYC launches posted
Sonic Unleashed can win back the fans, says Sega
US PC sales charts, October 26 - November 1
Japanese software sales, November 3-9
Lich King claims prize for biggest launch event in UK
Halo 3 Recon detailed in next issue of Game Informer
Wrath of the Lich King UK launch - photo gallery
Wrath of the Lich King gets launch shots
inFamous will be "about quality", not length, says creative director
EA Sports Active announced, targeted at mid-30s women
Wrath of the Lich King launches in London
ESRB adds ratings summaries to its site
Monumental buys Fiddy developer Swordfish Studios
Age of Conan to release in Korea
Blizzard COO: We're not milking StarCraft 2
Xbox is a "top Microsoft moment," says Time
Blizzard COO: Growth still important to WoW, still seeing "meaningful" subs increases
Blizzard COO: Our new MMO is "cool, new, different, next generation"
Halo 3 multiplayer is "Quake 3 from 1999," says Wedgwood
Ubi to spend ?4 million on Christmas Wii and DS ads
Supreme Commander 2 confirmed, Square to publish
The Last Remnant gets 38/40 in Famitsu
World of Goo coming to WiiWare in Europe
Imagine games mags get new EIC
Capcom shows all time sales for million-beating games
Mirror's Edge reviews are middling to good
Gears 2 sells 2 million copies in launch weekend
Blizzard COO Paul Sams to attend Lich King London event tonight
Champions Onlines "is really very far along," says Roper
Gamestop heralding Lich Kinch launch with hundreds of midnight openings
Major Nelson: We ban modded 360s from Live for the "health of the video game business"
NCsoft profits plummet 50% in last quarter
Blizzard bans 350,000 cheaters from Battle.Net
Valve details filmic effects used in Left 4 Dead
Sins of a Solar Empire expansion delayed
Banjo launches in the US
Shapiro takes job as Oddworld president
Battlestations: Pacific movies show Japanese and US campaigns
Apple: PSP and DS are in the past
Prince of Persia PC specs aren't horrendous
Next Destroy All Humans gets December release date
Left 4 Dead demo out now for PC
Richard Garriott lost in space, quits NCsoft
Monster CoD: World at War PC patch released
Far Cry 2 sells over 1 million units
Big Fable II news announced next week, says Lionhead
Left 4 Dead demo hits Live
Square updates Q1 line-up
PS3 has "radical functionality," says Maguire
Wii Speak to retail for ?25
Mirror's Edge PC, DLC, launching in January
Retail braces for blockbusting release week
Epic Games China launches Titan Studios
Codemasters launches "drive" for Russia
Man creates NXE Avatar in video
Prince of Persia PC slips by a week
Gears of War 2 Xbox 360 shown off
Japanese White Knight Chronicles ad shows waterfall
Valve switches off Left 4 Demo split-screen, plans to include it in final game
GameStation drops online delivery fees
EA still tight-lipped on Mirror’s Edge PC release date
NPD: More smartphone owners play games on mobiles than use business apps
WoW under siege from Lich King forces as expansion nears launch
Left 4 Dead 'Dead Air' campaign mode detailed
Sonic Unleashed delayed until 2009 in Japan, still on track in West
Fallout 3 censored in Japan
G4TV posts 15 minutes of Left 4 Dead footage
360 gets Australian price cut
Capcom PSN Store releasing on Thursday
GameTrailers gets medieval on ESRB's ass over Fallout trailers
Midway Q3 losses more than double
Gears 2 not influenced by Predator 2
New LotRO dev diary talks classes
All European Wrath of the Lich King midnight openings detailed
Ubisoft gets Massive
Stardock to release a new game every Q1, every year for the next 5 years
Circuit City files for bankruptcy
Current gen consoles "a giant leap backwards," says ClickZ
Jumpgate Evolution beta gets 150,000 sign-ups
Maguire claims competitors are waning, best is to come from PS3
No Left 4 Dead PS3... ever
360 rules PS3, Wii up to 775,000 in October, says Pachter
Gears of War 2 tops UK chart, LBP only manages fourth
Lara escapes sinking ship in new Underworld trailer
Tomb Raider: Underworld trailer talks environments
US Wii sales to show 45% year-on-year increase in October, says EEDAR
Morhaime and Pearce to attend NYC Lich King launch on Wednesday
UK market set to deliver "unprecedented" Christmas sales
Madden is biggest global seller in third quarter
Activision buys Budcat
LotRO boss: We're not worried by Lich King
Rare apologises over Banjo SD text issue
Need for Speed Undercover gets lengthy map video
UK retail mag In Stock folds (update)
First Deus Ex shots posted
Dead Space DLC packs detailed and dated
BioWare boss: The Old Republic melee combat will be "choreographed"
Tomb Raider: Underworld gets "experiential website"
Geomerics to light up EVE's Walking on Stations expansion
Eurogamer launches Italian site
inFamous man interviewed Live on EG this week
CCP shows FPS in Iceland, admits "console strategy"
Atari to sell EVE boxed copy
Capps: "We really need to make strides against the secondhand market"
Houser "not sure" if GTA IV DLC will make this year
Dell offering Arcade 360 and Rock Band 2 for $199
Dragon Quest V lifts Square profit by 14%
EA sued over SecuROM
Newell: Meeting Miyamoto was "cool"
Hickey predicts 5 million Lich King sales in month one
Rare to fix Banjo text size for SD TVs
Don Mattrick: I invented Avatars
CoD: World at War - The first amazingly violent five minutes
LittleBigPlanet levels deleted over copyright issues
Star Wars: The Old Republic - new shots
Sacred 2 to have legal game-sharing
Video shows Avatars in A Kingdom for Keflings
Gears 2 golden lancer problem supposedly fixed
Wii sold 10.8 million European units in 2008
NXE Parties and photo-sharing detailed
Burnout Paradise to include Back to the Future car
First Watchmen shots in new EGM
Left 4 Dead demo tweaks allow zombie play
Killzone 2 beta footage inevitably posted
Infinity Ward's Bowling explodes at CoD5 producer's claims: "You're completely f**king wrong"
Motorstorm dev boss: "Everybody makes such a big f**king deal" out of target renders
Gear 2 London launch pics posted
Hands-on with EVE's Walking in Stations
Shots posted from the LA Gears 2 launch
PSW gives CoD5 10/10, "Treyarch has toppled Infinity Ward"
Golden lancer code not working in Gears 2?
RPS posts monster Left 4 Dead gallery
US PS movie store update, November 7
Fallout 3: All formats compared in shots and video
EndWar out today
SCEE released third and final LBP TV ad
New Last Remant gameplay videos show battles
New Mines of Moria screens and movie released
Blue Castle to make Dead Rising 2
Game launches ?200, 60Gb Gears 2 bundle with two controllers
Acti-Blizz made most money from Wii in Q3
First NXE Avatar game revealed
Gears of War 2 launches worldwide
Ghostbusters officially goes to Atari
Brash cuts 20 thanks to "tough economic landscape"
OFLC to make canned 18 rating discussion paper public
US PSN update, November 6
Gears 2 Flashback maps compared to first game in video
Quartermann: Bleszinski's next game is survival horror
Game addiction clinic opens in Canada
Dennis Hopper did Mario movie to buy his kid shoes
Miyamoto: "Wii Music development was relatively easy"
360 is console with highest attach rate, says Gamasutra
New Company of Heroes expansion to have three "mini-campaigns"
More Gears 2 screens and art posted
MGS4 sells over 4 million, Konami shows big profit for first fiscal half
Bleszinski: "This would be a great job if I wanted to sleep with 15 year-old boys"
Not being able to rip a Locusts arm off and beat him to death with it is Cliffy's greatest regret
Lara model caught out on archaeology questions by Danish paper
Ubi loses rights to publish Heroes game
Halo Wars to hit in February, CE to include Mythic map pack
R4 SD cards wont work on DSi
Geraldine Laybourne joins EA board of directors
Sega reveals Mega Drive collection for PS3 and 360
Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero? gets US date
Edit and proofread in-game text for Square Enix
EVE's Premium graphics only "half done"
Euro PSN update, November 6
Sonic Unleashed video hits the beach
MGS4 demo released in Europe
Mirror's Edge goes gold
LBP servers down for maintenance tonight
EA to close Casual label
Japanese hardware sales: DSi flies off shelves, PS3 sales shoot up
Listen to Cliff Bleszinski live on the internet tonight
Second LBP UK TV ad shows the heavy metal, yes
Home Beta invites will be sent out on the basis of "loyalty"
Turbine will announce console MMO projects "early next year"
EuroClash to publish Currys games mag
4.7 million copies of Fallout 3 shipped in launch week
Ellie Gibson tells Red Alert Gemma to put plasters on her nipples
MGS4 demo hits Japanese PSN
BioWare boss details sample "rescue Leia" mission from The Old Republic
Punters don't take game worlds "very seriously," says Bleszinski
Mirror's Edge is 12 hours long
Home open beta to go live "weeks" after next Qore issue
Schafer posts original Grim Fandango design doc
Resident Evil 5 will sell 3.2 million copies, says Capcom
Acti-Blizz Q3 financials - Everything in one place
Acti-Blizz Q3 financials - Guitar Hero is biggest selling franchise in US this year
Acti-Blizz Q3 financials - More than 70 Acti SKUs to release next year
GTA IV goes top in Japan
Acti-Blizz Q3 financials - People want Guitar Hero instrument upgrades, say execs
Acti-Blizz Q3 financials - We dropped VUG games because they weren't exploitable enough, says Kotick
Acti-Blizz Q3 financials - We can't cope with GHWT demand, says Kotick
Acti-Blizz Q3 financials - Full earnings call transcript published
MTV to give Harmonix a further $150 million
Yoko Ono is "hip," "excited" about Beatles game
Acti-Blizz Q3 financials - High percentage of those leaving WoW return, says Morhaime
Acti-Blizz Q3 financials - PS3 will grow faster than 360 this year, says Griffith
Acti-Blizz Q3 financials - We may charge for GHWT user-content, says Kotick
Left 4 Dead demo releasing this morning
Acti-Blizz Q3 financials - Sequel-centric strategy has "worked very well," says Kotick
THQ delays Red Faction: Guerilla and Darksiders
Banjo’s text too tiny for SDTVs, but Rare refuses to fix it
Saints Row 2 ships more than 2 million units
THQ losses plunge in Q2, 250 staff to be cut
Activision blames Blizzard for $108 million Q3 loss
Banjo reviews get brighter - round-up
Netflix streaming trial cards to be bundled in 360 games
PS3 sells 1 million in France
Far Cry 2 patched
Banjo goes for 7 on Eurogamer
Left 4 Dead's Versus mode savaged by RPS
14-minute White Knights Chronicles movie showing battles, making-of
Killzone 2 public beta gets underway
BioShock PS3 DLC gets trailered
New Godfather II trailer released
SCEE shows 160Gb PSN PS3 bundle (update)
Eurogamer goes with 9 for Resistance 2
Square Enix online store opens in Europe
Gaming expected to be UK's biggest form of entertainment this year
IGN batters Wii version of Quantum of Solace
Capcom profits and sales rise for second quarter
UK Capom dates aren't true, says Capcom UK
First Banjo review published - IGN goes with 8.3
LittleBigPlanet launches in Europe, new TV ad released
Social gaming has "not had much of an impact in Japan," says Sony
Riccitiello drops $1 million on EA stock
Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine Online beta sign-ups open now
Metacritic to disallow voting on games pre-launch
Resistance 2 launches in the US
Lego Batman demo up on Live
Playing betas is like saying, "Yeah, I f**ked her," says Bleszinski
Public CoD: WaW 360 multiplayer beta now live
PS3 Firmware 2.52 released
Valkyria Chronicles DLC confirmed for western release
Over 70,000 attend EA London Games Festival Event
Hellgate still facing Western shutdown -- despite upcoming expansion
Stardock announces Elemental: War of Magic
Nintendo president hates price drops for consumers' sakes
EndWar gets Bluetooth headset bundle, first reviews
Inferno details possibly leaked through developer's CV
RPS goes to Valve for monster L4D hands-on
Shoot! film shorts to launch on PSN
Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - 21 new shots
CoD5 is favourite for Christmas number one
Sega pulls Samba de Amigo chimp ads after PETA pipes up
Six new Killzone 2 screens released
Street Fighter IV and Bionic Commando dated for the UK
Red Alert 3 PS3 before Christmas, to support 1080p
Fallout 3 PC patch expected today
Fallout 3 to get Trophies, says Hines
"Half the things" intended for NXE were cut out, says MS
Fallout 3's Hines interviewed live at 4.00pm GMT
LittleBigWorkshop goes live
PSN gets scheduled maintenance today
Wrath of the Lich King beta complete, Blizzard prepares for lift off
Damnation moves to 2009
New Hellgate expansion in development
New Mirror's Edge story trailer released
Far Cry 2 tops US PC charts
Juice Games to lose 30 staff
Metal Gear Online has 1 million "members", says Konami
Nikkei to release educational financial thing for DS
Itagaki-less Team Ninja in love with PS3, looking into Wii
Sony: Devs will lead on PS3, remove functionality for weaker processors
Epic: Microsoft "winning" online battle with "cool stuff"
Street Fighter II HD Remix goes into submission
Angelina Jolie: My kids play videogames
DSi has 256Mb of internal memory
New Halo Wars trailer shows proper gameplay
Gamespot gives Gears of War 2 9/10
Confirmed: THQ shuts fives studios, makes lay-offs at two more
Steam Cloud to launch this week
Atari announces Alone in the Dark: Inferno PS3 date
THQ announces Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor
THQ to shut between four and five publishing studios, Paradigm confirmed dissolved
Fallout 3 goes top in the UK
Rise of the Argonauts slips back from November
Develop 2009 dated
Tabula Rasa to get FPS view
Epic find Gears 2 reviews "humbling"
BioShock PS3 DLC detailed and priced
Sony: Activision lost Beatles deal because "it was presented as if they were doing the music business a favor"
Gears of War 2 review embargo lifted - round-up
Resistance 2 TV spot shows people being stupid
Pachter drops price targets on THQ and Acti-Blizz
Hellgate's Bill Roper lands at Cryptic Studios
Universal and Sony unveil PS3 game vending machine
NXE isn't finished yet, says Microsoft
MTV trials ads in pirated movie content: 'We've been doing it games for years,' says IGA
Nintendo UK: Where people don't play games, we have work to do
Universal takes movie rights to EA's Inferno
EA refuses to confirm or deny LMNO lay-offs
Time says Spore in 20th best invention of 2008
Heavy Rain - Entire E3 demo filmed off-screen
Gears of War 2 - 50 high-res screens
World of Goo released for Mac
DSi launches in Japan, very few people queue to get one
EA: Forum banning does not ban you from all EA games
No UK 360 price cut for "many, many years in the future"
Robbie Bach personally kicked ass over Live mess on Christmas Day 2007
Saboteur release date slips to fiscal '10
Gears review embargo lifting on Monday
Skate 2 coming in January
New Xbox Experience leaked onto net
More than 20,000 retailers to open at midnight for Gears 2
Belgians not "banning" games rentals, says Belgian
NXE torn apart - detailed load time differences, HD movies, kitchen sink